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Weed Control Programs
Roundup Ready® Maize

 Dr Norbert Muelleder
 24 March 2010
 Monsanto International SA
Global Importance of Maize

                            Plantings          Production
                           (million ha)       (million tons)

     Maize (global)           157.0                    787
     Wheat (global)           224.0                    684
     Rice (global)            155.0                    441
     Grain maize (EU 27)       8.9                      61
     Silage maize (EU27)       5.1                     209

                                          http://www.maiskomitee.de/ (June 2009)
Role of Maize in the EU 27 Crop Rotation

                                                                            Maize area                     % area
                                Member State
                                                                            (1.000 ha)                 corn after corn
                                 France                                       3127.6                        31%
                                 Romania                                      2819.6                        41%
                                 Germany                                      1738.9                        19%
                                 Italy                                        1411.7                        43%
                                 Hungary                                      1308.5                        14%
                                 Poland                                        656.7                        30%
                                 Spain                                         507.4                        29%
                                 Bulgaria                                      380.9                        35%
                                 Czech Rep.                                    281.3                        11%
                                 Austria                                       252.5                        21%
                                 Netherlands                                   249.1                        66%
                                 Slovakia                                      245.1                        11%
                                 Belgium                                       215.0                        32%
                                 Greece                                        200.0                        29%
                                 Portugal                                      162.0                        29%

Analysis of the economic, social and environmental impacts of options for the longterm EU strategy against Diabrotica virgifera (Western Corn Rootworm), a regulated harmful organism of
maize, to support the drafting of the Commission Impact Assessment. (Final report). European Commission, DG SANCO, Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 Brussels, 04.06.2009
Major Weeds in European Maize Production
 (Bi)Annual dicots          Annual grasses            Perennial dicots          Perennial grasses
Amaranthus retroflexus    Alopecurus myosuroides    Cirsium arvense            Agropyron repens

Capsella bursa-pastoris   Digitaria sp.             Convolvulus arvensis       Cynodon dactylon

Chenopodium album         Echinochloa crus-galli                               Cyperus rotundus

Datura stramonium         Poa annua                                            Sorghum halepense

Galium aparine            Setaria sp.

Lamium sp.
                      Major weed control strategies in European maize production:
Matricaria sp.
                      •   Around 50 maize selective active substances on Annex 1 of EU Directive
Polygonum sp.             91/414. General trend goes to less compounds in the future.

Solanum nigrum        •   Between 14 and 33 active substances registered per member state

Stellaria media       •   Herbicides are usually mixed to control the local weed flora
                      •   1 or 2 (seldom 3) herbicide applications per maize crop
Veronica sp.
                      •   Application timings differ widely. There is a tendency towards pre-
Xanthium sp.
                          emergence applications in Southern Europe and to post emergence
                          treatements in Northern Europe.
Geranium sp.
Weed Competition in Maize

       weed sensitive period
       3            6      8   corn leaf stage
RR Maize Weed Control Concept 1

                                 2. Roundup
                                (max. 1080 g ae)

    1. residual herbicide

                                3                  6    8                corn leaf stage

1. Apply any registered residual maize herbicide at reduced rate before emergence of
2. Control later emerging weeds with Roundup (max 1080 g ae) by respecting

    a)   weed height: less than 10 cm
    b)   corn growth stage: latest at 3 leaf stage

RR Maize Weed Control Concept 2

                                           2. Roundup (max. 1080 g ae)
      1. tank mix Roundup (max. 1080           only if neccessary
       g ae) and residual herbicide

                              3                6         8                corn leaf stage

1. Apply a tank mix of Roundup and a compatible residual maize herbicide (at reduced
   rate) at 3 leaf stage of corn
2. In case of high weed pressure apply Roundup again

   In both cases the application timing is triggered like in concept 1 by weed height (less
   than 10 cm) and crop growth stage
RR Maize Weed Control Concept 3

                                                        2. Roundup
                             1. Roundup                 (max. 1080 g ae)
                             (max. 1080 g ae)

                                    3               6           8             corn leaf stage

   1. Apply Roundup at 3 leaf stage of corn
   2. Depending on weed pressure apply Roundup a second time latest at 8 leaf stage
      of corn
      In both cases the application timing is triggered by weed height (less than 10 cm) and
      crop growth stage

(the pure Roundup concept is a prerequisite to register Roundup over the top in Roundup Ready maize)
RR Maize Weed Control Concept 4

                                                    (max. 1440 g ae)

