Mystery shopping involves having trained individuals pose as customers to evaluate customer service and identify areas for improvement. It can help businesses identify gaps in service, highlight customer preferences, and recognize opportunities to retain customers by evaluating employee performance from the customer's perspective. A typical mystery shopping process involves setting up service scenarios, developing evaluation tools, conducting the secret shopping visits, creating a report on the findings, and presenting the results.
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Mystery Shopping Flyer Financial
1. Why Conduct
Shopping? Mystery Shopping
Eighty percent of customers
will share a bad customer
Banks & Credit Unions
experience with others;
Sixty-six percent of
How Well Do You
customers stop doing
business with an institution
Know Your Customers?
because of poor service;
Nearly 90 percent of
dissatisfied customers who
are unhappy never tell their
bank or credit union about
their dissatisfaction.
What are your
customers saying
about your bank
or credit union?
Benefits of Mystery Shopping
Mystery Shopping helps you:
Why Choose
Research & Marketing
Identify Gaps in Service
Highlight Customer Preferences
Identify Loss of Business Opportunity
Strategies, Inc. 揃 Evaluate Employee Performance Professional Evaluators
Baldwinsville Village Commons Objective Opinions
15 East Genesee Street, Suite 210 Proven Quality Reputation
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Phone: 315.635.9802
How does it work? Knowledgeable Staff
Industry Expertise
866.567.5422 Typical Mystery Shopping Process: Competitive Pricing
揃 Set up scenarios Other services include:
揃 Develop Evaluation Tool Online, Mail, and Telephone
揃 Mystery Shop Surveys
Focus Groups
揃 Create Report
In-Depth Interviews
揃 Present Information