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My Vocabulary   j
 Notebook       m
English       Spanish        Spanish      English
apple         manzana        abuelo       grandfather
aunt          t鱈a            arroz        rice

Australian    Australiano/   alcanzar     reach
a (n)         uno, una, un   arriba       upstairs
across        a trav辿s       ardilla      squirrel

and           y              a trav辿s     across

at last       al fin         al fin       at last

American      Americano/a    alfombra     mat

address       direcci坦n      abanico      fan

angry         enfadado/a     Americano    American
art           arte           Que asusta   scary

amazing       asombroso      arte         art

alien         alien          Alemania     Germany

arrive (at)   llegar (a)     Alem叩n/a     German

ask           preguntar      asombroso    amazing

                             aprender     learn

                             ascensor     lift

                             abuelos      grandparents

                             abuela       grandmother

                             alumno/ pupil
English     Spanish      Spanish     English
brother                  bocadillo   sandwich
bored       aburrido/a   bombero     firefighter
boring      que aburre   bastante    quite
bowl        bol          barco       ship
British     brit叩nico    batido      milksake
because     porque       boda        wedding
but         pero         broma       joke
bring       traer        bruja       witch
breakfast   desayuno     barba       beard
boy         ni単o
beard       barba
bear        oso
English       Spanish      Spanish     English
cousin        Primo/a      chino/a     Chinese
cold          fr鱈o         comida      food

China         China        carne       meat

Chinese       chino/a      cocer       steam

chopstick     palillo      cuchillo    knife

clean         limpiar      cuchara     spoon

country       pa鱈s         cliente     customer

customer      cliente      c坦modo      comfortable

comfortable   c坦modo       casa        house

clog          zueco        calle       street

come          venir        cercano     nearby

can           poder        caramelo    sweet

caf辿          cafeter鱈a    cuando      when

cementery     cementerio cacerola      pan

child         ni単o/a       catorce     fourteen

children      ni単os/as     cuarenta    forty
calm          relajado     cincuenta   fifty

cake          pastel       cu叩l        which

cool          fresco       cansado/a   tired

calendar      calendario   caliente    hot
card          postal,      concurso    quiz
English       Spanish    Spanish      English
cyclops       c鱈clope    cafeter鱈a    caf辿
cauliflower   coliflor   cena         dinner

cartoon       dibujos    cenar        have dinner

copy          copiar     columpio     swing

                         cementerio   cementery

                         c鱈clope      cyclops

                         cu単ado       brother-in-
                         cu単ada       sister-in-law

                         colador      percolator

                         ciencia      science
                         cucumber     pepino
                         coliflor     cauliflower
                         copiar       copy
                         camarero     waiter
English     Spanish       Spanish      English

daughter    hija          dulce        sweet
delicious   delicioso/a   donde        where

desk        pupitre       direcci坦n    address

Dutch       Holand辿s/a    dormir       sleep
dark        oscuro        delicioso    delicious

dinner      cena          divertido    fun

delicious   delicioso     despertar    wake up

dodgem      coche de      desayuno     breakfast
Dragon      drag坦n        desayunar    have breakfast

                          descansado   rested

                          dibujos      cartoon
                          deletrear    spell
English    Spanish       Spanish       English
excited    emocionado    esposa        wife
eat        comer         encantar      love

