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  Collaborative product & supplier lifecycle management

myCreations offers                             myCreations is a comprehensive
                                               and integrated suite of applications
                                                                                      and key working documents are
                                                                                      managed in myLibrary. The
full end to end                                designed specifically for              development of products,
                                               manufacturing, retail and food         production of specifications and the
collaborative                                  service businesses to develop and      generation of pack copy and artwork
product and                                    protect their brands, manage their     approval is achieved in myRecipe,
                                               suppliers and ensure full end to end   myProduct and myArtwork.
supplier lifecycle                             product lifecycle management.
management                                     The solution, which provides a
                                                                                      The compliance of raw materials,
                                                                                      intermediates and finished goods to
through a unique                               collaborative environment              the specification is measured,
                                               accessible by all relevant parties,    analysed and reported in
integrated range of                            covers all aspects of product          myQuality. Consumer feedback in
modules                                        management, from the identification    terms of comments about product
                                               of market trends and identifying,      quality, complaints etc are managed
                                               selecting and approving suppliers      within myConsumer, whilst product
                                               (myMarket, mySource and                information developed across the
                                               mySupplier), the development of        full myCreations suite can be made
                                               project briefs, plans and workflow     available for publishing, consumer
                                               management (myProject and              information points and e-business
                                               myCustomer). Issue, receipt and        links through myCatalogue.
                                               acceptance of policies, guidelines

     myCreations   myCreations   myCreations                                                myCreations    myCreations       myCreations
      Support      Academy        Modify                                                      Mobile         Assist             Host

     Call Centre   Class Room      Analysis                                                 Smart Phones    Advisory         Data Centre
       Online      E-Learning    Development                                                 Handhelds       Config            Remote

                                                                                                                         MICROS Retail and Supply Chain
                                                                                                                                         33 Pilcher Gate
                                                                                                                                                NG1 1QF
                                                                                                                                  +44 (0) 845 602 9985
   Collaborative supplier, site & compliance management
                         mySupplier has been designed to
mySupplier provides      allow the identification, approval and
supplier and site        collaborative development of
                         suppliers, sites and materials within
management and           the supply chain.

approval to achieve      It provides a full supplier and site
                         contact management system that
due diligence and full   incorporates: audit assessment,
                         supplier selection and performance
supplier compliance      monitoring.

                         mySupplier provides a powerful
                         incident management capability
                         enabling rapid response to industry
                         concerns through quick and easy
                         query management and collaborative
                         supplier alerts.

                         Features                                 Benefits
                         ? Supplier, site and user management     ? Centralised, real time, up to date
                                                                    supplier information
                         ? Audit and visit scheduling and
                           management                             ? Demonstrate supplier approval and
                         ? Centralised audit non-conformance
 mySource                                                         ? Due diligence management of the
                                                                    supply chain
                         ? Supplier approval management
                                                                  ? Improved efficiency through a single
 myLibrary               ? Non-conformance management               approved supplier list

 myRecipe                ? Supplier performance management

 myProduct               ? Rapid incident and alert
                         ? Supplier communication
 myQuality                 management

 myConsumer              ? Single point of collaborative entry


       Powered by

                                                                                       MICROS Retail and Supply Chain
                                                                                                       33 Pilcher Gate
                                                                                                              NG1 1QF
                                                                                                +44 (0) 845 602 9985
Collaborative product development and compliance management

                         myProduct provides a collaborative
myProduct offers a       environment for the development of
centralised              the full product record incorporating
                         brief management, product
collaborative            specifications, pack copy, artwork files
                         and quality testing and surveillance.
environment for
                         Version controlled through a number
product development      of stage gates, each one rigorously
                         validated against a pre-defined set of
and verification         rules ensures right first time data
accelerating time to     management improving accuracy,
                         compliance and safety.
market whilst ensuring
                         Collaborative joint development of the
compliance and           product record and all components
                         has proven to significantly reduce
product safety           administration, rework and provides
                         fast, reliable interrogation accelerating
                         consumer response.

