The document outlines 10 rules for having a blessed day:
1. Do not strike back if someone is rude or impatient.
2. Ask God to bless anyone who treats you harshly, including family, neighbors, coworkers or strangers.
3. Carefully choose your words to avoid gossip, slander or maligning others.
4. Find ways to help others and make life more pleasant.
5. Forgive any hurts from the past or present.
6. Secretly do something nice for someone to bless their life.
7. Treat others as you wish to be treated using the Golden Rule.
8. Raise the spirits of anyone who is discouraged through kindness.
9. N
The document discusses hacking and hackers from the perspective of a hacker. In three sentences:
It describes the journey of a hacker from feeling bored by traditional schooling to discovering their passion and belonging within computer systems and hacking communities. It asserts that hackers are seeking knowledge and challenging authority, not committing crimes, and that authorities cannot stop the hacker movement because there are too many alike thinkers. The passage is presented as a "hacker's manifesto" defending hacking and the hacker lifestyle.
Developing Expert Voices Question #1 Solution Ver 2GreyM
The document discusses two racers whose speeds are represented by mathematical functions. Racer 1's speed is increasing over time, represented by the function j(x)=10sin((pi/5)(x))+40+x. Racer 2's speed is constant, represented by k(x)=5sin((pi/5)(x))+70. The functions are set equal to determine when the racers' speeds will be equal. By taking the reciprocal of both sides and finding the x-values where the reciprocals intersect, the solution is found to be x=30 twentieths of the track. Therefore, it will take the racers one and a half laps for Racer 1 to double Racer 2's speed.
Thesis proposition research: Mobile contentVitabis
A summary of different tools for consuming and creating content on mobile phones. This presentation was created for the Experimental Media '08 course @ Communication & MultimediaDesign (
The document outlines 10 rules for having a blessed day:
1. Do not strike back if someone is rude or impatient.
2. Ask God to bless anyone who treats you harshly, including family, neighbors, coworkers or strangers.
3. Carefully choose your words to avoid gossip, slander or maligning others.
4. Find ways to help others and make life more pleasant.
5. Forgive any hurts from the past or present.
6. Secretly do something nice for someone to bless their life.
7. Treat others as you wish to be treated using the Golden Rule.
8. Raise the spirits of anyone who is discouraged through kindness.
9. N
The document discusses hacking and hackers from the perspective of a hacker. In three sentences:
It describes the journey of a hacker from feeling bored by traditional schooling to discovering their passion and belonging within computer systems and hacking communities. It asserts that hackers are seeking knowledge and challenging authority, not committing crimes, and that authorities cannot stop the hacker movement because there are too many alike thinkers. The passage is presented as a "hacker's manifesto" defending hacking and the hacker lifestyle.
Developing Expert Voices Question #1 Solution Ver 2GreyM
The document discusses two racers whose speeds are represented by mathematical functions. Racer 1's speed is increasing over time, represented by the function j(x)=10sin((pi/5)(x))+40+x. Racer 2's speed is constant, represented by k(x)=5sin((pi/5)(x))+70. The functions are set equal to determine when the racers' speeds will be equal. By taking the reciprocal of both sides and finding the x-values where the reciprocals intersect, the solution is found to be x=30 twentieths of the track. Therefore, it will take the racers one and a half laps for Racer 1 to double Racer 2's speed.
Thesis proposition research: Mobile contentVitabis
A summary of different tools for consuming and creating content on mobile phones. This presentation was created for the Experimental Media '08 course @ Communication & MultimediaDesign (
1. 悋 悖 惺 悋忰惆悸 ... 惆 惘惠悋 ... 悖悋 悋惠 惠愕惡惡 悋悒忰惘悋悴 . My mom only had one eye. I hated her... she was such an embarrassment.
2. 悋惠 惠惺 愀悋悸 悋惆惘愕悸 悋惠 悖惠惺 悋 惠惺 悋惺悋悧悸 . She cooked for students & teachers to support the family.
3. 悵悋惠 ... 悋惘忰悸 悋悋惡惠惆悋悧悸 悴悋悄惠 惠愀悧 惺ル . There was this one day during elementary school where my mom came to say hello to me.
4. 悖忰愕愕惠 惡悋悒忰惘悋悴 惺悋 ... 惺惠 悵悋 惡 ! I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me?!
5. 惠悴悋惠悋 , 惘惠悋 惡惴惘悸 悧悸 惡悋惘 . I ignored her, threw her a hateful look and ran out.
