Nagatomi Shipping provides international logistics services including cargo and ship brokering, air and sea chartering, customs clearance, transportation, warehousing, and supply chain management. They have operations in Brazil, Germany, the UK, UAE, and China. Nagatomi's mission is to make international logistics a competitive tool in a changing market by assisting customers and partners to develop new business, and their vision is to grant everyone access to products worldwide.
6. NetworkBRAZILSão PauloSantosRio de JaneiroItajaiPorto AlegreGermanyFrankfurtUnitedKingdomLondonUnitedArabEmiratesDubaiChinaShanghaiGuangzhouShenzen
7. Organizational PrinciplesMission“Make the international logistic a competitive tool in a quick changes market, Assisting customers and partners to develop new business.“Vision“Grant the access of everyone to products worldwide.“Inovation – Look for new technology in order to improve customers and partners services;Relationship – For us our Customer are really our partners;Ethic and Transparency – With partners, suppliers, staff and society;Respect – The individual, differences and needings that each company have;Social Responsability and Enviroment – Commitment with good health of staff, society and enviroment.