There's an old joke that goes, The two hardest things in programming are cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors. In this talk, we'll discuss the subtle art of naming things油油a practice we do every day but rarely talk about.
There's an old joke that goes, The two hardest things in programming are cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors. In this talk, we'll discuss the subtle art of naming things a practice we do every day but rarely talk about.
Code quality directly impacts how easy or hard your job is. The higher the quality, the easier it is for anyone (including you) to quickly jump in and get to work. Where do you start? In this session, Tonya Mork will empower you to simplify your code while dramatically increasing its code quality.
It's all about building <human code>, code that is highly human readable and understandable.
This slide deck is from a session I gave for WPSessions.
How to tell a better story (in code)(final)Bonnie Pan
To tell a better story in code, start with knowing your audience, use ubiquitous languages in your code so that no translation is needed for your audience.
Apply visual design principles to identify code smells and organize the layout in a way to strengthen the communication.
Start from there then practice often by refactoring.
The truth is there are never shortcuts to tell a better story in life or in code, practice practice practice by refactoring we will make our code tell a better story.
Lets opt in better software for our future selves and others. Lets make our code accessible for those who are interested in our code. Lets invite our audience to our story in code.
This document discusses object inheritance in systems analysis and design. It covers key concepts like inheritance, composition, aggregation, and the relationships between classes. It explains how inheritance allows classes to inherit attributes and behaviors from parent classes, and how child classes can specialize or extend parent classes through overriding and adding new functionality. The document also discusses the differences between single and multiple inheritance and how inheritance is implemented in languages like Java and .NET.
Three coding experts discuss the importance of readability in code. They emphasize:
1. Code should be written for human readers, with descriptive variable and function names, proper indentation and formatting, and comments explaining purpose not just restating code.
2. Readable code is more likely to be correct and easier to maintain than code written only for computers. Formatting, style, and structure help convey meaning to human readers.
3. Assertions, comments, and documentation help future readers understand code by stating assumptions and intended purpose, not just surface behavior. Readable code supports understanding problem requirements in addition to technical solution.
1. The document discusses how to properly design a pattern catalog for user interface design. It outlines several key principles to follow, including designing the catalog to be used, focusing on intended users, considering other formats beyond patterns, thinking carefully about use contexts, including visual examples, and finding out how patterns are actually used.
2. The document cautions against common mistakes like describing obvious design solutions without insight, lacking visual examples, and failing to support patterns after publication. It advocates designing catalogs with the real needs of users in mind based on surveys of how designers apply patterns in practice.
3. The key lessons are to create concrete and practical guidance for users, present patterns in a usable organization, and supplement descriptions with informative
1. The document discusses how to properly design a pattern catalog for user interface design. It outlines several key principles to follow, including designing the catalog to be used, focusing on intended users, considering other formats beyond patterns, thinking carefully about use contexts, including visual examples, and finding out how patterns are actually used.
2. The document cautions against common mistakes like describing obvious design solutions without insight, lacking visual examples, and failing to support patterns after publication. It advocates designing catalogs with the real needs of users in mind based on surveys of how designers apply patterns in practice.
3. The key lessons are to create concrete and practical guidance for users, present patterns in a usable organization, and supplement descriptions with informative
This document provides an agenda and overview for a developer training session. It discusses developing a growth mindset for programming, strategies for managing frustration, resources for learning programming concepts and getting help, and approaches for collaborative work. It also introduces backend concepts like servers, databases, and JavaScript on the server side using Node.js. The homework assignment involves researching and documenting programming resources.
How To Win At Software - Advice for New Engineers - by Gabe JohnsonGabe Johnson
My (astoundingly self-absorbed) last lecture aimed at students who are just starting to learn about software engineering & development. This was written in May 2013 but still relevant.
The document discusses principles for writing clean code, including:
- Functions should do one thing and be small, with descriptive names.
- Code should be organized in a way that reads like well-written prose from top-level functions down.
- Comments are usually a code smell and cleaning up code is preferable to adding comments.
- Overall the goal is for code to be easy to read and understand at a glance.
A dispute on probably the most controversial feature in ES2016 leads us back to age old questions at the base of the most common practices of the development universe.
