This document is a PowerPoint presentation created by Shinchan Noharaa for his mother's birthday. It contains messages and advice from Shinchan and Doraemon. Shinchan provides his mother with summaries of the meaning of "Mom" and the history of mothers. Doraemon fact-checks and adds details. Shinchan then provides advice on gift ideas. He emphasizes that the most important thing is showing love. The presentation mixes humor and heartfelt messages as Shinchan and Doraemon wish Shinchan's mother a happy birthday.
2. Yo. I am Shinchan Noharaa
from Kasukabe. I am here to
make this birthday a special
one for you. And yes, tell
Aaryamann he didn’t give me
200,000 for my work. It has to
be done before midnight of 11
Hello. I am Doraemon from
Tokyo and am here to make
sure things are going as
planned(unlikely to happen
when Shinchan is around). I
have got few things in my
pocket for you. You’ll get them
3. You are a mom to the person who
created this for you. But what does a
mom mean? Does it mean Meteors
On Mars, or Make-up On Me? Well,
let me ask Shinchan.
4. Well, I found a meaning on Wikipedia
few hours ago. It was by some 11
year old boy from J.D. Block,
Pitampura. It was pretty nice. Here it
5. It is my mom’s birthday few
days later. I don’t know what to
give her. Could you please give
me some advice, Shin chan?
6. Look, It doesn’t matter what you give. It matters with
how much love you give that. So, the best thing you can
give her is a video, PPT or some craft thing (Don’t know
why mothers like these things) These will be priceless for
her. You can also try gifting her some Hot-Wheel cars or
some action figures to play with. But my past experience
hasn’t proved much out of these gifts. (I didn’t give
Beyblades a shot, though) It really is a festive season
we’re having right now. Birthdays and Diwali is just the
beginning. They will go on till Christmas.
7. Bye, Shinchan. My
sister Doremi is waiting
for me at Nobita’s
house and if I don’t
cover 2 continents
within 48 hours at a
speed of 80 kmp/h, I
am dead meat.
9. I have a whole sheet to say about
moms, so don’t run away.
“Moms, or Mothers were found in 300
AD. These were found by Leonardo Di
Caprio and Tom Cruise. Long ago, Tom
and Leo were brothers. They saw
Graham Bell build the bulb, they saw
the Wright Brothers build the telephone
and even Edison build the airplane! So,
they thought of making something new.
They bought themselves a cauldron and
started adding ingredients like the socks
of God, the earwax of Jesus, the Toenail
of the Lord and even the scales of a
fish! Suddenly, a heavenly looking lady
came out and told Tom and Leo she was
gonna take care of them like someone
who was part God, part Jesus and Part
Lord. This is how Mom was made.
10. Get your facts right, Shinchan. It was toenail of
Jesus and the earwax of Lord. Let me find
11. Hey Shinchan!!! Look What I found in
today’s newspaper. It is totally true
and with you, it’s really applicable!!!
13. 100
Mother's Love
Children's love
Father's love
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
14. Children want
Father want
Son Want
Daughter Want
Note: You may not be able to see
‘Father want Wife’ because usually,
they don’t want one.
15. Your Lecture has made
me dizzy. Hey friends,
please wake me up early
next time so I can read
the newspaper and then
throw it before
Doraemon can have a
glance at it. Or else, I
will soon turn into the
second ‘Sleeping
17. If you felt that there was
something missing in this
powerpoint presentation, please
contact at the following
Note: The first number has less
chances of working as Shinchan
doesn’t usually pick up his
And Mom, I knew you would like
it so don’t bother calling. A pizza
19. And Yes… Tell Aaryamann I would
take 150,000 more for the poster
designing. Yeah, the one you liked.
For more such posters, log on to
In association with Cadbury
Oh. I almost forgot. Aaryamann had
told me he would be giving me 10%
pay rise if his mom likes it. Do you
like it? If you do, send a $385,000
check at Shinchan PPT Industries. If
you don’t like it, send some money