                                                                8                corn leaf stage

Especially in warmer climates the late control of perennial weeds like Convolvulus arvensis is
a major concern in maize production
The Roundup Ready system in maize offers a new solution for this problem

   Start with concept 1 to 3 at max 720 g ae of Roundup at the 1st application
   Apply 1440 g ae of Roundup latest at 8 leaf stage of corn when perennial weeds have
   sufficient leaf area for take up of glyphosate                                             9
Tested Partner Herbicides for RR corn

Brand name(s)        Active ingredient   HRAC / Herbicide class   Company
Harness, Guardian    Acetochlor          K3 / Chloroacetamides    Monsanto / Dow
Dual Gold            s-Metolachlor       K3 / Chloroacetamides    Syngenta
Spectrum, Frontier   Dimethenamid-p      K3 / Chloroacetamides    BASF
Successor            Pethoxamid          K3 / Chloroacetamides    Staehler Int.
Click, Chac,….       Terbuthylazine      C1 / PS II Inhibitor     several
Clio                 Topramezone         F2 / Inh. of 4-HPPD      BASF
Merlin / Emerode     Isoxaflutol         F2 / Inh. of 4-HPPD      Bayer
Banvel               Dicamba             O / Benzoic acid         Syngenta
Stomp SC             Pendimethalin       K1 / Dinitroaniline      BASF

EU 27 RR Maize Field Trial Activities (stripes)

                              DK                                            RUS

                                   D                                         UA

                     F        CH                                  RO


 P         ES                                                GR

Weed control in RR Maize in Northern Europe
comparison of pre-emergence versus full post program (5 trials, CZ 2009)
    % control

                                                                           t /ha
Weed control in RR Maize in Southern Europe
comparison of pre-emergence and post program (3 trials, Spain 2009)
   % control

                                                                      t /ha
Glyphosate Resistant              Major Weeds in European
   Weed Biotypes                     Maize Production

Amaranthus palmeri         Agropyron repens          Polygonum sp.
Amaranthus rudis           Alopecurus myosuroides    Setaria sp.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia    Amaranthus retroflexus    Solanum nigrum
Ambrosia trifida           Capsella bursa-pastoris   Sorghum halepense
Conyza bonariensis         Chenopodium album         Stellaria media
Conyza canadensis          Cirsium arvense           Veronica sp.
Digitaria insularis        Convolvulus arvensis      Xanthium sp.
Echinochloa colona         Cynodon dactylon
Eleusine indica            Cyperus rotundus
Euphorbia heterophylla     Datura stramonium
Kochia scoparia            Digitaria ssp.
Lolium multiflorum         Echinochloa crus-galli
Lolium rigidum             Galium aparine
Parthenium hysterophorus   Geranium sp.
Plantago lanceolata        Lamium sp.
Sorghum halepense          Matricaria sp.
Urochloa panicoides        Poa annua
Risks for the Sustainability of Integrated Weed
                                                       Risk Level
Management Option                         LOW           MODERATE             HIGH
                                       > 2 modes of      2 modes of        1 mode of
Herbicide use in cropping system           action          action            action
                                                        Cultural and
Weed control in cropping system       mechanical and
                                                                          Chemical only

Same mode of action per season            Once         More than once      Many times

Cropping system                        Full rotation   Limited rotation    No rotation

Resistance status to mode of action     Unknown            Limited          Common

Weed infestation                           Low            Moderate            High

Control in last 3 years                   Good            Declining           Poor

Proper usage (rate / timing)               Yes             Unsure              No
Sustainability of Integrated Weed Management in current European
Maize Production ( ) compared to RR system ( )

                                                       Risk Level
Management Option                         LOW           MODERATE             HIGH
                                       > 2 modes of      2 modes of        1 mode of
Herbicide use in cropping system           action          action            action
                                                        Cultural and
Weed control in cropping system       mechanical and
                                                                          Chemical only

Same mode of action per season            Once         More than once      Many times

Cropping system                        Full rotation   Limited rotation    No rotation

Resistance status to mode of action     Unknown            Limited          Common

Weed infestation                           Low            Moderate            High

Control in last 3 years                   Good            Declining           Poor

