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Mohamed Ashraf El-Hamdan 1
Mohamed Ashraf El-
E-mail : mohamed.elhamdan00 @gm ail.co m Phone : 01110590686
Address: Rosetta,Beheira governorate,Egypt
El-Shehab Contracting Company/鏈件混鏤鏈
悋鏤鏤鏈鏤o 鏤鏤鏤わ鏈鏤獅惠 悋鏤鏈醐錆鏈惡
15/7/2016  Present
Sea Service For loading & Discharging 1/8/2016  Present
-Graduated from The Faculty Of Commerce-English Section , Damanhour University
-Major : Accounting
-All over grade so far : Good
*Language Skills :
-Arabic: Mother tongue
-English: Fluent
-French: Basic
*Computer Skills :
-MS Word - MS excel
*Other Skills : -Strong planner and problem solver who readily adapts to change , works independently and exceed
-able to juggle multiple priorities and meet tight deadlines without compromising quality
Successfully completed the 4th Level of
Advanced Phase Of the English Language
Ministry Of Defense Langauge Institute
30/8/2014  21/9/2014
Commercial Excel course | 20/6/2015  26/7/2015
held at Faculty Of Commerce , Alexandria University
Commercial Excel course || 3/8/2015  22/8/2015
held at Faculty Of Commerce , Alexandria University
Mohamed Ashraf El-Hamdan 2
Quick Books course 1/9/2015  6/10/2015
held at Faculty Of Commerce , Alexandria University
Human Resources Management course
and workshops in
Business Administration Association , Alexandria University
with Excellent Grade
Training For Employment - CBE : Principle
Of Banking Certificate
Central Bank Of Egypt ,Egyptian Banking Institute , Damanhur University
Total hours 100
Excellent Grade
5/2/2016  2/3/2016
Basic Communication Skills 5/2/2016  2/3/2016
Central Bank Of Egypt ,Egyptian Banking Institute , Damanhur University
Teamwork Concepts 5/2/2016  2/3/2016
Central Bank Of Egypt ,Egyptian Banking Institute , Damanhur University
Business Awareness : Etiquette at
Workplace,Behavior and Attitude
Central Bank Of Egypt ,Egyptian Banking Institute , Damanhur University
5/2/2016  2/3/2016

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  • 1. Mohamed Ashraf El-Hamdan 1 Mohamed Ashraf El- Hamdan E-mail : mohamed.elhamdan00 @gm ail.co m Phone : 01110590686 Address: Rosetta,Beheira governorate,Egypt Workexperience El-Shehab Contracting Company/鏈件混鏤鏈 悋鏤鏤鏈鏤o 鏤鏤鏤わ鏈鏤獅惠 悋鏤鏈醐錆鏈惡 Accountant 15/7/2016 Present Sea Service For loading & Discharging 1/8/2016 Present Accountant Qualifications -Graduated from The Faculty Of Commerce-English Section , Damanhour University -Major : Accounting -All over grade so far : Good *Language Skills : -Arabic: Mother tongue -English: Fluent -French: Basic *Computer Skills : -MS Word - MS excel *Other Skills : -Strong planner and problem solver who readily adapts to change , works independently and exceed expectations -able to juggle multiple priorities and meet tight deadlines without compromising quality Education Successfully completed the 4th Level of Advanced Phase Of the English Language Course Ministry Of Defense Langauge Institute 30/8/2014 21/9/2014 Commercial Excel course | 20/6/2015 26/7/2015 held at Faculty Of Commerce , Alexandria University Commercial Excel course || 3/8/2015 22/8/2015 held at Faculty Of Commerce , Alexandria University
  • 2. Mohamed Ashraf El-Hamdan 2 Quick Books course 1/9/2015 6/10/2015 held at Faculty Of Commerce , Alexandria University Human Resources Management course and workshops in Leadership,Teamwork,Motivation,Negotiation,HRM Business Administration Association , Alexandria University with Excellent Grade Training For Employment - CBE : Principle Of Banking Certificate Central Bank Of Egypt ,Egyptian Banking Institute , Damanhur University Total hours 100 Excellent Grade 5/2/2016 2/3/2016 Basic Communication Skills 5/2/2016 2/3/2016 Central Bank Of Egypt ,Egyptian Banking Institute , Damanhur University Teamwork Concepts 5/2/2016 2/3/2016 Central Bank Of Egypt ,Egyptian Banking Institute , Damanhur University Business Awareness : Etiquette at Workplace,Behavior and Attitude Central Bank Of Egypt ,Egyptian Banking Institute , Damanhur University 5/2/2016 2/3/2016