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Vladimira Teneva, Senior TEFL,
SOU Konstantin Konstantinov,
Sliven, Bulgaria
symbols in
the lesson:
Warm -up
Where do you study?
What grade are you?
How many students are there in your class?
What is your favorite subject?
Is your school big or small?
Read and answer the questions.
Carol is talking about her school. Listen and follow the text.
My school is not very big, but its
very nice. Its got three floors.
There are the classrooms on
each floor. There is a library, a
modern computer room, a large
gym and a small bookshop.
We must come to school on
time every day.
We must learn out lessons.
We must do our homework.
We also have a lot of fun time
(亟仍亢亠仆 仄)
(亰舒弍舒仆亠仆仂 仄亳 亠)
从仂亞舒仂 亞仂于仂亳仄
亰舒 亰舒亟仍亢亠仆亳.
亰仗仂仍亰于舒仄亠 从仂亞舒仂
亞仂于仂亳仄 亰舒
I must go to school
You must wear a uniform.
He must come on time.
She must do her homework.
It must go to bed early.
We must speak politely.
You must get up early.
They must listen to the teacher.
I mustnt go to school
You mustnt wear a uniform.
He mustnt come on time.
She mustnt do her homework.
It mustnt go to bed early.
We mustnt speak politely.
You mustnt get up early.
They mustnt listen to the teacher.
 Write about your school. Follow the model of the
text about Carols school SB. 85, ex.5
Make a poster with your own school rules. Use
Poster Rubric
The lesson contains graphics and text from Blue skies for Bulgaria, grade 3 by
Pearson Longman.

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  • 1. Vladimira Teneva, Senior TEFL, SOU Konstantin Konstantinov, Sliven, Bulgaria www.vladimirateneva.wordpress.com
  • 3. Warm -up Where do you study? What grade are you? How many students are there in your class? What is your favorite subject? Is your school big or small? Read and answer the questions.
  • 4. Carol is talking about her school. Listen and follow the text. My school is not very big, but its very nice. Its got three floors. There are the classrooms on each floor. There is a library, a modern computer room, a large gym and a small bookshop. We must come to school on time every day. We must learn out lessons. We must do our homework. We also have a lot of fun time here.
  • 5. 丐亊 (亟仍亢亠仆 仄) 丐亊 (亰舒弍舒仆亠仆仂 仄亳 亠) 亰仗仂仍亰于舒仄亠 从仂亞舒仂 亞仂于仂亳仄 亰舒 亰舒亟仍亢亠仆亳. 亰仗仂仍亰于舒仄亠 从仂亞舒仂 亞仂于仂亳仄 亰舒 亰舒弍舒仆舒. I must go to school You must wear a uniform. He must come on time. She must do her homework. It must go to bed early. We must speak politely. You must get up early. They must listen to the teacher. I mustnt go to school You mustnt wear a uniform. He mustnt come on time. She mustnt do her homework. It mustnt go to bed early. We mustnt speak politely. You mustnt get up early. They mustnt listen to the teacher.
  • 6. Write about your school. Follow the model of the text about Carols school SB. 85, ex.5 Make a poster with your own school rules. Use MUST / MUSTNT. Poster Rubric
  • 7. The lesson contains graphics and text from Blue skies for Bulgaria, grade 3 by Pearson Longman.