Racism can be ended through understanding that all humans were created equally by God from one couple. We must recognize that no race is superior and appreciate diversity, as each race contributes value. The Quran teaches that the most noble people are those who are most pious and righteous, regardless of race or nationality. Following these Islamic teachings can help banish racism by fostering racial harmony and equality in worship.
Kundan Kama worked as the Controller for Global Country of World Peace from November 2009 to July 2011. According to a letter from the CFO, Kama performed his work in a very professional and efficient manner. He was helpful, courteous and respectful to all staff, completed complicated tasks with excellent documentation, and was a tremendous asset to the organization. The CFO wished Kama every success in his future career.
The document discusses globalization and its impact and challenges. It was written by Bilal Ahmad Khan, an M.A. political science student, as part of a presentation on globalization submitted to his professor Sir Ijaz Khalid on July 11, 2017. In his conclusion, Bilal argues that globalization is helpful as it helps all involved countries through peacekeeping, economic opportunities, and cultural education about life in other communities around the world.
This motivation program was conducted for students who will be sitting for their SPM (Year 11) Examinations in Malaysia this year(2016).The slides were designed to explain the holistic concept of education. Besides that, they are meant to motivate the students to learn from varied sources. The outlets for education and learning were also explained quite extensively.
This presentation emphasizes the importance of knowledge and learning from the Islamic perspective. In Islam, seeking knowledge should be a continuous process from cradle to death. The Qur'an states that man of knowledge is held high in the sight of God. A well-educated individual should enjoy good relationship with God, his/her self, flora and fauna, and humanity at large.
This motivation program was organized for students who will be sitting for their Pre-University Examination this year (2016). It talks about anything can be a learning experience under the sun. People learn not only from school, textbooks and within the four walls of the classroom, but also from the home and nature. The presentation is also lays importance on reading habits as a way of enriching one's knowledge and understanding of the world.
This document outlines principles of peacebuilding according to the Universal Peace Federation. It discusses four main principles: 1) There is one God and all humans are essentially spiritual beings created by God, 2) Humans should live for the sake of others, 3) Interreligious and international cooperation are essential for lasting peace, 4) Human relationships should uphold the highest standards of justice, kindness and humility. The document provides photos of interfaith dialogues and peacebuilding activities between Jews, Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem and other areas aimed at promoting reconciliation and cooperation between different religious groups.
This document discusses the biblical creation stories in Genesis from multiple perspectives. It provides commentary on the meaning and messages of creation, including that God created the world and everything in it, creating humans in God's image to care for creation. It also discusses how the creation stories can be integrated with doctrines around the goodness of creation and human responsibilities as stewards. The document additionally includes a "Genesis in reverse" poem depicting the destruction of the natural world.
Kanyakumari is the familiar tourist spot located in South corner of Tamil Nadu presents a stunning view of sunrise and sunset over the oceans. During the British rule this district was called as Cape Comorin of India.
The document provides a summary of an individual's work experience. It details their current role as a Senior Systems Engineer at IBM India, where they have worked on several projects for Caceis Bank France involving technologies like COBOL, IMS, DB2, and FileAid. Previous experience includes roles as a Senior Software Engineer at iGate and Senior Analyst Programmer at Syntel, where they worked on projects in banking, insurance, and financial domains.
What to Consider when Upgrading Memory in Apple, HP, Compaq, and AcerJhongoldsmith
This document discusses considerations for upgrading memory in Apple, HP, Compaq, and Acer computers. It notes that RAM temporarily stores information for the CPU and is wiped when power is lost. For better performance, RAM needs upgrading, which requires following procedures specific to the computer brand. The three main considerations for any brand upgrade are choosing compatible clock speeds to reduce processing lag, addressing blue screen errors from faulty RAM sticks, and avoiding full computer replacement by extending the usable life through cost-effective RAM upgrades.
The document compares the Integra Mozaik and Zimmer Copios bone graft substitutes. Both products are osteoconductive and made of calcium salts and collagen. Integra Mozaik is available in strip, putty, and morsel forms, allowing it to be used in various defect sites. It has a 90% fusion rate and studies show it is as effective as autograft. Zimmer Copios is a sponge or paste that soaks like a sponge. A study found it as effective as autograft for long bone fractures. The document concludes that Integra Mozaik would be the preferred choice due to its proven results and ability to offer excellent results in different forms.
