Neptune is the most beautiful planet the author has seen in a poster. It has a surface temperature of -196°C and 14 moons. Its surface is made of rock, ice and gases and has no life due to extremely cold temperatures and lack of sunlight.
2. Introducing Neptune I chose Neptune because it is the most beautiful planet I have ever seen on a poster. Neptune looks like a huge pearl floating In space.
3. The Temperature on Neptune Neptune’s surface temperature is – 196°c but on the tips of Neptune`s clouds it is way colder because there the temperature is -210°c.
4. Distance from the sunFrom Neptune the sun looks like no more than a tiny speck because Neptune is 4,504,000,000 kilometers away from the sun!
5. MoonsAlthough Earth has only one moon Neptune has 14of them.There sure is a lot of moon light on Neptune!
6. Neptune`s surface and weather Neptune`s surface is made out of rock, ice and gases.Bad luck if you are thirsty because you will find nothing except ice.Neptune’s weather is not really what you call warm, you see Neptune is the eighth planet in the solar system and its hard to get a tan.
7. No life on Neptune!! There is no way that Neptune can sustain life because it is -196°c on Neptune, Neptune’s water is frozen so we can not drink it and there is no sunlight on Neptune so we can not grow plants.