Need analysis is an important stage in developing a second language curriculum. It involves conducting research through questionnaires or other methods to identify the needs, wants, motivations and aptitudes of language learners. Understanding learner needs helps determine curriculum objectives and allows teachers to design lessons that are relevant. Need analysis also aids in selecting and organizing the content and experiences included in the second language curriculum. Without properly analyzing learner needs, a curriculum may fail to achieve its goals.
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My presentation on need analysis in second language curriculum
1. Need Analysis in second Language
Presented by:
Ram Shankar Yadav
2. Second language curriculum
ï‚— An organized and systematic plan for teaching
and learning second language, or,
ï‚— As a tool in the hand of second language
teacher to mould their student, so that they can
get mastery over the TL.
ï‚— Contains mainly four aspects;
1. Purpose: why (need) to be taught ?
2. Content : what to be taught?
3. Method : How to be taught?
4. Evaluation: assessing whether the purpose
has been achieved, or, not.
3. Process of Developing L2 Curriculum
ï‚— Refers to the process of developing second
language curriculum.
ï‚— According to Brown(1995), there are all
together five stages to go through while
making an effective curriculum for language
teaching and learning.
ï‚— they can be shown by following diagram
Evaluation of
Selection & Selection &
organization of Organization
experiences of content
5. Need Analysis in Second Language
ï‚— Is one of the important stage of the process of
developing second language curriculum which is
commonly called Need Assessment
ï‚— Is also a kind of research in itself, in the sense that, it
makes a systematic queries to identify the needs. For
example, curriculum developer makes use of
questionnaire/some empirical activities for the
collection of data to be analyzed so that he/she can
point out the demands of learner.
ï‚— Brindly(1984), opines that needs under Need Analysis
include wants, desire, demands, expectations,
motivation, lacks, requirements, and aptitude of
language learner.
6. Importance of Need Analysis
ï‚— Helps to know the demands of L2 learner/society,
ï‚— Helps curriculum developer to determine the
objectives of second language curriculum,
ï‚— Paves a way for the second language teacher to be
eclectic in language classroom,
ï‚— Also helps organizing the content for Second
language curriculum.
7. Summary of Discussion
ï‚— Curriculum is the runway for second language
teaching learning process, and
ï‚— Need Analysis is an inseparable part curriculum
developing process,
ï‚— Without Need Analysis curriculum can not be
effective and it may fail in identifying the goals
of the curriculum,
ï‚— So, the research i.e. Need Analysis must be
done while developing second language
8. Reference
Brown, J.D.(1995). The Elements of curriculum: A
Systematic Approach to Program Development.
Heinle& Heinle, Boston.
Brindley, G.(1984). Need Analysis and Objective
Setting in the Adult Migrant Program. Sydney:
N.S.W. Adult Migrant Education service.