CN 1: B/L sense of smell normal
CN2: VA right 6/6 and left 6/6
CN 3,4,6-
EOM full range
No nystagmus
No ptosis
Pupils- B/L 3mm equal and reactive.
5. CN 5- Normal
CN 7- Intact
CN 8
B/L AC>BC , Weber's not lateralised
CN 9, 10
Uvula midline
Palatal movements normal ,no asymmetry
6. CN 11
Shoulder shrugging Normal on both sides
CN 12
No fasciculations of tongue
no Tongue deviation
7. Sensory examination: Normal
Romberg's sign: Negative
Tandem gait: Normal
Cerebellar Examination: Normal
Involuntary movements: No
Meningeal signs: no