This presentation on The Call for Islamization of Modern Psychology elucidates the nature and focus of psychology in the West and Muslim world. Since the West has gone through a period of shifting of paradigms in its views on man and psychology, and the fact that there exist a myriad of schools in psychology, the presenters would like to restrict their scope of analysis to only three schools from the western mainstream psychology. Among others that include psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and humanistic psychology. In a contrastive manner ideas on Man from the three schools will be compared with what has been conceptualized in Islamic psychology. Due to the fact that at times western schools of psychology agree and complement one another in matters related to man and at other times they are at loggerhead with one another, has created an opportunity for the introduction of Islamic psychology. It is the conviction of the presenters that Islamic ideas on man which are comprehensive and all-encompassing can act as a peace-maker to the polemical issues that are prevalent in western schools of psychology. It is believed that ideas provided by Islamic psychology can harmonize many of the differences found in western mainstream psychology.
Muslim Ummah in Facing the Challenges of Globalization (Presented in Tehran)Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak
This presentation on globalization among others discusses the nature and differences that exist between the modern and Muslim concepts of globalization. Since it is not possible for the Muslims to live in total isolation from the things that are happening in a globalized world, they can at least come up with a strategic plan in how to position themselves in dealing with the issues and problems related to globalization. Besides that, this presentation also highlights the ideal scenario that should be prevalent in the Muslim world that can be beneficial for the Muslims as well as for others who share the space with them in this world. In realizing how the internet and social media have been wrongfully used in a globalized world, the presenters suggest on how the Muslims can use them in a productive and ethical manner. The last thing that this presentation intends to highlight is the philosophy of co-existence which should be given due consideration by people of different civilizations that live on this planet. It is the conviction of the presenters that people of different civilizations can learn all that are positive from one another and can live in peace and harmony.
Mental Health: A Contrastive Analysis between Western and Islamic Psychologie...Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak
The alarming statistics on the many reported cases of mental health in the media has drawn the attention of the researchers towards this area of psychology. Driven by the passion to understand what mental health is, this small scale research is directed towards understanding some of the existing concepts on mental health. Very precisely, it explored the ideas on mental health showcased to the world by Western mainstream psychology, namely; Freudian Psychoanalysis, Radical Behaviourism and Humanistic Psychology. Upon analysing Western concepts on mental health, the researchers ventured on to compare them with ideas presented by Islamic Psychology. It is the contention of the researchers that topics on human nature, mental health and psychotherapy are interrelated and inseparable. As such, any discussion on mental health should also incorporate some ideas on human nature and psychotherapy.
This presentation examines on extremism and act of terror committed at the global level. Since extremism is an age-old phenomenon that existed all throughout in the history of mankind, the presentation will focus on the many forms of extremism that happen during this modern age of globalization and telecommunication. The crux of the presentation will focus on the root causes of extremism and how to remedy the ever increasing rate of terror attacks that happens all over the world. The researchers have also highlighted that it is unfair to associate extremism carried out by people to their religions. This sort of an unfair judgment has been done in the case of a Muslim to Islam, while the non-Muslim is associated to mental illness. Last but not least, the researchers call for a concerted effort from all, regardless race and religion to join force to eradicate extremism and make this world a safe place for all to live.
The Impact of Early Muslim Thoughts on the Renaissance Movement in the WestMohd Abbas Abdul Razak
This presentation intends to explain that there was a time in the history of the Muslims known as the Golden Age of Islam. During that period of time (750-1258), Muslims built their great civilization by merging science and spirituality. They were prepared to learn all that are positive and non-contradictory to their Muslim faith from others; particularly from the Greeks, Persians and Indians. At the peak of their civilization, Europeans came to learn at the Islamic centers for leaning and scientific investigation. In modern times, the West not only failed to acknowledge the contribution of the early Muslim scholars to the Renaissance movement, but also its obsession and passion for science took the masses away from God and spirituality. Looking into the present condition of the world, this presentation calls for an ideal situation that can solve violence, backwardness and moral decadence. It calls upon the West and the Muslim world to share with one another what they have. The West needs spirituality and the Muslim world needs science and technology. It is believed that through such an exchange and sharing between the two, a better world free of violence, hatred and moral decadence can be created.
Mental Health: A Contrastive Analysis between Western and Islamic Psychologie...Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak
Advancement in the way of life and urbanization has brought many great changes in the psychological well-being of people in many parts of the world. Driven by the need to be materially affluent has pushed people in the urban to unnecessary stress, anxiety, conflict, dilemma and a whole lot of other adverse psychological state of mind. Due to these psychological problems, at times, people mainly living in the cities respond in a negative way without considering the religious and ethical principles in life. In the light of this situation, this small scale research would like to explore the concept of mental health held by some selected schools in the Western mainstream psychology and Islamic psychology. It is hoped that a proper understanding of the concept of mental health and its maintenance could help people to lead a meaningful life: finding peace and harmony within themselves and in the external surrounding.