Do the sacred laws still apply?
jsDay 2016 closing keynote (
This document provides an introduction to unit testing and design patterns in Java. It discusses the value of unit testing in improving code quality and safety. It defines what a design pattern is, including different types of patterns like creational, structural, and behavioral patterns. It also gives examples of some basic patterns like Singleton and Iterator. The document is intended to provide an overview of these important concepts in software design.
1. The document discusses when it is appropriate to define new data types in programming. It notes that defining types can make code easier to use by reducing errors and improving communication.
2. Some good examples of when to define new types include for currencies to avoid rounding errors, ranges to group minimum and maximum values, and dates since built-in date types are often incorrect.
3. The author recommends erring on the side of defining new types since it requires little effort but can provide benefits like making future changes and refactoring easier. Communication is also an important reason, as defining types clearly communicates how data should be used.
C# and java comparing programming languagesShishir Roy
The document provides an in-depth comparison of the C# and Java programming languages. It discusses many similarities between the two languages, such as both using garbage collection and being fully object-oriented. The document also examines differences, such as C# learning from Java's strengths and weaknesses. Overall, the document aims to help readers understand the motivations behind the languages' designs and make informed choices about which to use for different situations.
The document discusses optimizing Perl code for easy maintenance. It suggests limiting the programming vocabulary to simpler and more common constructs to make the code easier to read, understand and debug. Specifically, it recommends always using strict and warnings, formatting code consistently with Perltidy, writing code for future readers rather than just oneself, following common conventions when possible, and avoiding obscure, complex or magical language features. It provides examples of features that should generally be avoided, such as formats, punctuation variables and indirect object syntax, to optimize Perl code for long-term maintainability.
The document discusses technical writing for consultants, covering topics such as composing, revising, creating effective sentences, and appropriate word choice. It provides principles for composing documents, including assessing the situation and reader, establishing focus, and drafting and revising. Specific tips are given for developing effective sentences, choosing precise wording, and applying these skills to proposals, technical studies, and correspondence. Mastering these composition and language skills can help consultants increase persuasiveness, approval rates, and client satisfaction.
We want code that is easy to understand, re-usable, and flexible. But we are always up against deadlines, so we rush, and end up with code that is messy, buggy, hard to maintain, and makes us go slower even though were trying to go faster.
What is clean code? In this talk Ill provide some answers to this question, and introduce you to 10 good habits that will help keep your code clean, such as the use of meaningful names for your variables and functions, and following the Boy Scout Rule (leave the code cleaner than you found it). I will even try to persuade you that using a lot of code comments is a sign that there are problems with your code.
The importance to be Driven
There are many buzzwords and acronyms to describe how the software should be designed. TDD (Test Driven), BDD (Behaviour Driven), DDD (Domain Driven) are the most well known. In this speech we'll run thought all these techniques comparing each one of those with TDD and finding what are the common concepts. An exercise will show to the students how different the code will be using different design methodologies as driver.
This is a presentation I did for the new interns at Duo Software which I highlight the pros and cons of being creative and following widely used best practices in software development
The document discusses six programming practices recommended by Kevlin Henney for programmers to follow when working on code. The practices are:
1. Make roots of class hierarchies fully abstract to avoid issues with concrete base classes and increase stability.
2. Inherit for subtyping only to promote understandability and substitutability.
3. Include only what is needed in header files to reduce build time and dependencies.
4. Consider duplicate code a programming error to eliminate bugs and reduce code size.
5. Use self-contained objects to take advantage of C++ features and separation of concerns.
6. Details on the remaining three practices will be covered in the next article.
Stanko introduces GraphQL as an alternative to REST for building APIs. Some key problems with REST include over-fetching of data and lack of standardized documentation. GraphQL addresses these by allowing clients to specify exactly which attributes they need in a query. The response then matches the structure of the query. GraphQL also provides automatic documentation of available queries and mutations through an introspection system. Overall, GraphQL provides a more flexible way to retrieve resources from an API compared to REST.
Rethinking Object Orientation - By Kathleen Dollard
Decades after object orientation design altered programming, its still evolving, and were still learning to use it better. Many changes in the tools we use and how we write applications affect the approach we take to OOD. Some of these changes relate to architecture where approaches like SOA and the layering revolution behind Silverlight alter the place of traditional OOD within the bigger picture of architecture. Other changes are language improvements that alter the very meaning of the phrase object from a design point of view. Language features that alter our implementation of logical objects include generics, extension methods, delegates/lambda expressions, partial classes/methods, reflection, anonymous types, and declarative programming.