                         Features                                    Benefits
                         ? Brief management                          ? Centralised, real time, up to date
 myCustomer                                                            product information
                         ? Configurable specification formats
                                                                     ? Reduced data entry and duplication
                         ? Collaborative specification
                           management                                ? Improves speed to market by Right
                                                                       First Time specifications
 mySupplier              ? Specification validation and approval
                                                                     ? Reduce re-work through Improved
                         ? Pack copy generation and approval           compliance and product data
 myLibrary                                                             reliability
                         ? Product performance monitoring
                         ? Product data, search, query and




       Powered by

                                                                                          MICROS Retail and Supply Chain
                                                                                                          33 Pilcher Gate
                                                                                                                 NG1 1QF
                                                                                                   +44 (0) 845 602 9985
               Interactive quality and compliance management
                        myQuality offers complete in-process
myQuality allows the    traceability combined with a quality
audit, testing and      data collection and management
trending of material
                        myQuality utilises the latest mobile
and process data        wireless technologies to eliminate
                        paperwork and transform Quality
ensuring product and    Management techniques to provide an
                        exceptional level of operational
process quality and     control.
compliance              These features combine to provide
                        integrity of process/traceability which
                        prevents line downtime and quality
                        failures, safeguarding against product

                        Features                                  Benefits

                        ? Mobile data capture                     ? Centralised, real time, up to date
 myMarket                                                           product and process quality
                        ? Validation against product record         information
                        ? In-process material traceability        ? Faster, error free and product data
 myProject                                                          collection
                        ? Immediate alert to out of spec. non-
                          conformance                             ? Reduce non-conformance costs

                        ? Real time CCP and performance           ? Improve product quality and
                          monitoring                                consistency
 myLibrary                                                        ? Continuous Improvement through
                        ? Non-compliance trend analysis and
                          management                                root cause analysis of product /
 myRecipe                                                           process failures
                        ? Statistical analysis of process
 myProduct                capability

 myArtwork              ? KPI, performance and trend
                          reporting over current and historic
 myQuality                data

                                                                  Used by

       Powered by

                                                                                       MICROS Retail and Supply Chain
                                                                                                       33 Pilcher Gate
                                                                                                              NG1 1QF
                                                                                                +44 (0) 845 602 9985
               Collaborative artwork and proofing management
                        myArtwork is an innovative solution
myArtwork               manages artwork and graphics from
automates and           concept to production.

integrates all          This end-to-end solution provides
                        industry-leading asset management
components of the       and digital workflow software, colour
                        management, production workflow
artwork and labelling   and proofing expertise in an easy-to-
                        use, flexible and integrated system.
process, helping you
drive innovation,
improve quality and
control, and reduce
                        Features                                Benefits
development time
and costs               ? Visual Asset Manager (VAM)            ? Create a dashboard view of all
                        ? Project Tracking and Reporting
                                                                ? Reduce cycle times from weeks to
 myMarket               ? Colour Management & Proofing            days

 myCustomer             ? Collaboration and Mark-up             ? Reduce the number of status
 myProject              ? Streamline routing and approval
                                                                ? Maintain global brand identity
                        ? Content Certification
                                                                ? Centralize assets and increase
                        ? Automate colour control and file        Utilization
 myLibrary              ? File Transfer Manager


                                                                Used by
                                                                The Worlds leading
                                                                pharmaceutical company
                                                                A leading technology provider

                                                                Global drug and pharmaceutical

                                                                                     MICROS Retail and Supply Chain
                                                                                                     33 Pilcher Gate
                                                                                                            NG1 1QF
                                                                                              +44 (0) 845 602 9985
 Stage Gate Management and end to end visibility and tracking
                        myProject is a versatile project and
myProject allows the    process management organiser
adding, scheduling      specifically for product development
                        within the food and retail supply chain.
and progressing of
                        myProject provides the ability to
new projects to allow   maximise success, minimise time-to-
                        market and associated development
the controlled          costs, whilst optimizing opportunities
                        for innovation and product quality.
development of a
product specification