Proper usage (rate / timing)               Yes             Unsure              No
• Maize production is of increasing importance for food and feed
  supply from a worldwide and a European perspective.
• A major threat to maize productivity is weed competition for water,
  nutrients and light in early growth stages.
    – Best possible weed control is necessary to protect the yield potential of the
      crop irrespective of the production system.
• The Roundup Ready maize system offers 4 additional weed control
  strategies to the maize production in Europe.
• Roundup Ready maize is a flexible tool for consistent and selective
  weed control in Europe that protects the yield potential of the crop.
• Roundup Ready maize will increase in a cost effective way the
  sustainability of integrated weed management in European farming
  by adding a mode of action for weed control
• The combination of Roundup Ready maize with other traits (insect
  protection, drought tolerance,..) will address further challenges in
  European agriculture.
in case you are curious: this is just a white whole
NK 603 launch in Europe – June 2008 - NM

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N Muelleder

  • 1. Weed Control Programs in Roundup Ready® Maize Dr Norbert Muelleder 24 March 2010 Monsanto International SA
  • 2. Global Importance of Maize Plantings Production (million ha) (million tons) Maize (global) 157.0 787 Wheat (global) 224.0 684 Rice (global) 155.0 441 Grain maize (EU 27) 8.9 61 Silage maize (EU27) 5.1 209 http://www.maiskomitee.de/ (June 2009)
  • 3. Role of Maize in the EU 27 Crop Rotation Maize area % area Member State (1.000 ha) corn after corn France 3127.6 31% Romania 2819.6 41% Germany 1738.9 19% Italy 1411.7 43% Hungary 1308.5 14% Poland 656.7 30% Spain 507.4 29% Bulgaria 380.9 35% Czech Rep. 281.3 11% Austria 252.5 21% Netherlands 249.1 66% Slovakia 245.1 11% Belgium 215.0 32% Greece 200.0 29% Portugal 162.0 29% Analysis of the economic, social and environmental impacts of options for the longterm EU strategy against Diabrotica virgifera (Western Corn Rootworm), a regulated harmful organism of maize, to support the drafting of the Commission Impact Assessment. (Final report). European Commission, DG SANCO, Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 Brussels, 04.06.2009
  • 4. Major Weeds in European Maize Production (Bi)Annual dicots Annual grasses Perennial dicots Perennial grasses Amaranthus retroflexus Alopecurus myosuroides Cirsium arvense Agropyron repens Capsella bursa-pastoris Digitaria sp. Convolvulus arvensis Cynodon dactylon Chenopodium album Echinochloa crus-galli Cyperus rotundus Datura stramonium Poa annua Sorghum halepense Galium aparine Setaria sp. Lamium sp. Major weed control strategies in European maize production: Matricaria sp. • Around 50 maize selective active substances on Annex 1 of EU Directive Polygonum sp. 91/414. General trend goes to less compounds in the future. Solanum nigrum • Between 14 and 33 active substances registered per member state Stellaria media • Herbicides are usually mixed to control the local weed flora • 1 or 2 (seldom 3) herbicide applications per maize crop Veronica sp. • Application timings differ widely. There is a tendency towards pre- Xanthium sp. emergence applications in Southern Europe and to post emergence treatements in Northern Europe. Geranium sp.
  • 5. Weed Competition in Maize weed sensitive period 3 6 8 corn leaf stage
  • 6. RR Maize Weed Control Concept 1 2. Roundup (max. 1080 g ae) 1. residual herbicide pre-emergence 3 6 8 corn leaf stage 1. Apply any registered residual maize herbicide at reduced rate before emergence of corn 2. Control later emerging weeds with Roundup (max 1080 g ae) by respecting a) weed height: less than 10 cm b) corn growth stage: latest at 3 leaf stage 6
  • 7. RR Maize Weed Control Concept 2 2. Roundup (max. 1080 g ae) 1. tank mix Roundup (max. 1080 only if neccessary g ae) and residual herbicide 3 6 8 corn leaf stage 1. Apply a tank mix of Roundup and a compatible residual maize herbicide (at reduced rate) at 3 leaf stage of corn 2. In case of high weed pressure apply Roundup again In both cases the application timing is triggered like in concept 1 by weed height (less than 10 cm) and crop growth stage 7
  • 8. RR Maize Weed Control Concept 3 2. Roundup 1. Roundup (max. 1080 g ae) (max. 1080 g ae) 3 6 8 corn leaf stage 1. Apply Roundup at 3 leaf stage of corn 2. Depending on weed pressure apply Roundup a second time latest at 8 leaf stage of corn In both cases the application timing is triggered by weed height (less than 10 cm) and crop growth stage (the pure Roundup concept is a prerequisite to register Roundup over the top in Roundup Ready maize) 8