Well also explore the growing role of interfaces as a contractual base in composable applications and explore differences between traditional applications and ecosystem empowering applications. Im really excited to give this talk to a group with diverse skillsets! Come ready for multi-way conversations because I want to learn from you.
The document provides guidance on marketing open source projects. It discusses defining marketing as capturing attention and resources in a crowded environment. It recommends identifying customers and their problems, developing quality code, documentation, and various types of content like blogs, videos and books to teach users. It also suggests participating in communities, conferences and social media to generate traffic and foster conversations in order to attract critical resources like users and contributors to open source projects.
This document introduces variables in JavaScript for storing string values. It explains that variables allow values to be stored and referred to by name rather than repeating the literal values. The document defines two variables, "myName" and "myNationality", and assigns the string values "Mark" and "U.S." respectively. It then demonstrates referring to those values by variable name rather than repeating the literal strings. The document aims to teach the basic concept of using variables to store and refer to string values in JavaScript.
This document introduces variables in JavaScript for storing string values. It explains that variables allow values to be stored and referred to later without having to repeat the literal values. The document defines a variable called myName and assigns it the string value "Mark", and a variable called myNationality assigned the value "U.S.". It explains that these variables can now be referred to instead of the literal strings, making the code more concise and readable. Interactive coding exercises are provided to practice using string variables.
The document discusses several principles of user experience (UX) design based on how people perceive and process information. It describes how UX design focuses on understanding users and solving problems through research. Designers should consider things like tasks, users, and priorities. The document also recommends grouping related items together and providing clear context, feedback, and error messages to guide users. White space improves comprehension by allowing the eye to rest between information chunks.
This document provides an overview of key object-oriented concepts including encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism. Encapsulation involves grouping related data and procedures together and controlling access to an object's data. Abstraction focuses on common behaviors across objects rather than implementation details. Inheritance organizes similar objects in a hierarchy to consolidate common functionality. Polymorphism allows modifying inherited behaviors in descendant classes. The document uses examples of reactive substances like Mentos and Diet Coke to illustrate these concepts.
Examples of (bad) consequences of a lack of software quality and some solutions. This presentation presents some examples of (bad) consequences of a lack of software quality, in particular how poor software quality led to the direct deaths of 89 people. It then provides some background on software quality, especially the concept of Quality Without a Name. It then discusses many principles, their usefulness, and their positive consequences on software quality. Some of these principles are well-known in object-oriented programming while many others are taken from the book 97 Programmers. They include: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, types, polymorphism, SOLID, GRASP, YAGNI, KISS, DRY, Do Not Reinvent the Wheel, Law of Demeter, Beware of Assumptions, Deletable Code, coding with reason, and functional programming. They pertain to dependencies, domains, and tools. Concrete application on a real-world software systems, with examples and discussions.
(In details: Beautify is Simplicity, The Boy Scout Rule, You Gotta Care About the Code, The Longevity of Interim Solutions, Beware the Share, Encapsulate Behaviour not Just State, Single Responsibility Principle, WET Dilutes Performance Bottlenecks, Convenience Is Not an -ility, Code in the Language of the Domain, Comment Only What the Code Cannot Say, Distinguish Business Exception from Technical, Prefer Domain-specific Types to Primitive Types, Automate Your Coding Standards, Code Layout Matters, Before You Refactor, Improve Code by Removing It, Put the Mouse Down and Step Away from the Keyboard)
Free Download Adobe Illustrator CC Pre-Activated Offline Installer + Portable for Windows PC. The industry-standard vector graphics software lets you create logos, icons, drawings, typography, and illustrations for print, web, video, and mobile.
This document provides an agenda and overview for a developer training session. It discusses developing a growth mindset for programming, strategies for managing frustration, resources for learning programming concepts and getting help, and approaches for collaborative work. It also introduces backend concepts like servers, databases, and JavaScript on the server side using Node.js. The homework assignment involves researching and documenting programming resources.
