Presentation which looks at some of the work to create and example case studies of its use to date.
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More Related Content Creating an open journalism toolkit
1. Crea
Creating an open journalism toolkit
Sarah Hartley |EBU Conference, Turin | Sept 2012
3. A so-lo-mo platform which
reinvents ideas around local
Image source: Screenwerks
4. Who cares about so-lo-mo?
The next generation of leaders
and startups to emerge will
involve mobile, local, and social.
- Eric Schmidt, Google Chairman
5. Where it started
$long_min=$long - $radius / abs(cos(deg2rad($lat)) * 69);
$long_max=$long + $radius / abs(cos(deg2rad($lat)) * 69);
$lat_min=$lat - ($radius / 69);
$lat_max=$lat + ($radius / 69);
SELECT * FROM `posts`
WHERE `lat`
BETWEEN '".$lat_min."' AND '".$lat_max."'
AND `long`
BETWEEN '".$lng_min."' AND '".$lng_max."'
12. Front end: jQuery, jQuery UI, and jQuery Mobile. Twitters
Environment: PHP using Zend and MySQL
Search: Solr
Read API: Solr
Location: JavaScript API and Geocoding API
Fonts: Google. Cabin is the primary typeface
Deployment: github, dbdeploy and Jenkins
Hosting: EC2 and S3. We also cache PHP using APC
Analytics: Chartbeat and Google Analytics
Content: People
Moderation: People