The Namibia Off-Road Academy offers several 4x4 off-road training courses, varying from basic to advanced to recovery techniques. Corporates, groups, individuals, mines and tourists are key operators of vehicles in our harsh country and are requested to enroll in safe eco-training. Our clients inlcude Private Enterprises, Government, Nature Conservation, NATH, Ministries, The World Bank, Embassies, Aid Organisations and Mining and Drilling Companies.
33. H u m a n e r r o r causes 90% of
Vehicle collisions are the result of
poor hazard awareness,
poor driving attitude
and poor technique which can
be avoided!
36. 1. Safe, skilled drivers must be the
top objective of any
organization's fleet program.
3. Protective, defensive tactics,
will keep your drivers and staff
from becoming a statistic and
reduce vehicle-maintenance
37. The benefits?
A high standard of driving,
the knowledge, techniques
and attitudes for safe travel
on gravel roads,
confidence to drive &
survive under any off-road
conditions and sealed road
39. Poor attitudes and driving
habits will cost heavily in lives
and property!
40. Consider: Frequency breeds
The longer improper trained drivers operate
your vehicles, the more frequent and severe the
accidents will be
The higher your vehicle-operating costs will be
which can also be the reason for legal claims
running into millions of N$.
This can harm your future development as a
company severely.
Training with Namibia Off-Road Academy creates
better & safe drivers.
42. We specialize in:
off-road, defensive and
security driving instruction
We teach only what works!
43. Based in Namibia, where you find
some of Africas most challenging
roads and driving conditions and
more than 20 years of experience
in operating fleets and a driving
school, we are knowledgeable on
both the risks and the related safe
alternatives to drive and survive.
44. Over 1,100 students annually agree:
Namibia Off-Road Academy made them
better & safer drivers!
The advantage offered is training in a small
group (8 students max.)
Our courses are based on 30% theory and 70%
45. Your company and your employees/drivers will
benefit from our courses
We guarantee it!
Our clients include:
Private Enterprises
Nature Conservation
The World Bank
Aid Organizations
Mining and Drilling Companies
Are you prepared to place a value on a human life or
are you prepared to add value?
46. Driving on African roads is more
dangerous than driving on a tarmac road in the
developed world.
Conditions here can be dangerous!
The lack of awareness towards hazards which
include rollovers and how to circumvent them,
puts you and your drivers at serious risk.
47. A 4wd is not a 2wd vehicle,
handling and dynamics are different:
the incorrect use of an off-road vehicle
is life threatening and increases
vehicle maintenance cost.
Namibia Off-Road Academy provides driving
solutions for field workers, fleet managers,
administrators and professional drivers in
off-road, defensive & security driving skills.
48. Training saves lives and money!
What you dont know
can hurt you!
The best safety device you can install in a car is
a trained driver.
49. Contact us to learn more about our
proven life- and money-saving
courses, taught by the best in
the business. Our skills and
experience make us the best
At the end of each course,
certificates are issued.
50. We recognize and accept
the privilege, confidence and
trust that is extended to us
when we facilitate and develop
your operators and drivers.
51. We guarantee the highest
degree of quality assurance and
accredited international unit
standard training combined with
effective teamwork.
57. D r iv e t o S u r v iv e &
P re s e rve !
Frans Theron (Owner / Instructor)
Cell: +264 81 234 9595
Tel.: +264 64 550 159
Fax: +264 88 615 207