How To Win At Software - Advice for New Engineers - by Gabe JohnsonGabe Johnson
My (astoundingly self-absorbed) last lecture aimed at students who are just starting to learn about software engineering & development. This was written in May 2013 but still relevant.
The document discusses principles for writing clean code, including:
- Functions should do one thing and be small, with descriptive names.
- Code should be organized in a way that reads like well-written prose from top-level functions down.
- Comments are usually a code smell and cleaning up code is preferable to adding comments.
- Overall the goal is for code to be easy to read and understand at a glance.
A dispute on probably the most controversial feature in ES2016 leads us back to age old questions at the base of the most common practices of the development universe.
Do the sacred laws still apply?
jsDay 2016 closing keynote (
This document provides an introduction to unit testing and design patterns in Java. It discusses the value of unit testing in improving code quality and safety. It defines what a design pattern is, including different types of patterns like creational, structural, and behavioral patterns. It also gives examples of some basic patterns like Singleton and Iterator. The document is intended to provide an overview of these important concepts in software design.
1. The document discusses when it is appropriate to define new data types in programming. It notes that defining types can make code easier to use by reducing errors and improving communication.
2. Some good examples of when to define new types include for currencies to avoid rounding errors, ranges to group minimum and maximum values, and dates since built-in date types are often incorrect.
3. The author recommends erring on the side of defining new types since it requires little effort but can provide benefits like making future changes and refactoring easier. Communication is also an important reason, as defining types clearly communicates how data should be used.
C# and java comparing programming languagesShishir Roy
The document provides an in-depth comparison of the C# and Java programming languages. It discusses many similarities between the two languages, such as both using garbage collection and being fully object-oriented. The document also examines differences, such as C# learning from Java's strengths and weaknesses. Overall, the document aims to help readers understand the motivations behind the languages' designs and make informed choices about which to use for different situations.
The document discusses optimizing Perl code for easy maintenance. It suggests limiting the programming vocabulary to simpler and more common constructs to make the code easier to read, understand and debug. Specifically, it recommends always using strict and warnings, formatting code consistently with Perltidy, writing code for future readers rather than just oneself, following common conventions when possible, and avoiding obscure, complex or magical language features. It provides examples of features that should generally be avoided, such as formats, punctuation variables and indirect object syntax, to optimize Perl code for long-term maintainability.
The document discusses technical writing for consultants, covering topics such as composing, revising, creating effective sentences, and appropriate word choice. It provides principles for composing documents, including assessing the situation and reader, establishing focus, and drafting and revising. Specific tips are given for developing effective sentences, choosing precise wording, and applying these skills to proposals, technical studies, and correspondence. Mastering these composition and language skills can help consultants increase persuasiveness, approval rates, and client satisfaction.
We want code that is easy to understand, re-usable, and flexible. But we are always up against deadlines, so we rush, and end up with code that is messy, buggy, hard to maintain, and makes us go slower even though were trying to go faster.
What is clean code? In this talk Ill provide some answers to this question, and introduce you to 10 good habits that will help keep your code clean, such as the use of meaningful names for your variables and functions, and following the Boy Scout Rule (leave the code cleaner than you found it). I will even try to persuade you that using a lot of code comments is a sign that there are problems with your code.
The importance to be Driven
There are many buzzwords and acronyms to describe how the software should be designed. TDD (Test Driven), BDD (Behaviour Driven), DDD (Domain Driven) are the most well known. In this speech we'll run thought all these techniques comparing each one of those with TDD and finding what are the common concepts. An exercise will show to the students how different the code will be using different design methodologies as driver.
This is a presentation I did for the new interns at Duo Software which I highlight the pros and cons of being creative and following widely used best practices in software development
The document discusses six programming practices recommended by Kevlin Henney for programmers to follow when working on code. The practices are:
1. Make roots of class hierarchies fully abstract to avoid issues with concrete base classes and increase stability.
2. Inherit for subtyping only to promote understandability and substitutability.
3. Include only what is needed in header files to reduce build time and dependencies.
4. Consider duplicate code a programming error to eliminate bugs and reduce code size.
5. Use self-contained objects to take advantage of C++ features and separation of concerns.
6. Details on the remaining three practices will be covered in the next article.
Stanko introduces GraphQL as an alternative to REST for building APIs. Some key problems with REST include over-fetching of data and lack of standardized documentation. GraphQL addresses these by allowing clients to specify exactly which attributes they need in a query. The response then matches the structure of the query. GraphQL also provides automatic documentation of available queries and mutations through an introspection system. Overall, GraphQL provides a more flexible way to retrieve resources from an API compared to REST.