empty      vac鱈o/a       era, eras     was

English    Ingl辿s/a      el            the

England    Inglaterra    辿l            he

Egypt      Egipto        ella          she

Egyptian   egipcio       ellos/as      they

exciting   emocionante   estos/as      these

                         esto/a        this

                         Espa単ol/a     Spanish

                         Espa単a        Spain

                         enfadado/a    angry

                         Egipto        Egypt

                         egipcio/a     Egyptian

                         emocionante   exciting

                         empezar       start

                         esqueleto skeleton
                         estudiar      study
                         estudiante    student
English       Spanish     Spanish     English
father        padre       feliz       happy
food          comida      freir       fry
fry           freir       fideo       noodle
fork          tenedor     Furgoneta van
full          lleno/a     Franc辿s/a   French
firefighter   bombero
floor         planta
flat          piso
from          de
Friendly      Amistoso
For           para
Fan           abanico
French        Franc辿s/
Fourteen      catorce
Forty         cuarenta
Fifteen       quince
Fifty         cincuent
Fed-up        Harto/a
funny         gracioso
Fun           divertido
English          Spanish        Spanish    English
finish           terminar       fantasma   ghost
fish and chips   pescado con
fish             pez/pescado

father-in-       suegro

firework         fuegos

feather          pluma
English        Spanish       Spanish    English
grandfather    abuelo
                             gigante    giant
give           dar

gift           regalo        gracioso   funny

Germany        Alemania
German         Alem叩n/a
great          sensacional

girl           ni単a

grandparents   abuelos

ghost          fantasma

giant          gigante
English      Spanish       Spanish       English
hello        hola          hermano       brother
husband      marido        hermana       sister
hungry       hambriento/   hola          hello
happy        feliz         hambriento    hungry
healthy      saludable     hijo          son
house        casa          hija          daughter
hand         mano          habitaci坦n    room
his          su (masc)     helado        icecream
her          su (fem)      holand辿s/a    Dutch
home         hogar         harto/a       fed-up

hat          sombrero      hablar        talk

hot          caliente      hacer         make

high chair telesilla       hombre lobo   were wolf

have got     tener         hijastro      stepson

how          c坦mo          hijastra      stepdaught
how old      cu叩ntos       hermanastro   stepbrother
hippodrome   hip坦dromo     hermanastra   stepsister

                           hip坦dromo     hippodrome

                           hoja de       worksheet
English       Spanish       Spanish       English
Italy         Italia        Ingl辿s        English
Italian       Italiano/a    Inglaterra    England
icecream      helado        Italia        Italy
in            en            Italiano/a    Italian
imagine       imaginar      interesante   interesting
interesting   interesante
English    Spanish   Spanish   English
Japan      Jap坦n     Japon辿s   Japanese
Japanese   Japon辿s/a Jap坦n     Japan
joke       broma     joven     young
English   Spanish    Spanish   English
knife     cuchillo
English   Spanish      Spanish      English
live      vivir        lleno        full
love      encantar     limpiar      clean
llama     llama        la           the
lovely    riqu鱈simo,   los          the

lonely    solitario    las          the
learn     aprender     linterna     torch
lift      ascensor     libreta      notebook
London    Londres      Llegar (a)   arrive at
Lisbon    Lisboa       Londres      London
letter    carta,       Lisboa       Lisbon
English      Spanish       Spanish       English
mother       madre         madre         mother
meet         conocer,      marido        husband
meat         carne         mujer         woman
menu         carta         mesa          table
my           mi            mano          hand
me           m鱈            marinero      sailor
Mexican      Mexicano      mi            my
mat          alfombra      mar           sea
mouse        rat坦n         m鱈            me
museum       museo         mexicano      mexican
milkshake batido           museo         museum
make         hacer         aprender de   learn by heart