Mental Health: A Contrastive Analysis between Western and Islamic PsychologiesMohd Abbas Abdul Razak
Urbanization, Modernization, Industrialization and Globalization, all in one way or another have brought many changes to human lives. They transformed peoples lives from simple to a more advanced standard of living. In some cases, human lives changed from primitive to a cultured one. Besides the positive changes in the areas of transportation, communication and the use of technology in education and in human health care services, there exist scores of negative impacts that deteriorated the quality of human lives. Though the negative impacts are obviously felt at all places that allow human habitation, but none feels it more seriously than the ones who live in the metropolis. Technology and mechanization of human lives in many parts of the world have caused undue pressure on the psychological wellbeing of people. As a result of economic problems and fast pace lifestyle in the urban areas of the world have greatly contributed to common mental health problems like; stress, anxiety, frustration, depression, grief, etc. The other more serious cases of mental health problem can be like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, bulimia, anorexia, obsessive-compulsive disorders, etc
As the nature of today organizational work setting is becoming more challenging, it could easily be said that stress is commonly experienced among staffs due to high demand of service quality in higher citadel of learning. Coupled with serious concerns as to how it affects psychological well-being, this study examines the impact of religious identity on the relationship between workplace stress and inner meaning fulfillment among non-academic staff in a public university in Malaysia. 148 participants were selected and data were collected and analyzed through quantitative and correlational methods respectively. Results revealed as hypothesized as it was found that workers with high inner meaning fulfillment do experience lower level of workplace stress. Also, results revealed that there is significant positive relationship between religious identity and inner meaning fulfillment. These results confirmed the link between religiosity and mental health among Muslim participants as it has been reported among their counterparts in previous studies.
Keywords: Inner Meaning Fulfillment, stress, workplace, psychological well-being.
Impact of Multicultural Environment of Islamic Educational Institutes on Stud...Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak
The study focuses on the effect of exposure to Multicultural and international environment of an Islamic educational institution on the acculturation of its students. Acculturation has been used in this study with a wide sense of meaning that underscores the sense of co-existence and feeling of unity. This study investigated whether the Internationalization process of the International Islamic University, Malaysia, with intergroup contact taking place under optimal conditions helps its students to, appreciate the differences that other cultures bring, be comfortable with differences and also seek diversity of contact. The study employed Miville-Guzman Universality Diversity Scale, (M-GUDS-S) to collect data by survey method from 400 IIUM undergraduate students selected using Quota sampling. 200 of them were the first year students and the rest were fourth-year students. The result showed that there is a significant improvement in the feeling of unity among the students. The fourth year students showed more appreciation for other cultures and comfort with differences. Based on the finding it has been suggested that if efforts are made to establish optimal conditions for positive intergroup contact to take place, intergroup prejudice can be reduced and problems of co-existence in the Muslim countries and communities can thus be addressed.
Index TermsAppreciation of other cultures, comfort with differences, diversity of contact, intergroup contact, Multicultural environment, unity feeling, prejudice.
Philosophically Speaking, the Whole World Belongs to Me and
I Belong to the Whole World.
All Countries are My Country.
For This Reason, I Call Myself the Citizen of the World.
If Humanity can be Analogically Described like the Colours of the Rainbow,
Then I am just a Colour in the Whole Spectrum. Nothing More and Nothing Less.
I am Just a Drop in the Ocean of People.
All Good Citizens of the World are My Brothers.
In My Faith, I am a Muslim.
In My Generosity, I am an Arab.
In My Taste for Food, I am an Indian.
In My Spirit of Togetherness with others, I am a Malaysian.
In My Common Courtesy, I am a Malay.
In My Work Ethics, I am a Japanese.
In My Adoration Towards Nature, I am a European.
All in all, I am a Universal Man.
One Who believes in the Spirit of Loving, Caring and Sharing.
A Man who Stands for World Peace and Aspires to Create a Better World.
Kanyakumari is the familiar tourist spot located in South corner of Tamil Nadu presents a stunning view of sunrise and sunset over the oceans. During the British rule this district was called as Cape Comorin of India.
