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OMB No. 1615-0091; Expires 05/31/2011

Department of Homeland Security                                                         Form N-565, Application for Replacement
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services                                                   Naturalization/Citizenship Document
START HERE - Please type or print in black ink                                                                For USCIS Use Only
Part 1. Information about you.                                                                        Returned                      Receipt
Family Name                                        Given Name                           Middle Name

Address - In care of:
 Street Number and Name                                                                 Apt. Number

 City or Town                                              State or Province

 Country                                                                Zip or Postal Code
                                                                                                      Reloc Sent
 Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)                                Country of Birth

 Certificate Number                                        A-Number

 Telephone Number (with area/country codes)                E-Mail Address (if any)                    Reloc Rec'd

 Part 2. Type of application
 1. I hereby apply for: (check one)
 a.        New Certificate of Citizenship                                                                  Applicant
 b.        New Certificate of Naturalization                                                           Interviewed
 c.        New Certificate of Repatriation
 d.        New Declaration of Intention
 e.        Special Certificate of Naturalization to obtain recognition of my U.S. citizenship by a        Declaration of Intention verified by
           foreign country. (Skip Number 2 and go to Part 3)
 2. Basis for application: (Refer to the instructions for additional information.)
                                                                                                          Citizenship verified by
 a.        My certificate is/was lost, stolen or destroyed (attach a copy of the certificate if you
           have one.) Explain when, where and how.

 b.        My certificate is mutilated (attach the certificate).
 c.        My name has been changed (attach the certificate).
 d.        My certificate or declaration is incorrect (attach the document(s)).
 Part 3. Processing information
Gender           Male         Height             Marital          Single                  Widowed
                 Female                          Status           Married                 Divorced
 My last certificate or Declaration of Intention was issued to me by:                                  Action Block
 USCIS Office or Name of Court:                          Date (mm/dd/yyyy):

 Name in which the document was issued:

 Other names I have used (if none, so indicate):

  Since becoming a citizen, have you lost your citizenship in any manner?
           No                   Yes (attach an explanation)
                                                                                                                To Be Completed by
 Part 4. Complete if applying for a new document because of a name                                        Attorney or Representative, if any.
         change                                                                                          Fill in box if Form G-28 is attached
 Name changed to present name by: (check one)                                                            to represent the applicant.
         Marriage or divorce on (month/day/year)                                                      VOLAG#
         (Attach a copy of marriage or divorce certificate)
                                                                                                      ATTY State License #
           Court Decree (month/day/year)
           (Attach a copy of the court decree)
                                                                                                                         Form N-565 (Rev. 11/23/10) Y
Part 5. Complete if applying to correct your document
If you are applying for a new certificate or Declaration of Intention because your current one is incorrect, explain why it is incorrect and attach copies
of the documents supporting your request.

Part 6. Complete if applying for a special certificate of recognition as a citizen of the U.S. by the
        government of a foreign country

Name of Foreign Country

Information about official of the country who has requested this certificate (if known)
Name                                                                         Official Title

Government Agency:
Address: Street Number and Name                                                                                      Suite Number

City                                                                        State/Province

Country                                                                                                              Zip or Postal Code

Part 7. Signature                Read the information on penalties in the instructions before completing this part. If you are going to file this
                                 application at a USCIS office in the United States sign below. If you are going to file this application at a USCIS
                                 office abroad, sign it in front of a USCIS or Consular Official.

I certify, or if outside the United States, I swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America, that this application
and the evidence submitted with it is all true and correct. I authorize the release of any information from my records which U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services needs to determine eligibility for the benefit I am seeking.

Signature                                                                                                                             Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

 Signature of USCIS                                                        Print Your Name                                            Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
 or Consular Official

NOTE:       If you do not completely fill out this form or fail to submit required documents listed in the instructions, you may not be found eligible
            for a certificate and this application may be denied.

Part 8. Signature of person preparing form, if other than the applicant
I declare that I prepared this application at the request of the applicant and it is based on all information of which I have knowledge.

Signature                                                                  Print Your Name                                              Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Firm Name and Address                                                                                       Telephone Number (with area code)

                                                                                                            E-Mail Address (if any)

                                                                                                                         Form N-565 (Rev. 11/23/10) Y Page 2

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N 565

  • 1. OMB No. 1615-0091; Expires 05/31/2011 Department of Homeland Security Form N-565, Application for Replacement U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Naturalization/Citizenship Document START HERE - Please type or print in black ink For USCIS Use Only Part 1. Information about you. Returned Receipt Family Name Given Name Middle Name Address - In care of: Resubmitted Street Number and Name Apt. Number City or Town State or Province Country Zip or Postal Code Reloc Sent Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Country of Birth Certificate Number A-Number Telephone Number (with area/country codes) E-Mail Address (if any) Reloc Rec'd Part 2. Type of application 1. I hereby apply for: (check one) a. New Certificate of Citizenship Applicant b. New Certificate of Naturalization Interviewed c. New Certificate of Repatriation d. New Declaration of Intention e. Special Certificate of Naturalization to obtain recognition of my U.S. citizenship by a Declaration of Intention verified by foreign country. (Skip Number 2 and go to Part 3) 2. Basis for application: (Refer to the instructions for additional information.) Citizenship verified by a. My certificate is/was lost, stolen or destroyed (attach a copy of the certificate if you have one.) Explain when, where and how. Remarks b. My certificate is mutilated (attach the certificate). c. My name has been changed (attach the certificate). d. My certificate or declaration is incorrect (attach the document(s)). Part 3. Processing information Gender Male Height Marital Single Widowed Female Status Married Divorced My last certificate or Declaration of Intention was issued to me by: Action Block USCIS Office or Name of Court: Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Name in which the document was issued: Other names I have used (if none, so indicate): Since becoming a citizen, have you lost your citizenship in any manner? No Yes (attach an explanation) To Be Completed by Part 4. Complete if applying for a new document because of a name Attorney or Representative, if any. change Fill in box if Form G-28 is attached Name changed to present name by: (check one) to represent the applicant. Marriage or divorce on (month/day/year) VOLAG# (Attach a copy of marriage or divorce certificate) ATTY State License # Court Decree (month/day/year) (Attach a copy of the court decree) Form N-565 (Rev. 11/23/10) Y
  • 2. Part 5. Complete if applying to correct your document If you are applying for a new certificate or Declaration of Intention because your current one is incorrect, explain why it is incorrect and attach copies of the documents supporting your request. Part 6. Complete if applying for a special certificate of recognition as a citizen of the U.S. by the government of a foreign country Name of Foreign Country Information about official of the country who has requested this certificate (if known) Name Official Title Government Agency: Address: Street Number and Name Suite Number City State/Province Country Zip or Postal Code Part 7. Signature Read the information on penalties in the instructions before completing this part. If you are going to file this application at a USCIS office in the United States sign below. If you are going to file this application at a USCIS office abroad, sign it in front of a USCIS or Consular Official. I certify, or if outside the United States, I swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America, that this application and the evidence submitted with it is all true and correct. I authorize the release of any information from my records which U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services needs to determine eligibility for the benefit I am seeking. Signature Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Signature of USCIS Print Your Name Date (mm/dd/yyyy) or Consular Official NOTE: If you do not completely fill out this form or fail to submit required documents listed in the instructions, you may not be found eligible for a certificate and this application may be denied. Part 8. Signature of person preparing form, if other than the applicant I declare that I prepared this application at the request of the applicant and it is based on all information of which I have knowledge. Signature Print Your Name Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Firm Name and Address Telephone Number (with area code) E-Mail Address (if any) Form N-565 (Rev. 11/23/10) Y Page 2