mask         m叩scara       m叩scara       mask
marvellous   maravilloso   mirar         watch
mummy        momia         mascota       pet
monster      monstruo      maravilloso marvellous
                           momia         mummy
                           monstruo      monster
English   Spanish    Spanish     English
mother-   suegra     madrastra
married   casado/a
(to)      con
English    Spanish      Spanish     English
name       nombre       nombre      name
niece      sobrina      navegar     sail
nephew     sobrino      nosotros/   we
noodles    fideo        noche       night
napkin     servilleta   ni単o/a      child
naughty    travieso     ni単os       children
nurse      enfermer     ni単o        boy
nearby     cercano      ni単a        girl
nut        fruto seco nuera         daughter-
nervous    nervioso/a
night      noche
notebook   libreta
English   Spanish   Spanish   English
English   Spanish   Spanish   English
of        de        oscuro    dark
ogre      ogro      ogro      ogre
old       viejo     oso       bear
English      Spanish     Spanish       English
piece        trozo
                         padre         father
polite       educado     primo/a       cousin
parents      padres      palillo       chopstick
park         parque      pa鱈s          country
pan          cacerola    padres        parents
Peruvian     Peruano/a   planta        floor
pair         par         piso          flat
pyjamas      pijama      pupitre       desk
prize        premio      parque        park
playgroung   patio de    pero          but
pet          mascota     porque        because
percolator   colador     多por qu辿? why
parachute paraca鱈das     para          for
perfume      perfume     Peruano/      Peruvian
paprika      piment坦n    pijama        pyjamas

pirate       pirata      preocupado/   worried
poem         poema       permancecer   stay

pupil        alumno/a    poder         can

paste        pegar       patio de      playground
English   Spanish   Spanish      English
                    pescado      fish
                    padrastro    stepfather
                    paraca鱈das   parachute
                    paisaje      scenery
                    pluma        feather
                    pepino       cucumber
                    pirata       pirate
                    preguntar ask
                    pregunta     question
                    poema        poem
                    pegar        paste
                    palabra      word
English    Spanish    Spanish   English
queen      reina      quince    fifteen
quite      bastante   qu辿       what
quiz       concurso   querer    want
question   pregunta
English      Spanish         Spanish     English
rice         arroz           reina       queen
rude         maleducado      regalo      gift

reach        alcanzar        rat坦n       mouse

restaurant   restaurante     Relajado    calm

room         habitaci坦n      riqu鱈simo   lovely

rested       descansado      rico        rich

rich         rico (dinero)   repetir     repeat

repeat       repetir
English     Spanish      Spanish       English
                         sobrino       nephew
spaghetti   espagueti
sandwich    bocadillo    sobrina       niece
son         hijo         saludable     healthy
sun         sol          su (masc)     his
steam       cocer        su (fem)      her
spoon       cuchara      sombrero      hat
serving     plato de     sensacional   great
dish        servir
serve       servir       suegro        father-in-law

street      calle        suegra        mother-in-
squirrel    ardilla
see         ver
sweet       dulce,
summer      verano
sailor      marinero
sail        navegar
sea         mar
ship        barco
Spanish     Espa単ol/a
Spain       Espa単a
scared      asustado/a
English    Spanish      Spanish   English
spell      deletrear
spelling   deletreo
student    estudiante

study      estudiar
English        Spanish       Spanish    English
sad            triste        saco de    sleeping bag
sleep-over     quedarse a    sonre鱈r    smile
stay           permanecer    susurrar   whisper

sleep          dormir

scary          que asusta

sleeping bag   saco de
start          empezar
swing          columpio
siblings       hermanos
smile          sonreir
skeleton       esqueleto
son-in-law     yerno

stepson        hijastro
stepdaughter   hijastra
stepmother madrastra
stepfather     padrastro
stepbrother    hermanastro

