Nancie Brown & Associates Cleaning Services is one of the most qualified construction clean up and estate cleaning professionals in Southern California, with over 30 years of experience. They offer a variety of cleaning services including construction clean up, residential and spring cleaning, estate cleaning, commercial cleaning, and window cleaning. The company was established in 1987 and is led by Nancie Brown, who has worked with top architects and contractors in the region and ensures all jobs are done right the first time. They can help with construction clean up, estate cleaning, and other commercial cleaning needs.
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Nancie Brown and Associates Cleaning Services - Los Angeles
2. Nancie Brown & Associates Cleaning Services is one of the most qualified construction clean
up and estate cleaning professionals in Southern California. We are experts in pre and post
construction clean up; residential and spring-cleaning; estate cleaning; commercial and
business window cleaning; detail carpet and floor care, pressure washing, and many other
cleaning services.
Established in 1987, Nancie Brown and Associates Cleaning Services has built a reputation as
one of the few cleaning companies in Southern California qualified to provide skilled,
professional, construction cleanup; restaurant pre-inspection and detail cleaning; residential
detail and spring-cleaning; designer installation support and office detail cleaning. We also
perform window cleaning, carpet and floor care, pressure washing, and many other cleaning
Meet Nancie Brown
(Please click on the link to watch a video and meet Nancie in person)
Nancie's cleaning experience extends back to 1978 in the halls of several buildings on the
campus of Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. She established her first cleaning
entrepreneurship in 1987. Ever since then, her competition knows she is a force to be reckoned
with. Nancie has worked with and alongside the top construction contractors, interior designers
and architects in Southern California. She has established herself as the go-to gal in the
Residential and Commercial cleaning industry. Her can-do attitude and innovations have raised
expectations in the cleaning industry. Nancie personally checks up and evaluates every job we
do ensuring that the job is done right the first time every time and always living up to her
motto, "We make you look good!
5. Got Questions?
(Click on the link above for a list of FAQs)
Please contact Nancie Brown & Associates today
and get the commercial cleaning services you need NOW!
Phone: 310-837-7880
Toll-Free: 800-909-7880
Fax: 310-837-3497
Address: P.O. Box 1432, Culver City, CA 90232
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