Being a solopreneur in the modern world is very exciting and liberating.
Suddenly, everything is within your reach: your clients, your platforms, and even your marketing channels are all online.
And when it comes to digital marketing, you can manage and promote your speaking business by creating and executing your own strategy, without needing to hire-in.
But if you are having trouble getting started, dont worry, this article will help you create your own digital marketing strategy and give you helpful tips on how to improve your content marketing.
Sounds exciting, right? So lets get started.
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Nailing your digital marketing as a solopreneur
2. Who are your ideal clients?
What demographic do they fit in?
What are their interests?
And most importantly, which
social media platform they
usually hang out on?
3. Define your audience
K n o w l e d g e
b a s e
C o n t e n t
e x p e c t a t i o n s
A p p r o p r i a t e
t o n e
C h a l l e n g e s
a n d i s s u e s
4. Why are you launching a digital
marketing campaign?
To build credibility?
To get more bookings?
Connect with industry experts?
Each goal requires a
different focus.