stepsister     hermanastra

science        ciencia
scenery        paisaje
English      Spanish      Spanish     English
thirsty      sediento/a   t鱈a         aunt
tired        cansado/a    t鱈o         uncle
table        mesa         tenedor     fork
towel        toalla       toalla      towel
the          el, la,      t炭          you
they         ellos/as     tuyo        your
these        estos/as     traer       bring
Turkish      Turco/a      Turco/a     Turkish
thirteen     trece        trece       thirteen
thirty       treinta      treinta     thirty
telephone    tel辿fono     tel辿fono    telephone
talk         hablar       triste      sad
torch        linterna     terminar    finish
thundersto   tormenta     telesilla   high chair
rm           el辿ctrica
troll        trol         tener       have got
English   Spanish     Spanish    English
uncle     t鱈o         un, uno,   a(n)
usually   normalm
upstair   planta de
English     Spanish     Spanish     English
vegetable   vegetal     vac鱈o       empty
van         furgoneta   vegetal     vegetable
vampire     vampiro     vivir       live
                        ventana     window
                        ver         see
                        verano      summer
                        vosotros/   you
                        venir       come
                        viejo       old
English     Spanish      Spanish   English
wife        esposa,
window      ventana
why         多por qu辿?
was         era, eras
we          nosotros/
when        cuando
where       donde
what        qu辿
which       cu叩l
worried     preocupa
wake up     despertar
watch       mirar
want        querer
wedding     boda
witch       bruja
were wolf hombre
whisper     susurrar
worksheet   hoja de
waiter      camarero
English   Spanish   Spanish   English
word      palabra
English   Spanish   Spanish   English
English   Spanish   Spanish   English
Young     joven     y         and
You       t炭,vosotro Yerno    Son-in-
          s/as                law
English   Spanish   Spanish   English
zombie    zombi     Zueco     clog
                    Zombi     zombie
My vocabulary notebook

