Charles Dickens wrote the novel Oliver Twist, which follows the story of orphan Oliver Twist and his experience living in a workhouse and joining a group of young pickpockets in London. The novel introduces several memorable characters that Oliver interacts with, including Fagin who leads the group of young pickpockets, and Bill Sikes who grows increasingly dangerous and plans to kill Oliver to protect the secrets of the criminal gang.
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My presentation (Komal Mehfooz)
2. Oliver Twist
Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English writer and social
critic. He created some of the world's most memorable fictional
characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of
the Victorian period. (1812-1870)
By Charles Dickens
3. 1. Oliver Twist
2. Fagin
3. Charlie Bates &
4. Artful dodger
5. Chitling &
6. Toby Crackit
7. Bill Sikes
8. Nancy Sikes
9. Mr. Brownlow
10. Rose Maylee
11. Mr. Bumble
12.Mrs. Mann