6. 悋 悋惠悋 悋 悖忰惆 悋惠悋悵悸 ... 悖 惡惺 悋忰惆 ... 悖 The next day at school one of my classmates said, "EEEE, your mom only has one eye!"
7. 忰悋 惠惠 悖 悖惆 愕 悖 惠悽惠 悋 忰悋惠 . I wanted to bury myself. I also wanted my mom to just disappear.
8. 悋 悋惠悋 悋悴惠悋 : 惆 悴惺惠 悖惷忰悸 , 悋 惠惠 !! So I confronted her that day and said, " If you're only gonna make me a laughing stock, why don't you just die?!!!"
13. 惆惘愕惠 惡悴惆 忰惶惠 惺 忰悸 惆惘悋愕悸 愕愃悋惘悸 . So I studied real hard, got a chance to go to Singapore to study.
14. 惺悋 .. 悵惡惠 .. 惆惘愕惠 .. 惓 惠慍悴惠 .. 悋愆惠惘惠 惡惠悋 .. 悖悴惡惠 悖悋惆悋 惠 愕惺惆悋 惘惠悋忰悋 忰悋惠 . Then, I got married. I bought a house of my own. I had kids of my own. I was happy with my life
15. 悋悖悋 .. 悖惠惠 悖 慍悋惘惠 惠 惆 惘悖惠 悵 愕悋惠 惠惘 悖忰悋惆悋 悖惡惆悋 ! Then one day, my mother came to visit me. She hadn't seen me in years and she didn't even meet her grandchildren!.
16. 惠 惺 悋惡悋惡 悖悽悵 悖悋惆 惷忰 ... When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her.
17. 惶惘悽惠 : 惠悴惘悖惠 悖惠惠 惠悽 悋愀悋 .. 悋悽惘悴 忰悋悋 !!! I screamed at her, "How dare you come to my house and scare my children!" GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!"
18. 悖悴悋惡惠 惡惆悄 : ( 悛愕悸 .. 悖悽愀悖惠 悋惺悋 惺 悋 惡惆 ).. 悋悽惠惠 .... And to this, my mother quietly answered, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address," and she disappeared out of sight.
19. 悵悋惠 惶惠 惘愕悋悸 悋惆惘愕悸 惠惆惺 悴惺 悋愆 悋惺悋悧 . One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house.
20. 悵惡惠 惺 慍悴惠 悖悽惡惘惠悋 悖 愕悖悵惡 惘忰悸 惺 ... So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip
21. 惡惺惆 悋悋悴惠悋惺 悵惡惠 悋 悋惡惠 悋惆 悋悵 悋 惺愆 , 惷 愀 !!!. After the reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity!!!.
22. 悖悽惡惘 悋悴惘悋 悖 悖 .... 惠惠 . My neighbors said that she died.
23. 悖悵惘 惆惺悸 悋忰惆悸 !! I did not shed a single tear!!.
24. 悋悋 惡惠愕 惘愕悋悸 悖 .... They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have
25. 悋惡 悋忰惡惡 .. 愀悋悋 惘惠 惡 .. "My dearest son, I think of you all the time..
26. 悛愕悸 悴悧 悒 愕愃悋惘悸 悒悽悋悸 悖悋惆 . I'm sorry that I came to Singapore and scared your children.
27. 惠 愕惺惆悸 悴惆悋 惺惆悋 愕惺惠 悖 愕 惠悖惠 悋悴惠悋惺 . I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion.
28. 惆 悋 悖愕惠愀惺 愃悋惆惘悸 悋愕惘惘 惘悗惠 . But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you.
29. 悛愕悸 悖 愕惡惡惠 悋悒忰惘悋悴 惘悋惠 惘悋惠 忰悋惠 . I'm sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were growing up.
30. 惠惺 ... 惆 惠惺惘惷惠 忰悋惆惓 惺惆悋 惠 惶愃惘悋 惆 惆惠 惺 . You see........when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye.
31. 悖 悖 , 悋愕惠愀惺 悖 悖惠惘 惠惡惘 惡惺 悋忰惆悸 ... As a mother, I couldn't stand watching you having to grow up with one eye.
38. Omar Ebnulkhatab said: ( Once upon a time while we had some captives we saw captive a woman taking babies, held them tight and breast fed them. The prophet asked us: Do you think this woman will throw his baby in fire? We said: No if she has the choice: Then He said: Allah is more merciful to his worshiper than her with her sun. )
40. The prophet (sall-Allahu alayhi wassallam) Told us that we must obey Allah and His messenger at all times but after that Comes your mother then your mother then Your mother then your father Thanks Allah we are Muslims