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My vocabulary notebook

  • 1. a b c d e f g h i My Vocabulary j k l Notebook m n 単 o p q r s t u v w y z
  • 2. English Spanish Spanish English apple manzana abuelo grandfather A aunt t鱈a arroz rice Australian Australiano/ alcanzar reach a a (n) uno, una, un arriba upstairs (planta) across a trav辿s ardilla squirrel and y a trav辿s across at last al fin al fin at last American Americano/a alfombra mat address direcci坦n abanico fan angry enfadado/a Americano American /a art arte Que asusta scary amazing asombroso arte art alien alien Alemania Germany arrive (at) llegar (a) Alem叩n/a German ask preguntar asombroso amazing aprender learn ascensor lift abuelos grandparents abuela grandmother alumno/ pupil a
  • 3. English Spanish Spanish English hermano B brother bocadillo sandwich bored aburrido/a bombero firefighter boring que aburre bastante quite bowl bol barco ship British brit叩nico batido milksake because porque boda wedding but pero broma joke bring traer bruja witch breakfast desayuno barba beard boy ni単o beard barba bear oso
  • 4. English Spanish Spanish English cousin Primo/a chino/a Chinese C cold fr鱈o comida food China China carne meat Chinese chino/a cocer steam chopstick palillo cuchillo knife clean limpiar cuchara spoon country pa鱈s cliente customer customer cliente c坦modo comfortable comfortable c坦modo casa house clog zueco calle street come venir cercano nearby can poder caramelo sweet caf辿 cafeter鱈a cuando when cementery cementerio cacerola pan child ni単o/a catorce fourteen children ni単os/as cuarenta forty hijos calm relajado cincuenta fifty cake pastel cu叩l which cool fresco cansado/a tired calendar calendario caliente hot card postal, concurso quiz carta
  • 5. English Spanish Spanish English cyclops c鱈clope cafeter鱈a caf辿 C cauliflower coliflor cena dinner cartoon dibujos cenar have dinner animados copy copiar columpio swing cementerio cementery c鱈clope cyclops cu単ado brother-in- law cu単ada sister-in-law colador percolator ciencia science cucumber pepino coliflor cauliflower copiar copy camarero waiter
  • 6. English Spanish Spanish English daughter hija dulce sweet D delicious delicioso/a donde where desk pupitre direcci坦n address Dutch Holand辿s/a dormir sleep dark oscuro delicioso delicious dinner cena divertido fun delicious delicioso despertar wake up dodgem coche de desayuno breakfast choque Dragon drag坦n desayunar have breakfast descansado rested dibujos cartoon animados deletrear spell
  • 7. English Spanish Spanish English excited emocionado esposa wife E eat comer encantar love empty vac鱈o/a era, eras was English Ingl辿s/a el the England Inglaterra 辿l he Egypt Egipto ella she Egyptian egipcio ellos/as they exciting emocionante estos/as these esto/a this Espa単ol/a Spanish Espa単a Spain enfadado/a angry Egipto Egypt egipcio/a Egyptian emocionante exciting empezar start esqueleto skeleton estudiar study estudiante student
  • 8. English Spanish Spanish English F father padre feliz happy food comida freir fry fry freir fideo noodle fork tenedor Furgoneta van full lleno/a Franc辿s/a French firefighter bombero floor planta flat piso from de Friendly Amistoso /a For para Fan abanico French Franc辿s/ a Fourteen catorce Forty cuarenta Fifteen quince Fifty cincuent a Fed-up Harto/a funny gracioso Fun divertido
  • 9. English Spanish Spanish English finish terminar fantasma ghost F fish and chips pescado con patatas fish pez/pescado father-in- suegro law firework fuegos artificiales feather pluma
  • 10. English Spanish Spanish English grandfather abuelo G gigante giant give dar gift regalo gracioso funny Germany Alemania German Alem叩n/a great sensacional girl ni単a grandparents abuelos ghost fantasma giant gigante
  • 11. English Spanish Spanish English hello hola hermano brother H husband marido hermana sister hungry hambriento/ hola hello a happy feliz hambriento hungry /a healthy saludable hijo son house casa hija daughter hand mano habitaci坦n room his su (masc) helado icecream her su (fem) holand辿s/a Dutch home hogar harto/a fed-up hat sombrero hablar talk hot caliente hacer make high chair telesilla hombre lobo were wolf have got tener hijastro stepson how c坦mo hijastra stepdaught er how old cu叩ntos hermanastro stepbrother a単os hippodrome hip坦dromo hermanastra stepsister hip坦dromo hippodrome hoja de worksheet ejercicios
  • 12. English Spanish Spanish English I Italy Italia Ingl辿s English Italian Italiano/a Inglaterra England icecream helado Italia Italy in en Italiano/a Italian imagine imaginar interesante interesting interesting interesante
  • 13. English Spanish Spanish English J Japan Jap坦n Japon辿s Japanese Japanese Japon辿s/a Jap坦n Japan joke broma joven young
  • 14. English Spanish Spanish English K knife cuchillo
  • 15. English Spanish Spanish English live vivir lleno full L love encantar limpiar clean llama llama la the lovely riqu鱈simo, los the adorable, encantador lonely solitario las the learn aprender linterna torch lift ascensor libreta notebook London Londres Llegar (a) arrive at Lisbon Lisboa Londres London letter carta, Lisboa Lisbon letra