Rethinking Object Orientation - By Kathleen Dollard
Decades after object orientation design altered programming, its still evolving, and were still learning to use it better. Many changes in the tools we use and how we write applications affect the approach we take to OOD. Some of these changes relate to architecture where approaches like SOA and the layering revolution behind Silverlight alter the place of traditional OOD within the bigger picture of architecture. Other changes are language improvements that alter the very meaning of the phrase object from a design point of view. Language features that alter our implementation of logical objects include generics, extension methods, delegates/lambda expressions, partial classes/methods, reflection, anonymous types, and declarative programming.
Well also explore the growing role of interfaces as a contractual base in composable applications and explore differences between traditional applications and ecosystem empowering applications. Im really excited to give this talk to a group with diverse skillsets! Come ready for multi-way conversations because I want to learn from you.
The document provides guidance on marketing open source projects. It discusses defining marketing as capturing attention and resources in a crowded environment. It recommends identifying customers and their problems, developing quality code, documentation, and various types of content like blogs, videos and books to teach users. It also suggests participating in communities, conferences and social media to generate traffic and foster conversations in order to attract critical resources like users and contributors to open source projects.
This document introduces variables in JavaScript for storing string values. It explains that variables allow values to be stored and referred to by name rather than repeating the literal values. The document defines two variables, "myName" and "myNationality", and assigns the string values "Mark" and "U.S." respectively. It then demonstrates referring to those values by variable name rather than repeating the literal strings. The document aims to teach the basic concept of using variables to store and refer to string values in JavaScript.
This document introduces variables in JavaScript for storing string values. It explains that variables allow values to be stored and referred to later without having to repeat the literal values. The document defines a variable called myName and assigns it the string value "Mark", and a variable called myNationality assigned the value "U.S.". It explains that these variables can now be referred to instead of the literal strings, making the code more concise and readable. Interactive coding exercises are provided to practice using string variables.
The document discusses several principles of user experience (UX) design based on how people perceive and process information. It describes how UX design focuses on understanding users and solving problems through research. Designers should consider things like tasks, users, and priorities. The document also recommends grouping related items together and providing clear context, feedback, and error messages to guide users. White space improves comprehension by allowing the eye to rest between information chunks.
This document provides an overview of key object-oriented concepts including encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism. Encapsulation involves grouping related data and procedures together and controlling access to an object's data. Abstraction focuses on common behaviors across objects rather than implementation details. Inheritance organizes similar objects in a hierarchy to consolidate common functionality. Polymorphism allows modifying inherited behaviors in descendant classes. The document uses examples of reactive substances like Mentos and Diet Coke to illustrate these concepts.
Examples of (bad) consequences of a lack of software quality and some solutions. This presentation presents some examples of (bad) consequences of a lack of software quality, in particular how poor software quality led to the direct deaths of 89 people. It then provides some background on software quality, especially the concept of Quality Without a Name. It then discusses many principles, their usefulness, and their positive consequences on software quality. Some of these principles are well-known in object-oriented programming while many others are taken from the book 97 Programmers. They include: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, types, polymorphism, SOLID, GRASP, YAGNI, KISS, DRY, Do Not Reinvent the Wheel, Law of Demeter, Beware of Assumptions, Deletable Code, coding with reason, and functional programming. They pertain to dependencies, domains, and tools. Concrete application on a real-world software systems, with examples and discussions.
(In details: Beautify is Simplicity, The Boy Scout Rule, You Gotta Care About the Code, The Longevity of Interim Solutions, Beware the Share, Encapsulate Behaviour not Just State, Single Responsibility Principle, WET Dilutes Performance Bottlenecks, Convenience Is Not an -ility, Code in the Language of the Domain, Comment Only What the Code Cannot Say, Distinguish Business Exception from Technical, Prefer Domain-specific Types to Primitive Types, Automate Your Coding Standards, Code Layout Matters, Before You Refactor, Improve Code by Removing It, Put the Mouse Down and Step Away from the Keyboard)
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Code or No-Code Tests: Why Top Teams Choose BothApplitools
Explore practical strategies to unify your teams and achieve high-quality products. Session recording and more info at
Eric Terry, Senior Director of Quality Control at EVERSANA, shares real-world insights on how his teams leverage code and no-code tools to streamline test automation, bridge skill gaps, and integrate manual and automated workflows seamlessly.
