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My Quotes
Greatness doesnt fall from the
sky. It should be earned with hard
work, sacrifice and determination
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
God is like the central piece of the jigsaw-
puzzle of life.Without Him life becomes less
romantic and meaningless
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
The ongoing tussle between good and
evil within me says that God exists
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
A day without God in my life will be a
total chaos
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Many can criticize, but few can lead
the way. It will be unwise to
criticize without a solution
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Clash of civilizations brings
disharmony. Co-existence of
civilizations inspires us to see
beauty and acceptance of one
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
There is no family, friendship,
country and marriage without the
attitude of loving, caring and
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Never say my home is my world
but say the world is my home
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
A home is not built with bricks, tiles and
walls. It is built with love, care and sense of
belonging of individuals who are called
members of the family. It is a sanctuary for
peace, security and comfort
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Success comes with patience,
perseverance, persistence and
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
What makes the rainbow beautiful and
interesting are the different shades of
What makes humanity interesting is the
variation of our race, colour,
language, culture, etc. So, why fight and kill
one another
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Music is noise presented in an
orderly manner. Good music
creates harmony in the human soul.
It relaxes the human mind. Music
presented without proper notes is
noise that creates stress
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
God created the Grand Universe with all
its celestial bodies at the Macro- level
and Man as a universe at the Micro-level.
Man too created a universe aided by
technology. That is the INTERNET
In Malaysia there is no meeting without
eating. When two people meet, the next
thing that comes to their mind is food.
In Malaysia food is in the variety and
people have good taste for food
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
A Beautiful Malaysian Culture
Food goes with the mood. We eat little
when we are sad. Enjoy food lavishly
when we are Happy
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
My Regular Prayer (Doa) to God is:
My Regular Prayer (Doa) to God is:
"Oh God! I am down here broken and
shattered into thousands of pieces, with Your
Grace put me together and lift me up and
lead me towards success and happiness in
this world and in the hereafter"
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Langit Tidak Selalunya Terang,
Laut Tidak Selalunya Tenang,
Begitu juga Hidup Manusia yang Tidak Selalunya
Sepi dari Salah dan Dosa
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Salah & Dosa
"Siapalah Saya ini di Alam yang
Terbentang Luas ini,
Melainkan Seorang Insan yang
Ibarat Setitis Air di Samudera
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
The claim made by some that Freuds ideas have
been wholly rejected by the modern West is not
true. Freud is not dead. He lives, lives beyond the
pages of history and psychology. The evidential proof
of this can be seen in the sexual revolution that has
taken place all over the world, particularly in the
West.(2013, p.344)
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Sigmund Freud
Internet and social media provide
information & good communication tools.
But our lives should not be enslaved to
them. At times we have to pause and see
the world through our own eyes and not
through a borrowed vision. Seeing things
as they are promises the birth of wisdom
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)
Social Media
The Universal Man
Philosophically Speaking, the Whole World Belongs to Me and
I Belong to the Whole World.
All Countries are My Country.
For This Reason, I Call Myself the Citizen of the World.
If Humanity can be Analogically Described like the Colours of the Rainbow,
Then I am just a Colour in the Whole Spectrum. Nothing More and Nothing Less.
I am Just a Drop in the Ocean of People.
All Good Citizens of the World are My Brothers.
In My Faith, I am a Muslim.
In My Generosity, I am an Arab.
In My Taste for Food, I am an Indian.
In My Spirit of Togetherness with others, I am a Malaysian.
In My Common Courtesy, I am a Malay.
In My Work Ethics, I am a Japanese.
In My Adoration Towards Nature, I am a European.
All in all, I am a Universal Man.
One Who believes in the Spirit of Loving, Caring and Sharing.
A Man who Stands for World Peace and Aspires to Create a Better World.