The document provides a summary of an individual's work experience. It details their current role as a Senior Systems Engineer at IBM India, where they have worked on several projects for Caceis Bank France involving technologies like COBOL, IMS, DB2, and FileAid. Previous experience includes roles as a Senior Software Engineer at iGate and Senior Analyst Programmer at Syntel, where they worked on projects in banking, insurance, and financial domains.
What to Consider when Upgrading Memory in Apple, HP, Compaq, and AcerJhongoldsmith
This document discusses considerations for upgrading memory in Apple, HP, Compaq, and Acer computers. It notes that RAM temporarily stores information for the CPU and is wiped when power is lost. For better performance, RAM needs upgrading, which requires following procedures specific to the computer brand. The three main considerations for any brand upgrade are choosing compatible clock speeds to reduce processing lag, addressing blue screen errors from faulty RAM sticks, and avoiding full computer replacement by extending the usable life through cost-effective RAM upgrades.
The document compares the Integra Mozaik and Zimmer Copios bone graft substitutes. Both products are osteoconductive and made of calcium salts and collagen. Integra Mozaik is available in strip, putty, and morsel forms, allowing it to be used in various defect sites. It has a 90% fusion rate and studies show it is as effective as autograft. Zimmer Copios is a sponge or paste that soaks like a sponge. A study found it as effective as autograft for long bone fractures. The document concludes that Integra Mozaik would be the preferred choice due to its proven results and ability to offer excellent results in different forms.
This presentation on The Call for Islamization of Modern Psychology elucidates the nature and focus of psychology in the West and Muslim world. Since the West has gone through a period of shifting of paradigms in its views on man and psychology, and the fact that there exist a myriad of schools in psychology, the presenters would like to restrict their scope of analysis to only three schools from the western mainstream psychology. Among others that include psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and humanistic psychology. In a contrastive manner ideas on Man from the three schools will be compared with what has been conceptualized in Islamic psychology. Due to the fact that at times western schools of psychology agree and complement one another in matters related to man and at other times they are at loggerhead with one another, has created an opportunity for the introduction of Islamic psychology. It is the conviction of the presenters that Islamic ideas on man which are comprehensive and all-encompassing can act as a peace-maker to the polemical issues that are prevalent in western schools of psychology. It is believed that ideas provided by Islamic psychology can harmonize many of the differences found in western mainstream psychology.
Muslim Ummah in Facing the Challenges of Globalization (Presented in Tehran)Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak
This presentation on globalization among others discusses the nature and differences that exist between the modern and Muslim concepts of globalization. Since it is not possible for the Muslims to live in total isolation from the things that are happening in a globalized world, they can at least come up with a strategic plan in how to position themselves in dealing with the issues and problems related to globalization. Besides that, this presentation also highlights the ideal scenario that should be prevalent in the Muslim world that can be beneficial for the Muslims as well as for others who share the space with them in this world. In realizing how the internet and social media have been wrongfully used in a globalized world, the presenters suggest on how the Muslims can use them in a productive and ethical manner. The last thing that this presentation intends to highlight is the philosophy of co-existence which should be given due consideration by people of different civilizations that live on this planet. It is the conviction of the presenters that people of different civilizations can learn all that are positive from one another and can live in peace and harmony.
Mental Health: A Contrastive Analysis between Western and Islamic Psychologie...Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak
The alarming statistics on the many reported cases of mental health in the media has drawn the attention of the researchers towards this area of psychology. Driven by the passion to understand what mental health is, this small scale research is directed towards understanding some of the existing concepts on mental health. Very precisely, it explored the ideas on mental health showcased to the world by Western mainstream psychology, namely; Freudian Psychoanalysis, Radical Behaviourism and Humanistic Psychology. Upon analysing Western concepts on mental health, the researchers ventured on to compare them with ideas presented by Islamic Psychology. It is the contention of the researchers that topics on human nature, mental health and psychotherapy are interrelated and inseparable. As such, any discussion on mental health should also incorporate some ideas on human nature and psychotherapy.
This presentation examines on extremism and act of terror committed at the global level. Since extremism is an age-old phenomenon that existed all throughout in the history of mankind, the presentation will focus on the many forms of extremism that happen during this modern age of globalization and telecommunication. The crux of the presentation will focus on the root causes of extremism and how to remedy the ever increasing rate of terror attacks that happens all over the world. The researchers have also highlighted that it is unfair to associate extremism carried out by people to their religions. This sort of an unfair judgment has been done in the case of a Muslim to Islam, while the non-Muslim is associated to mental illness. Last but not least, the researchers call for a concerted effort from all, regardless race and religion to join force to eradicate extremism and make this world a safe place for all to live.