You'll learn how a whole-team approach to testing can:
Increase test coverage without requiring everyone to code
Accelerate test cycles and reduce maintenance efforts
Improve collaboration between manual testers, automation engineers, and leadership
Align testing priorities across user experience, system performance, and business goals
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Chapter 1 of Computer Organization and Architecture by Patterson and Hennessy, often referred to as the "Computer Organization and Design" (COD) book, serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer systems. It lays the groundwork for understanding how computers are designed and how they operate at both the hardware and software levels. The chapter begins by explaining the importance of abstraction in computer design, highlighting how layers of abstraction simplify the complexity of modern computing systems. Abstraction allows designers and programmers to focus on specific levels of a system without needing to understand every detail of the underlying layers, making it easier to build, optimize, and maintain complex systems.
The authors introduce the concept of the stored-program computer, a revolutionary idea where instructions and data are stored in memory, and the CPU fetches, decodes, and executes these instructions. This forms the basis of the von Neumann architecture, a cornerstone of modern computing. The von Neumann model is characterized by its sequential execution of instructions and its unified memory space for both data and programs. The chapter explains how this architecture enables the flexibility and programmability that define modern computers.
The chapter also discusses the roles of key components in a computer system, such as the CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory, and I/O (Input/Output) devices, and how they interact to execute programs. The CPU is described as the brain of the computer, responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, while memory stores data and instructions temporarily or permanently. I/O devices facilitate communication between the computer and the external world, enabling input from users and output to displays or other peripherals.
A significant portion of the chapter is dedicated to the concept of performance in computer systems. The authors introduce metrics like response time (the time it takes to complete a task) and throughput (the number of tasks completed per unit of time). They explain how these metrics are influenced by hardware and software optimizations, such as faster processors, larger memory, and efficient algorithms. The chapter also touches on the trade-offs involved in improving performance, such as the cost, power consumption, and complexity of hardware components.
The chapter emphasizes the importance of instruction set architecture (ISA), which serves as the interface between hardware and software. The ISA defines the set of instructions that a CPU can execute, as well as the registers, memory addressing modes, and data types it supports. Understanding the ISA is crucial for both hardware designers, who implement it, and software developers, who write programs that run on it.
To illustrate these concepts, the chapter often uses real-world examples and analogies, making the material accessible to readers with varying levels of prior knowledge.
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ChatGPT and DeepSeek: Which AI Tool Delivers Better User Experience?Ava Isley
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OutSystems User Group Utrecht February 2025.pdfmail496323
We'll first explore how to Transition from O11 to ODC with Solange Ferreira (OutSystems). After that, Remco Dekkinga (Evergreen IT) will jump into Troubleshooting.
DevOpsDays LA - Platform Engineers are Product Managers.pdfJustin Reock
Platform engineering is the foundation of modern software development, equipping teams with the tools and workflows they need to move faster. However, to truly drive impact, platform engineers must think like product managersleveraging productivity metrics to guide decisions, prioritize investments, and measure success. By applying a data-driven approach, platform teams can optimize developer experience, streamline workflows, and demonstrate tangible ROI on platform initiatives.
In this 15-minute session, Justin Reock, Deputy CTO at DX (, will explore how platform engineers can use key developer productivity metricssuch as cycle time, deployment frequency, and developer satisfactionto manage their platform as an internal product. By treating the platform with the same rigor as an external product launch, teams can accelerate adoption, improve efficiency, and create a frictionless developer experience.
Join us to learn how adopting a metrics-driven, product management mindset can transform your platform engineering efforts into a strategic, high-impact function that unlocks engineering velocity and business success.
2. What is code?
Ostensibly for the computer. In reality, its a recipe that has to be digested by two audiences: the computer and the developers. You have to encode behaviour and intent.
3. What is good code?
Good code is e鍖cient. By e鍖cient, I dont mean e鍖cient for the computer, I also mean e鍖cient for the human mind. To understand that, I want you to focus on an idea:
cognitive overhead.