(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)

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My Quotes

  • 2. Greatness doesnt fall from the sky. It should be earned with hard work, sacrifice and determination Greatness (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM
  • 3. God God is like the central piece of the jigsaw- puzzle of life.Without Him life becomes less romantic and meaningless (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM
  • 4. The ongoing tussle between good and evil within me says that God exists (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM God
  • 5. A day without God in my life will be a total chaos (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM God
  • 6. Many can criticize, but few can lead the way. It will be unwise to criticize without a solution (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Criticism
  • 7. Clash of civilizations brings disharmony. Co-existence of civilizations inspires us to see beauty and acceptance of one another (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Civilization
  • 8. There is no family, friendship, country and marriage without the attitude of loving, caring and sharing (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Relationship
  • 9. Home Never say my home is my world but say the world is my home (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM
  • 10. A home is not built with bricks, tiles and walls. It is built with love, care and sense of belonging of individuals who are called members of the family. It is a sanctuary for peace, security and comfort (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Home
  • 11. Success comes with patience, perseverance, persistence and prayer (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Success
  • 12. What makes the rainbow beautiful and interesting are the different shades of colours. What makes humanity interesting is the variation of our race, colour, language, culture, etc. So, why fight and kill one another (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Humanity
  • 13. Music is noise presented in an orderly manner. Good music creates harmony in the human soul. It relaxes the human mind. Music presented without proper notes is noise that creates stress (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Music
  • 14. (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Universe God created the Grand Universe with all its celestial bodies at the Macro- level and Man as a universe at the Micro-level. Man too created a universe aided by technology. That is the INTERNET
  • 15. In Malaysia there is no meeting without eating. When two people meet, the next thing that comes to their mind is food. In Malaysia food is in the variety and people have good taste for food (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM A Beautiful Malaysian Culture
  • 16. Food goes with the mood. We eat little when we are sad. Enjoy food lavishly when we are Happy (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Food
  • 17. My Regular Prayer (Doa) to God is: My Regular Prayer (Doa) to God is: "Oh God! I am down here broken and shattered into thousands of pieces, with Your Grace put me together and lift me up and lead me towards success and happiness in this world and in the hereafter" (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM
  • 18. Langit Tidak Selalunya Terang, Laut Tidak Selalunya Tenang, Begitu juga Hidup Manusia yang Tidak Selalunya Sepi dari Salah dan Dosa (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Salah & Dosa
  • 19. "Siapalah Saya ini di Alam yang Terbentang Luas ini, Melainkan Seorang Insan yang Kerdil Ibarat Setitis Air di Samudera Raya" (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Manusia
  • 20. The claim made by some that Freuds ideas have been wholly rejected by the modern West is not true. Freud is not dead. He lives, lives beyond the pages of history and psychology. The evidential proof of this can be seen in the sexual revolution that has taken place all over the world, particularly in the West.(2013, p.344) (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Sigmund Freud
  • 21. Internet and social media provide information & good communication tools. But our lives should not be enslaved to them. At times we have to pause and see the world through our own eyes and not through a borrowed vision. Seeing things as they are promises the birth of wisdom (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM Social Media
  • 22. The Universal Man Philosophically Speaking, the Whole World Belongs to Me and I Belong to the Whole World. All Countries are My Country. For This Reason, I Call Myself the Citizen of the World. If Humanity can be Analogically Described like the Colours of the Rainbow, Then I am just a Colour in the Whole Spectrum. Nothing More and Nothing Less. I am Just a Drop in the Ocean of People. All Good Citizens of the World are My Brothers. In My Faith, I am a Muslim. In My Generosity, I am an Arab. In My Taste for Food, I am an Indian. In My Spirit of Togetherness with others, I am a Malaysian. In My Common Courtesy, I am a Malay. In My Work Ethics, I am a Japanese. In My Adoration Towards Nature, I am a European. All in all, I am a Universal Man. One Who believes in the Spirit of Loving, Caring and Sharing. A Man who Stands for World Peace and Aspires to Create a Better World. (Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) (IIUM)