The Impact of Early Muslim Thoughts on the Renaissance Movement in the WestMohd Abbas Abdul Razak
This presentation intends to explain that there was a time in the history of the Muslims known as the Golden Age of Islam. During that period of time (750-1258), Muslims built their great civilization by merging science and spirituality. They were prepared to learn all that are positive and non-contradictory to their Muslim faith from others; particularly from the Greeks, Persians and Indians. At the peak of their civilization, Europeans came to learn at the Islamic centers for leaning and scientific investigation. In modern times, the West not only failed to acknowledge the contribution of the early Muslim scholars to the Renaissance movement, but also its obsession and passion for science took the masses away from God and spirituality. Looking into the present condition of the world, this presentation calls for an ideal situation that can solve violence, backwardness and moral decadence. It calls upon the West and the Muslim world to share with one another what they have. The West needs spirituality and the Muslim world needs science and technology. It is believed that through such an exchange and sharing between the two, a better world free of violence, hatred and moral decadence can be created.
Mental Health: A Contrastive Analysis between Western and Islamic Psychologie...Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak
Advancement in the way of life and urbanization has brought many great changes in the psychological well-being of people in many parts of the world. Driven by the need to be materially affluent has pushed people in the urban to unnecessary stress, anxiety, conflict, dilemma and a whole lot of other adverse psychological state of mind. Due to these psychological problems, at times, people mainly living in the cities respond in a negative way without considering the religious and ethical principles in life. In the light of this situation, this small scale research would like to explore the concept of mental health held by some selected schools in the Western mainstream psychology and Islamic psychology. It is hoped that a proper understanding of the concept of mental health and its maintenance could help people to lead a meaningful life: finding peace and harmony within themselves and in the external surrounding.
Mental Health: A Contrastive Analysis between Western and Islamic PsychologiesMohd Abbas Abdul Razak
Urbanization, Modernization, Industrialization and Globalization, all in one way or another have brought many changes to human lives. They transformed peoples lives from simple to a more advanced standard of living. In some cases, human lives changed from primitive to a cultured one. Besides the positive changes in the areas of transportation, communication and the use of technology in education and in human health care services, there exist scores of negative impacts that deteriorated the quality of human lives. Though the negative impacts are obviously felt at all places that allow human habitation, but none feels it more seriously than the ones who live in the metropolis. Technology and mechanization of human lives in many parts of the world have caused undue pressure on the psychological wellbeing of people. As a result of economic problems and fast pace lifestyle in the urban areas of the world have greatly contributed to common mental health problems like; stress, anxiety, frustration, depression, grief, etc. The other more serious cases of mental health problem can be like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, bulimia, anorexia, obsessive-compulsive disorders, etc
As the nature of today organizational work setting is becoming more challenging, it could easily be said that stress is commonly experienced among staffs due to high demand of service quality in higher citadel of learning. Coupled with serious concerns as to how it affects psychological well-being, this study examines the impact of religious identity on the relationship between workplace stress and inner meaning fulfillment among non-academic staff in a public university in Malaysia. 148 participants were selected and data were collected and analyzed through quantitative and correlational methods respectively. Results revealed as hypothesized as it was found that workers with high inner meaning fulfillment do experience lower level of workplace stress. Also, results revealed that there is significant positive relationship between religious identity and inner meaning fulfillment. These results confirmed the link between religiosity and mental health among Muslim participants as it has been reported among their counterparts in previous studies.
Keywords: Inner Meaning Fulfillment, stress, workplace, psychological well-being.
Impact of Multicultural Environment of Islamic Educational Institutes on Stud...Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak
The study focuses on the effect of exposure to Multicultural and international environment of an Islamic educational institution on the acculturation of its students. Acculturation has been used in this study with a wide sense of meaning that underscores the sense of co-existence and feeling of unity. This study investigated whether the Internationalization process of the International Islamic University, Malaysia, with intergroup contact taking place under optimal conditions helps its students to, appreciate the differences that other cultures bring, be comfortable with differences and also seek diversity of contact. The study employed Miville-Guzman Universality Diversity Scale, (M-GUDS-S) to collect data by survey method from 400 IIUM undergraduate students selected using Quota sampling. 200 of them were the first year students and the rest were fourth-year students. The result showed that there is a significant improvement in the feeling of unity among the students. The fourth year students showed more appreciation for other cultures and comfort with differences. Based on the finding it has been suggested that if efforts are made to establish optimal conditions for positive intergroup contact to take place, intergroup prejudice can be reduced and problems of co-existence in the Muslim countries and communities can thus be addressed.