4. Why is naming things
Its our primary tool for communication. It is the artefact left behind of someones thoughts and intentions. A good name conveys how to use something and give you a
clear sense of when it should change.
5. Why is naming things
Often because when were forced to pick a name, we have to articulate a concept. Often it is hard to express a concept in a simple word or two. Ideas can be subtle.
Struggling to name something is actually an important part of of design. Di鍖culty indicates that the object is doing too much.
14. Nothing has changed but for your ability to understand this code. To the computer, these expressions are identical. But everything important to you, the developer, has
20. If it is meant to be an array, let it be an array.
21. If it isnt meant to be an array, avoid numbers. This is a common pattern seen in tests.
22. This is better. Now youre articulating why you have two users: one is earlier and one is later.
23. Type su鍖xes usually add more context than is necessary, and cause greater churn when you replay one type for another (bigger concern in a dynamic language).
33. Pre鍖xes: not the worst thing, but consider why this happens. Its because the author wanted to use the name File twice. Consider what would happen if they were
forced to pick another name.
37. What does a page manager do? Any guesses? Well, it manages a page. So anything that could plausibly be considered managing a page could easily get added to
this class. These classes quickly balloon out of control.
39. By turning this into a formatted page, you are now talking about the end result of what this class does 油what youre trying to achieve. This allows you to think more
clearly about what is and isnt needed.
40. Speci鍖city is good, but use your judgement. For instance, its probably 鍖ne to call a postal address simply an address.
41. However, if your application deals with more than one type of address, you may want to consider increasing its speci鍖city.
46. Probably not. You should be able to speak the language of the domain.
47. Avoid patterns in names. Design patterns are implementation details, and encoding the pattern into the name prevents altering that class in the future to not use that
pattern. Theyre unnecessary information that usually only adds cognitive overhead.
48. Better. The API is clear to use, and thats all that matters.
50. Directories and their structure are just as important as the 鍖le name. Both can add context and lower overhead for 鍖nding 鍖les or 鍖guring out where to place 鍖les. A well-
named directory can be more powerful than a well-named class.
51. Consider the ergonomics. Folders with too many items take longer to read. A folder with one item is like having a category with one item, which is not a useful category
to have.
52. Long names are bad, because they often contain too many concepts, indicating an object that has a high cognitive overhead.
53. They also lead to abbreviations, because typing out bookings_products_vehicle_types everywhere is cumbersome. (This is a real world example.)
54. If necessary, make the name longer. Brevity is good, but the ultimate goal is clarity. Here, the key concept is that we have vehicle types.
55. When the inevitable shortening happens, its easier to do things like this. Not perfect, but far better than bpvt.
56. If you have a term that can be taken multiple ways, that constitutes a pun. A List may be an type of object in your system, a BucketList may mislead a developer into
thinking it is a type of List, when in fact you meant something entirely di鍖erent.
58. What is it you do?
You are a translator for two audiences. You are the bridge between the human and the computer. You need to know how computers work and how humans work 油both
the humans which your software serves, and the humans which your software will by changed by. Your primary weapon in your toolbox against ambiguity and cognitive
overhead 油the forces that corrode a softwares maintainability油 is to name. You name things every day. Be mindful about the words you choose. Software should be
written to be read by another developer.
59. Indeed, the ratio of time spent reading versus writing
is well over 10 to 1. We are constantly reading old code
as part of the effort to write new code. ...[Therefore,]
making it easy to read makes it easier to write.
Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob)
61. A parable about
Marco Polo describes a bridge, stone by stone. "But which is the stone that supports the bridge?"油
Kublai Khan asks.油"The bridge is not supported by one stone or another," Marco answers,油油油
"but by the line of the arch that they form. Kublai Khan remains silent, re鍖ecting. Then he adds:油
"Why do you speak to me of the stones?油It is only the arch that matters to me. Polo answers:油"Without stones there is no arch."
62. On Exactitude
To my mind exactitude means three things above all:
(1) a well-de鍖ned and well-calculated plan for the work in
(2) an evocation of clear, incisive, memorable images;
(3) a language as precise as possible both in choice of
words and in expression of the subtleties of thought and
- Italo Calvino