                        Features                                   Benefits

                        ? Covering the end to end lifecycle of     ? Centralised, real time, up to date
 myMarket                 range and category planning,               product and process quality
                          innovation funnel and the supply           information
 myCustomer               chain NPD process.
                                                                   ? Ability to manage complex projects
 myQuality              ? Planning and monitoring a stage /          with a large number of products
                          gate critical path through
                          development of new and existing          ? Minimises time to market and
                          products.                                  associated development cost
                        ? Workflow capability reduces              ? Cuts administration time and costs
 myLibrary                progress chasing on project activity
                          and significantly reduces duplication    ? Collaboration on briefs allow input
                          of activity during a project               from all relevant parties hence
 myRecipe                                                            better forecasting
                        ? Criteria for accepting projects can be
                          pre defined and built in to the
                          approval process




                                                                                        MICROS Retail and Supply Chain
                                                                                                        33 Pilcher Gate
                                                                                                               NG1 1QF
                                                                                                 +44 (0) 845 602 9985

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myCreations Solutions Brief

  • 1. myCreations Collaborative product & supplier lifecycle management myCreations offers myCreations is a comprehensive and integrated suite of applications and key working documents are managed in myLibrary. The full end to end designed specifically for development of products, manufacturing, retail and food production of specifications and the collaborative service businesses to develop and generation of pack copy and artwork product and protect their brands, manage their approval is achieved in myRecipe, suppliers and ensure full end to end myProduct and myArtwork. supplier lifecycle product lifecycle management. management The solution, which provides a The compliance of raw materials, intermediates and finished goods to through a unique collaborative environment the specification is measured, accessible by all relevant parties, analysed and reported in integrated range of covers all aspects of product myQuality. Consumer feedback in modules management, from the identification terms of comments about product of market trends and identifying, quality, complaints etc are managed selecting and approving suppliers within myConsumer, whilst product (myMarket, mySource and information developed across the mySupplier), the development of full myCreations suite can be made project briefs, plans and workflow available for publishing, consumer management (myProject and information points and e-business myCustomer). Issue, receipt and links through myCatalogue. acceptance of policies, guidelines myCreations myCreations myCreations myCreations myCreations myCreations Support Academy Modify Mobile Assist Host Call Centre Class Room Analysis Smart Phones Advisory Data Centre Online E-Learning Development Handhelds Config Remote MICROS Retail and Supply Chain 33 Pilcher Gate Nottingham NG1 1QF +44 (0) 845 602 9985 myCreations@micros.com
  • 2. mySupplier Collaborative supplier, site & compliance management mySupplier has been designed to mySupplier provides allow the identification, approval and supplier and site collaborative development of suppliers, sites and materials within management and the supply chain. approval to achieve It provides a full supplier and site contact management system that due diligence and full incorporates: audit assessment, supplier selection and performance supplier compliance monitoring. mySupplier provides a powerful incident management capability enabling rapid response to industry concerns through quick and easy query management and collaborative supplier alerts. Features Benefits myMarket ? Supplier, site and user management ? Centralised, real time, up to date supplier information myCustomer ? Audit and visit scheduling and management ? Demonstrate supplier approval and myProject compliance ? Centralised audit non-conformance mySource ? Due diligence management of the management supply chain mySupplier ? Supplier approval management ? Improved efficiency through a single myLibrary ? Non-conformance management approved supplier list myRecipe ? Supplier performance management myProduct ? Rapid incident and alert management myArtwork ? Supplier communication myQuality management myConsumer ? Single point of collaborative entry myCatalogue Powered by MICROS Retail and Supply Chain 33 Pilcher Gate Nottingham NG1 1QF +44 (0) 845 602 9985 myCreations@micros.com