Index TermsAppreciation of other cultures, comfort with differences, diversity of contact, intergroup contact, Multicultural environment, unity feeling, prejudice.
Philosophically Speaking, the Whole World Belongs to Me and
I Belong to the Whole World.
All Countries are My Country.
For This Reason, I Call Myself the Citizen of the World.
If Humanity can be Analogically Described like the Colours of the Rainbow,
Then I am just a Colour in the Whole Spectrum. Nothing More and Nothing Less.
I am Just a Drop in the Ocean of People.
All Good Citizens of the World are My Brothers.
In My Faith, I am a Muslim.
In My Generosity, I am an Arab.
In My Taste for Food, I am an Indian.
In My Spirit of Togetherness with others, I am a Malaysian.
In My Common Courtesy, I am a Malay.
In My Work Ethics, I am a Japanese.
In My Adoration Towards Nature, I am a European.
All in all, I am a Universal Man.
One Who believes in the Spirit of Loving, Caring and Sharing.
A Man who Stands for World Peace and Aspires to Create a Better World.
The Spiritual and Social Aspects of Eid ul-Fitr Celebration in MalaysiaMohd Abbas Abdul Razak
Malaysia is one of the unique countries in the world. It is a country diverse in its ethnicity, religion, culture, language, etc. People of different faith groups coexist in a harmonious manner by acknowledging the rights of others to practice their faith and observe their days of festive. When it comes to festivals celebrated in the country, Eid-ul-Fitr becomes the most grandest with all its significance.
The claim made by some that Freuds ideas have been wholly rejected by the modern West is not true. Freud is not dead. He lives, lives beyond the pages of history and psychology. The evidential proof of this can be seen in the sexual revolution that has taken place all over the world, particularly in the West.
Internet and social media provide information & good communication tools. But our lives should not be enslaved to them. At times we have to pause and see the world through our own eyes and not through a borrowed vision. Seeing things as they are promises the birth of wisdom.
This article intents to draw the attention of the developing countries in Africa and Asia to pay attention to the preservation and conservation of the natural world/environment. It also identifies some of the reasons as to why it is not possible for some countries to join the campaign that calls for the friendly co-existence with nature.
A Critical Appraisal of Freud's Ideas on Man and Personality (pre-publication...Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak
This paper is the pre-publication work on Freud. In its published version the paper lost many vital information due to limitation of space. Since the paper has caught the attention of many researchers in Asia and Europe, I have uploaded the actual version of the paper before it went through editing. A more comprehensive analysis of Freud can be read in " Iqbal's Theory of Personality: A Contrastive Analysis with Freud" by Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak.
A home is built not through physical materials like bricks and tiles but through love, care and a sense of belonging shared between family members. It provides a sanctuary where individuals can find peace, security and comfort.
God created the Grand Universe with all its celestial bodies at the Macro- level and Man as a universe at the Micro-level. Man too created a universe aided by technology. That is the INTERNET
People tend to eat less when feeling sad and more when happy. A study found that mood impacts how much food one consumes, with those feeling sad eating little and those feeling happy eating lavishly. Mood affects appetite and food intake.
In Malaysia there is no meeting without eating. When two people meet, the next thing that comes to their mind is food. In Malaysia food is in the variety and people have good taste for food
Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak obtained his B.A. (Hons) degree from Universitas Ar-Raniry, Aceh, Indonesia in Islamic Education. Upon completing his undergraduate studies, Abbas returned to Malaysia in January 1992 and was teaching for a little while in the northern region of the peninsular of Malaysia before he went on to do his postgraduate studies at IIUM.
Over at IIUM, Abbas did his Advanced Diploma in Education and later went on to pursue his Ph.D. in the area of Educational Psychology. His Ph.D. dissertation was a study on personality theories, particularly comparing on the views showcased to the world by Iqbal and Freud. This research work of Abbas was later published as a book entitled Iqbals Theory of Personality: A Contrastive Analysis with Freud by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing of Germany. In 2010, he was teaching Philosophy of Islamic Education, Ethics & Sociology of Education at the Kulliyyah of Education, IIUM.
Upon completing his Ph. D. in 2011, Abbas was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Fundamental & Inter-Disciplinary Studies, KIRKHS, IIUM. He teaches all the university required courses; Islamic Worldview, Knowledge & Civilization in Islam and Ethics and Fiqh for Daily Life. At times he also teaches psychology at the Kulliyyah of Education, IIUM.
