The document describes the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, from gamma rays to radio waves. It provides the wavelength ranges and frequency ranges for each region, as well as some of their technological and natural applications. The regions are ordered from highest to lowest frequency and shortest to longest wavelength. Visible light, which the human eye can see, makes up only a small portion of the overall electromagnetic spectrum. The micron is used as the basic unit to measure wavelengths across the spectrum.
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Name of region
1. Name of
Range (in m, μm,
and nm)
Frequency Range
Applications /
Role in Nature
10-14 to 10-10 m
10-8 to 10-4 μm
10-5 to 10-1 nm
3x1022 to 3x1018 Hz Radiation therapy
X - Rays
10-14 to 10-8 m
10-8 to 10-2 μm
10-5 to 10 nm
3x1022 to 3x1016 Hz
Radiation therapy;
diagnosis (lower
10-8 to 4x10-7 m
10-2 to 0.4 μm
10-5 to 400 nm
3x1016 to 0.75x1016 Hz
Promotes production of
Vitamin D in human skin;
photosynthesis in plants
4x10-7 to 8x10-7 m
0.4 to 0.8 μm
400 to 800 nm
0.75x1016 to 0.375x1016 Hz
Lamps for seeing
(Eyes respond to this
8x10-7 to 10-3 m
0.8 to 103μm
800 to 106 nm
0.375x1016 to 3x1011 Hz Infrared photography
10-4 to 106 m 3x1012 to 300 Hz Communication devices
Table 1: Regions of the entire electromagnetic spectrum and general applications.
ï‚· In order of decreasing frequency (and increasing wavelength), the
various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are:
gamma rays , x-rays ,ultraviolet , visible light , infrared
, microwaves , and radio waves .
ï‚· Electromagnetic energy from the sun consists mostly of a small
amount of ultraviolet, all visible light, and some infrared.
2. ï‚· Light is a particular type of electromagnetic radiation that can be
seen and sensed by the human eye, but this energy exists at a wide
range of wavelengths.
ï‚· The micron is the basic unit for measuring the wavelength of
electromagnetic waves.
ï‚· The spectrum of waves is divided into sections based on
wavelength. The shortest waves are gamma rays, which have
wavelengths of 10e-6 microns or less. The longest waves are radio
waves, which have wavelengths of many kilometers.
ï‚· The range of visible consists of the narrow portion of the spectrum,
from 0.4 microns (blue) to 0.7 microns (red).