  • 9. RR Maize Weed Control Concept 4 Roundup (max. 1440 g ae) 8 corn leaf stage Especially in warmer climates the late control of perennial weeds like Convolvulus arvensis is a major concern in maize production The Roundup Ready system in maize offers a new solution for this problem Start with concept 1 to 3 at max 720 g ae of Roundup at the 1st application Apply 1440 g ae of Roundup latest at 8 leaf stage of corn when perennial weeds have sufficient leaf area for take up of glyphosate 9
  • 10. Tested Partner Herbicides for RR corn Brand name(s) Active ingredient HRAC / Herbicide class Company Harness, Guardian Acetochlor K3 / Chloroacetamides Monsanto / Dow Dual Gold s-Metolachlor K3 / Chloroacetamides Syngenta Spectrum, Frontier Dimethenamid-p K3 / Chloroacetamides BASF Successor Pethoxamid K3 / Chloroacetamides Staehler Int. Click, Chac,…. Terbuthylazine C1 / PS II Inhibitor several Clio Topramezone F2 / Inh. of 4-HPPD BASF Merlin / Emerode Isoxaflutol F2 / Inh. of 4-HPPD Bayer Banvel Dicamba O / Benzoic acid Syngenta Stomp SC Pendimethalin K1 / Dinitroaniline BASF 10
  • 11. EU 27 RR Maize Field Trial Activities (stripes) S DK RUS UK IRL PL NL D UA CZ SK A H F CH RO BG I P ES GR 11
  • 12. Weed control in RR Maize in Northern Europe comparison of pre-emergence versus full post program (5 trials, CZ 2009) % control t /ha
  • 13. Weed control in RR Maize in Southern Europe comparison of pre-emergence and post program (3 trials, Spain 2009) % control t /ha
  • 14. Glyphosate Resistant Major Weeds in European Weed Biotypes Maize Production Amaranthus palmeri Agropyron repens Polygonum sp. Amaranthus rudis Alopecurus myosuroides Setaria sp. Ambrosia artemisiifolia Amaranthus retroflexus Solanum nigrum Ambrosia trifida Capsella bursa-pastoris Sorghum halepense Conyza bonariensis Chenopodium album Stellaria media Conyza canadensis Cirsium arvense Veronica sp. Digitaria insularis Convolvulus arvensis Xanthium sp. Echinochloa colona Cynodon dactylon Eleusine indica Cyperus rotundus Euphorbia heterophylla Datura stramonium Kochia scoparia Digitaria ssp. Lolium multiflorum Echinochloa crus-galli Lolium rigidum Galium aparine Parthenium hysterophorus Geranium sp. Plantago lanceolata Lamium sp. Sorghum halepense Matricaria sp. Urochloa panicoides Poa annua
  • 15. Risks for the Sustainability of Integrated Weed Management Risk Level Management Option LOW MODERATE HIGH > 2 modes of 2 modes of 1 mode of Herbicide use in cropping system action action action Cultural, Cultural and Weed control in cropping system mechanical and chemical Chemical only chemical Same mode of action per season Once More than once Many times Cropping system Full rotation Limited rotation No rotation Resistance status to mode of action Unknown Limited Common Weed infestation Low Moderate High Control in last 3 years Good Declining Poor Proper usage (rate / timing) Yes Unsure No 15
  • 16. Sustainability of Integrated Weed Management in current European Maize Production ( ) compared to RR system ( ) Risk Level Management Option LOW MODERATE HIGH > 2 modes of 2 modes of 1 mode of Herbicide use in cropping system action action action Cultural, Cultural and Weed control in cropping system mechanical and chemical Chemical only chemical Same mode of action per season Once More than once Many times Cropping system Full rotation Limited rotation No rotation Resistance status to mode of action Unknown Limited Common Weed infestation Low Moderate High Control in last 3 years Good Declining Poor Proper usage (rate / timing) Yes Unsure No 16
  • 17. Summary • Maize production is of increasing importance for food and feed supply from a worldwide and a European perspective. • A major threat to maize productivity is weed competition for water, nutrients and light in early growth stages. – Best possible weed control is necessary to protect the yield potential of the crop irrespective of the production system. • The Roundup Ready maize system offers 4 additional weed control strategies to the maize production in Europe. • Roundup Ready maize is a flexible tool for consistent and selective weed control in Europe that protects the yield potential of the crop. • Roundup Ready maize will increase in a cost effective way the sustainability of integrated weed management in European farming by adding a mode of action for weed control • The combination of Roundup Ready maize with other traits (insect protection, drought tolerance,..) will address further challenges in European agriculture.
  • 18. in case you are curious: this is just a white whole NK 603 launch in Europe – June 2008 - NM