Besides teaching, Abbas also actively participates in many international conferences and in research works on psychology and Iqbaliyat. His research works has enabled Abbas to publish quite a number of articles related to psychology and Iqbal in the international journals.
As a social contribution, Abbas joined the National Blood Bank (Pusat Darah Negara) in 1998 as a member and actively donates whole blood, plasma and platelets. As of May 2016, he has donated 317 times. He strongly believes that through the philosophy of sharing, caring and loving, humanity can create a better world.
AshtSaga - Part 1 (A book by Hrishitva Patel)Hrishitva patel
An ancient legend prophecy states that with the revival of the Asura God, Kalyuga would mark the end of the world as we know of today. The prophecy further says that if the decedents of the eight individuals who sealed the Asura Kalyuga, in the era of Satyuga were to reunite, then these eight would be able to defeat Kalyuga and stop the world from ending. Now, its the job of the young prince of Itrahd, Arjuna, to find all these eight based on his information. He is clueless as the ancestors of the eight decendents who used to work in his forefathers court were in Satyuga, and it has been millions of years since then. Although it doesnt go as smoothly as he had planned, he manages to stumble upon a list of distinct individuals left to him as an heirloom by his father, Kanishka. This book focuses on ten of these individuals mentioned in the list. Set on the planet Terra, where the tectonic plates are yet to drift and everyone coexists within a single continent, AshtaSaga follows the journey of a prince Arjuna. He belongs to the royal lineage, and his destiny cannot be averted. No matter how disciplined he is in offering water from a brass lota accompanied by the pradakshinas around the Peepal tree to please his purwajas. Bearing this heavy responsibility because of his bloodline and how everything unfolds is a burden the royalty cannot share since the time of Satyuga. A fast approaching end to the seemingly everlasting era of Kalyuga shackles the prince and hastens his search. Will he be able to stop the world from ending? Will the utopia become a reality, or will it melt into eternal darkness?
Good Quotes on SOLITUDE to Reflect Upon (Texts in Eng & Chi,) pdf.pdfOH TEIK BIN
A Presentation (pdf) of a selection of profound sayings by some wise men on the importance of the spiritual practice of being in solitude for contemplation.
A practice to grow in true happiness and wisdom to lessen Dukkha.
The texts are in English and Chinese.
Lesson 9 Who Is the Holy Ghost - Renewed in Grace.pptxCelso Napoleon
Lesson 9 Who Is the Holy Ghost
SBS Sunday Bible School
Sunday Bible Lessons for Adults 1st Quarter 2025 CPAD
Title of the Sunday Magazine: IN DEFENSE OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH: Fighting the Ancient Heresies that Present Themselves with a New Appearance
Commentator: Esequias Soares
Class: Adults
際際滷s: Celso Napoleon
Renewed in Grace
March 2, 2025
Voodoo death spells, black magic voodoo spells, spell to make someone sick and die, death spells that work fast, death spells that work overnight, spell to die in your sleep, black magic spells to harm someone, most powerful death spell, spells to curse someone, spell make someone die, revenge spells
Here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic to Kill Someone Overnight
Loose Memory
Paralyze the victim
Blocked income
Destroys someones career
Bad luck
Bad dreams
Breaking a relationship or destroying someones cause to separate or divorce.
Controlling someones mind for sex
Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, violence and unhealthy sex.
