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Why Conduct
 Shopping?                                            Mystery Shopping
 Eighty percent of customers
  will share a bad customer
                                                                                Banks & Credit Unions
  experience with others;
 Sixty-six percent of
                                                                       How Well Do You
  customers stop doing
  business with an institution
                                                                   Know Your Customers?
  because of poor service;
 Nearly 90 percent of
  dissatisfied customers who
  are unhappy never tell their
  bank or credit union about
  their dissatisfaction.

   What are your
 customers saying
  about your bank
  or credit union?

                                    Benefits of Mystery Shopping
                                    Mystery Shopping helps you:
                                                                                    Why Choose

Research & Marketing
                                        Identify Gaps in Service
                                        Highlight Customer Preferences
                                        Identify Loss of Business Opportunity
   Strategies, Inc.                 揃   Evaluate Employee Performance                  Professional Evaluators
 Baldwinsville Village Commons                                                         Objective Opinions
15 East Genesee Street, Suite 210                                                      Proven Quality Reputation
     Baldwinsville, NY 13027
      Phone: 315.635.9802
                                    How does it work?                                  Knowledgeable Staff
                                                                                       Industry Expertise
         866.567.5422               Typical Mystery Shopping Process:                  Competitive Pricing
                                    揃   Set up scenarios                            Other services include:
                                    揃   Develop Evaluation Tool                      Online, Mail, and Telephone
                                    揃   Mystery Shop                                  Surveys
                                                                                     Focus Groups
                                    揃   Create Report
                                                                                     In-Depth Interviews
                                    揃   Present Information

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  • 1. Why Conduct Mystery Shopping? Mystery Shopping Eighty percent of customers will share a bad customer Banks & Credit Unions experience with others; Sixty-six percent of How Well Do You customers stop doing business with an institution Know Your Customers? because of poor service; Nearly 90 percent of dissatisfied customers who are unhappy never tell their bank or credit union about their dissatisfaction. What are your customers saying about your bank or credit union? Benefits of Mystery Shopping Mystery Shopping helps you: Why Choose Research & Marketing 揃 揃 揃 Identify Gaps in Service Highlight Customer Preferences Identify Loss of Business Opportunity RMS? Strategies, Inc. 揃 Evaluate Employee Performance Professional Evaluators Baldwinsville Village Commons Objective Opinions 15 East Genesee Street, Suite 210 Proven Quality Reputation Baldwinsville, NY 13027 Phone: 315.635.9802 How does it work? Knowledgeable Staff Industry Expertise 866.567.5422 Typical Mystery Shopping Process: Competitive Pricing www.RMSresults.com 揃 Set up scenarios Other services include: 揃 Develop Evaluation Tool Online, Mail, and Telephone 揃 Mystery Shop Surveys Focus Groups 揃 Create Report In-Depth Interviews 揃 Present Information