  • 3. myProduct Collaborative product development and compliance management myProduct provides a collaborative myProduct offers a environment for the development of centralised the full product record incorporating brief management, product collaborative specifications, pack copy, artwork files and quality testing and surveillance. environment for Version controlled through a number product development of stage gates, each one rigorously validated against a pre-defined set of and verification rules ensures right first time data accelerating time to management improving accuracy, compliance and safety. market whilst ensuring Collaborative joint development of the compliance and product record and all components has proven to significantly reduce product safety administration, rework and provides fast, reliable interrogation accelerating consumer response. Features Benefits myMarket ? Brief management ? Centralised, real time, up to date myCustomer product information ? Configurable specification formats ? Reduced data entry and duplication myProject ? Collaborative specification management ? Improves speed to market by Right mySource First Time specifications mySupplier ? Specification validation and approval ? Reduce re-work through Improved ? Pack copy generation and approval compliance and product data myLibrary reliability ? Product performance monitoring myRecipe ? Product data, search, query and myProduct reporting myArtwork myQuality myConsumer myCatalogue Powered by MICROS Retail and Supply Chain 33 Pilcher Gate Nottingham NG1 1QF +44 (0) 845 602 9985 myCreations@micros.com
  • 4. myQuality Interactive quality and compliance management myQuality offers complete in-process myQuality allows the traceability combined with a quality audit, testing and data collection and management system. trending of material myQuality utilises the latest mobile and process data wireless technologies to eliminate paperwork and transform Quality ensuring product and Management techniques to provide an exceptional level of operational process quality and control. compliance These features combine to provide integrity of process/traceability which prevents line downtime and quality failures, safeguarding against product recall. Features Benefits ? Mobile data capture ? Centralised, real time, up to date myMarket product and process quality ? Validation against product record information myCustomer ? In-process material traceability ? Faster, error free and product data myProject collection ? Immediate alert to out of spec. non- conformance ? Reduce non-conformance costs mySource ? Real time CCP and performance ? Improve product quality and mySupplier monitoring consistency myLibrary ? Continuous Improvement through ? Non-compliance trend analysis and management root cause analysis of product / myRecipe process failures ? Statistical analysis of process myProduct capability myArtwork ? KPI, performance and trend reporting over current and historic myQuality data myConsumer Used by myCatalogue Powered by MICROS Retail and Supply Chain 33 Pilcher Gate Nottingham NG1 1QF +44 (0) 845 602 9985 myCreations@micros.com
  • 5. myArtwork Collaborative artwork and proofing management myArtwork is an innovative solution myArtwork manages artwork and graphics from automates and concept to production. integrates all This end-to-end solution provides industry-leading asset management components of the and digital workflow software, colour management, production workflow artwork and labelling and proofing expertise in an easy-to- use, flexible and integrated system. process, helping you drive innovation, improve quality and control, and reduce Features Benefits development time and costs ? Visual Asset Manager (VAM) ? Create a dashboard view of all projects ? Project Tracking and Reporting ? Reduce cycle times from weeks to myMarket ? Colour Management & Proofing days myCustomer ? Collaboration and Mark-up ? Reduce the number of status meetings myProject ? Streamline routing and approval ? Maintain global brand identity ? Content Certification mySource ? Centralize assets and increase ? Automate colour control and file Utilization mySupplier conversions myLibrary ? File Transfer Manager myRecipe myProduct myArtwork Used by myQuality The Worlds leading myConsumer pharmaceutical company myCatalogue A leading technology provider Global drug and pharmaceutical producer MICROS Retail and Supply Chain 33 Pilcher Gate Nottingham NG1 1QF +44 (0) 845 602 9985 myCreations@micros.com
  • 6. myProject Stage Gate Management and end to end visibility and tracking myProject is a versatile project and myProject allows the process management organiser adding, scheduling specifically for product development within the food and retail supply chain. and progressing of myProject provides the ability to new projects to allow maximise success, minimise time-to- market and associated development the controlled costs, whilst optimizing opportunities for innovation and product quality. development of a product specification Features Benefits ? Covering the end to end lifecycle of ? Centralised, real time, up to date myMarket range and category planning, product and process quality innovation funnel and the supply information myCustomer chain NPD process. ? Ability to manage complex projects myQuality ? Planning and monitoring a stage / with a large number of products gate critical path through development of new and existing ? Minimises time to market and mySource products. associated development cost mySupplier ? Workflow capability reduces ? Cuts administration time and costs myLibrary progress chasing on project activity and significantly reduces duplication ? Collaboration on briefs allow input of activity during a project from all relevant parties hence myRecipe better forecasting ? Criteria for accepting projects can be myProduct pre defined and built in to the approval process myArtwork myProject myConsumer myCatalogue MICROS Retail and Supply Chain 33 Pilcher Gate Nottingham NG1 1QF +44 (0) 845 602 9985 myCreations@micros.com