  • 16. English Spanish Spanish English M mother madre madre mother meet conocer, marido husband quedar meat carne mujer woman menu carta mesa table (rest) my mi mano hand me m鱈 marinero sailor Mexican Mexicano mi my /a mat alfombra mar sea mouse rat坦n m鱈 me museum museo mexicano mexican /a milkshake batido museo museum make hacer aprender de learn by heart memoria mask m叩scara m叩scara mask marvellous maravilloso mirar watch mummy momia mascota pet monster monstruo maravilloso marvellous momia mummy monstruo monster
  • 17. English Spanish Spanish English stepmother M mother- suegra madrastra in-law married casado/a (to) con
  • 18. English Spanish Spanish English N name nombre nombre name niece sobrina navegar sail nephew sobrino nosotros/ we as noodles fideo noche night napkin servilleta ni単o/a child naughty travieso ni単os children nurse enfermer ni単o boy o/a nearby cercano ni単a girl nut fruto seco nuera daughter- in-law nervous nervioso/a night noche notebook libreta
  • 19. English Spanish Spanish English
  • 20. English Spanish Spanish English O of de oscuro dark ogre ogro ogro ogre old viejo oso bear
  • 21. English Spanish Spanish English piece trozo P padre father polite educado primo/a cousin parents padres palillo chopstick park parque pa鱈s country pan cacerola padres parents Peruvian Peruano/a planta floor pair par piso flat pyjamas pijama pupitre desk prize premio parque park playgroung patio de pero but juegos pet mascota porque because percolator colador 多por qu辿? why parachute paraca鱈das para for perfume perfume Peruano/ Peruvian a paprika piment坦n pijama pyjamas pirate pirata preocupado/ worried a poem poema permancecer stay pupil alumno/a poder can paste pegar patio de playground juego
  • 22. English Spanish Spanish English P pescado fish padrastro stepfather paraca鱈das parachute paisaje scenery pluma feather pepino cucumber pirata pirate preguntar ask pregunta question poema poem pegar paste palabra word
  • 23. English Spanish Spanish English Q queen reina quince fifteen quite bastante qu辿 what quiz concurso querer want question pregunta
  • 24. English Spanish Spanish English rice arroz reina queen R rude maleducado regalo gift reach alcanzar rat坦n mouse restaurant restaurante Relajado calm room habitaci坦n riqu鱈simo lovely rested descansado rico rich rich rico (dinero) repetir repeat repeat repetir
  • 25. English Spanish Spanish English sobrino nephew S spaghetti espagueti sandwich bocadillo sobrina niece son hijo saludable healthy sun sol su (masc) his steam cocer su (fem) her spoon cuchara sombrero hat serving plato de sensacional great dish servir serve servir suegro father-in-law street calle suegra mother-in- law squirrel ardilla see ver sweet dulce, caramelo summer verano sailor marinero sail navegar sea mar ship barco Spanish Espa単ol/a Spain Espa単a scared asustado/a
  • 26. English Spanish Spanish English S spell deletrear spelling deletreo student estudiante study estudiar
  • 27. English Spanish Spanish English sad triste saco de sleeping bag S dormir sleep-over quedarse a sonre鱈r smile dormir stay permanecer susurrar whisper sleep dormir scary que asusta sleeping bag saco de dormir start empezar swing columpio siblings hermanos smile sonreir skeleton esqueleto son-in-law yerno stepson hijastro stepdaughter hijastra stepmother madrastra stepfather padrastro stepbrother hermanastro stepsister hermanastra science ciencia scenery paisaje
  • 28. English Spanish Spanish English thirsty sediento/a t鱈a aunt T tired cansado/a t鱈o uncle table mesa tenedor fork towel toalla toalla towel the el, la, t炭 you los,las. they ellos/as tuyo your these estos/as traer bring Turkish Turco/a Turco/a Turkish thirteen trece trece thirteen thirty treinta treinta thirty telephone tel辿fono tel辿fono telephone talk hablar triste sad torch linterna terminar finish thundersto tormenta telesilla high chair rm el辿ctrica troll trol tener have got
  • 29. English Spanish Spanish English U uncle t鱈o un, uno, a(n) una usually normalm ente upstair planta de arriba
  • 30. English Spanish Spanish English V vegetable vegetal vac鱈o empty van furgoneta vegetal vegetable vampire vampiro vivir live ventana window ver see verano summer vosotros/ you as venir come viejo old
  • 31. English Spanish Spanish English W wife esposa, mujer window ventana why 多por qu辿? was era, eras we nosotros/ as when cuando where donde what qu辿 which cu叩l worried preocupa do/a wake up despertar watch mirar want querer wedding boda witch bruja were wolf hombre lobo whisper susurrar worksheet hoja de ejercicios waiter camarero
  • 32. English Spanish Spanish English W word palabra
  • 33. English Spanish Spanish English X
  • 34. English Spanish Spanish English Y Young joven y and You t炭,vosotro Yerno Son-in- s/as law
  • 35. English Spanish Spanish English Z zombie zombi Zueco clog Zombi zombie