Causing accidents
Making people sick
Anger and avarice; emotional imbalance fear
Not allowing the victim to sleep depression
Making the victim commit suicide
Blocking a womans monthly periods
Blocking a womans ability to conceivehttps://sheikhmuhusinbadaw.wixsite.com/astrologerhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/sheikhmuhusinbadawihttps://www.facebook.com/sheikhmuhusinbadawihttps://za.pinterest.com/sheikhmuhusinbadawihttps://sheikhmuhusinbadawi.wordpress.comhttps://sheikhmuhusinbadawi.blogspot.comsheikhmuhusinbadawi@gmail.com+27603052573
Break Forth into Joy.pptx"Break Forth into Joy: Embracing God's Salvation and...TImothy leonard
This presentation explores the powerful message of Isaiah 52:1-10, where God calls His people to awaken and rejoice in the promise of redemption. It reflects on how believers can experience true joy through faith, even in challenging times, by embracing God's free gift of salvation and grace. Through daily practices of prayer, thanksgiving, and sharing joy with others, we can live as testimonies of God's love and hope. The presentation emphasizes that lasting joy is found not in the circumstances of life, but in the eternal promises of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. 2 Samuel 23:3-4 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhaiParas Parivaar
Sanatan Dharma, also known as the eternal religion, holds a significant place in Hindu culture. This presentation aims to explore the values and contributions of Paras Bhai and his role in fostering religious awareness. It also highlights the importance of Hindu Dharma and the unity promoted by Paras Parivaar
(January 1) Solemnidad nang Maria, Ing Virgen Indu ning Dios.pptxFRANCISCORENZS
My Quotes
2. Greatness doesnt fall from the
sky. It should be earned with hard
work, sacrifice and determination
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
3. God
God is like the central piece of the jigsaw-
puzzle of life.Without Him life becomes less
romantic and meaningless
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
4. The ongoing tussle between good and
evil within me says that God exists
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
5. A day without God in my life will be a
total chaos
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
6. Many can criticize, but few can lead
the way. It will be unwise to
criticize without a solution
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
7. Clash of civilizations brings
disharmony. Co-existence of
civilizations inspires us to see
beauty and acceptance of one
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
8. There is no family, friendship,
country and marriage without the
attitude of loving, caring and
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
9. Home
Never say my home is my world
but say the world is my home
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
10. A home is not built with bricks, tiles and
walls. It is built with love, care and sense of
belonging of individuals who are called
members of the family. It is a sanctuary for
peace, security and comfort
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
11. Success comes with patience,
perseverance, persistence and
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
12. What makes the rainbow beautiful and
interesting are the different shades of
What makes humanity interesting is the
variation of our race, colour,
language, culture, etc. So, why fight and kill
one another
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
13. Music is noise presented in an
orderly manner. Good music
creates harmony in the human soul.
It relaxes the human mind. Music
presented without proper notes is
noise that creates stress
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
14. (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
God created the Grand Universe with all
its celestial bodies at the Macro- level
and Man as a universe at the Micro-level.
Man too created a universe aided by
technology. That is the INTERNET
15. In Malaysia there is no meeting without
eating. When two people meet, the next
thing that comes to their mind is food.
In Malaysia food is in the variety and
people have good taste for food
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
A Beautiful Malaysian Culture
16. Food goes with the mood. We eat little
when we are sad. Enjoy food lavishly
when we are Happy
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
17. My Regular Prayer (Doa) to God is:
My Regular Prayer (Doa) to God is:
"Oh God! I am down here broken and
shattered into thousands of pieces, with Your
Grace put me together and lift me up and
lead me towards success and happiness in
this world and in the hereafter"
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
18. Langit Tidak Selalunya Terang,
Laut Tidak Selalunya Tenang,
Begitu juga Hidup Manusia yang Tidak Selalunya
Sepi dari Salah dan Dosa
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Salah & Dosa
19. "Siapalah Saya ini di Alam yang
Terbentang Luas ini,
Melainkan Seorang Insan yang
Ibarat Setitis Air di Samudera
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
20. The claim made by some that Freuds ideas have
been wholly rejected by the modern West is not
true. Freud is not dead. He lives, lives beyond the
pages of history and psychology. The evidential proof
of this can be seen in the sexual revolution that has
taken place all over the world, particularly in the
West.(2013, p.344)
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Sigmund Freud
21. Internet and social media provide
information & good communication tools.
But our lives should not be enslaved to
them. At times we have to pause and see
the world through our own eyes and not
through a borrowed vision. Seeing things
as they are promises the birth of wisdom
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Social Media
22. The Universal Man
Philosophically Speaking, the Whole World Belongs to Me and
I Belong to the Whole World.
All Countries are My Country.
For This Reason, I Call Myself the Citizen of the World.
If Humanity can be Analogically Described like the Colours of the Rainbow,
Then I am just a Colour in the Whole Spectrum. Nothing More and Nothing Less.
I am Just a Drop in the Ocean of People.
All Good Citizens of the World are My Brothers.
In My Faith, I am a Muslim.
In My Generosity, I am an Arab.
In My Taste for Food, I am an Indian.
In My Spirit of Togetherness with others, I am a Malaysian.
In My Common Courtesy, I am a Malay.
In My Work Ethics, I am a Japanese.
In My Adoration Towards Nature, I am a European.
All in all, I am a Universal Man.
One Who believes in the Spirit of Loving, Caring and Sharing.
A Man who Stands for World Peace and Aspires to Create a Better World.
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)