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3121 East 46th St., Indianapolis, IN, 46205 | 317-437-4579 | nancymartinezlsw@gmail.com
Indiana University School of Social Work
MSW 2012
Catie B Fellowship at Riley Hospital for Children; Children with special healthcare needs
Internship, University Hospital
Walden University
MS in Psychology 2008
Thesis: Body Dissatisfaction in Young Girls: The Need for Improved
Assessment Tools
Butler University
BA in Psychology 1993
Minor in Philosophy
Research Assistant: Flashbulb Memory
Sigma Chi Award for Scientific Research
LICENCES/CERTIFICATIONS/specialized training
IN Social Work License #33006429A
Credentialed Sexually Abusive Youth Clinician (CSAYC)
Trained in Functional Family Therapy
Trained in TF-CBT and Trauma-informed care
Trained as member of National Organization for Victims
Assistance (NOVA)/Indianapolis Crisis Response Team(I-CART)
Member, NASW 2012  current
Board Member, Indiana University School of Social Work May 2013  current
Member, Golden Key Honor Society 2012  current
Consulting Therapist
The Leaves of Eden (Film, 2016)
Centerpointe community based services  Indianapolis, IN
Therapist 2013-Current
Work as FFT/SOT outpatient therapist with children and families in the community
Specialize in treatment of sexually maladaptive behaviors and Functional Family Therapy
Work closely with DCS and juvenile justice system
Provide therapeutic services for children and families impacted by trauma.
Provide transitional support for children leaving residential treatment as they return to their
homes or foster care
Utilize CBT and Trauma-based therapy approach involving entire family
Behavior specialist 2012-2013
Created transitional behavior support plans prior to clients admission to facility
Converted transitional behavior plans into behavior support plans 30 days after admission,
including medicine reduction plan
Updated behavior support plans as needed per medicine changes, behavioral support needs,
environmental support needs, etc.
Completed 1:1 therapy sessions and therapeutic groups daily with clients
Met with interdisciplinary team for organizational decisions, client issues, etc. as needed
Monitored physical restraints as needed
Current Red Cross CPR certification
Trained new staff as needed
Taught mental health section at new employee orientation
United States Department of Veterans affairs  Indianapolis, IN
Student trainee, System Redesign 2010  2011
Completed a grant-funded initiative at the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center which
focused on improving the process and volume of advance directives completed by Veterans.
Collected, analyzed, tracked, and reported data concerning the completion of advance directives
within the medical center.
Analyzed and redesigned patient and staff educational materials including patient brochure,
elevator posters, educational video, and the completion of educational rounding by staff. For
staff, completed new computer module, in-service presentations, presentation at Quorum, and
computer system compliance upgrades.
Trained staff on continuous one-to-one basis as needed to maintain compliance and worked
directly with Veterans to maintain continuity of care.
Met regularly with interdisciplinary team and reported to hospital ethics board, which was
headed by our CEO. This assisted in facilitating discussions regarding advance directives, end of
life decision making/care, medical crises, and how we can best assist our Veterans and their
families in preparing for these situations.
Northpoint Pediatrics  Indianapolis, IN
Front Office Assistant 2008-2010
Performed various medical front office duties for large pediatric practice including appointment
scheduling, routing calls, and sorting/distributing mail.
Registered new patients and newborn babies coming into practice. Verified insurance coverage.
Piloted new programs for office and trained incoming staff members.
Community hospital north  Indianapolis, IN
Mental Health Clinician, 1998-2001; 2006  2008
Worked on inpatient units of psychiatric pavilion including psychiatric intensive care, substance
abuse, chronic mental health, adolescent and child, and older adult.
Performed daily unit-based tasks including obtaining vital signs of patients, assisting with meal
times, crisis intervention including the use of chemical and physical restraints as needed, and
running group therapy.
Completed 1:1 sessions with patients
Tracked patients on the milieu and intervened as needed to provide safe, therapeutic
Assisted patients with daily living skills as needed
Assisted patients with off-unit activities including physical exercise, art therapy, and other
Domestic Bliss Home Services  Indianapolis, IN
Owner/Operator, 2001  2004
Co-owned and operated local residential repair and maintenance business
Facilitated growth through contacting potential clients to discuss services, fee scales, and client
Maintained bookkeeping, accounts payable/receivable and communicated with accountant
Organized and maintained schedule for business including small and large scale projects from
housecleaning to complete room tearouts/remodels
Recetas Mexican Restaurant  Indianapolis, IN
Co-Owner, Manager, 2000  2001
Co-owned and operated local Mexican restaurant
Remodeled building to meet health department codes prior to opening; created menu and all
restaurant standards
Supervised wait staff and kitchen employees
Interviewed potential employees; maintained employee relationships and intervened as needed
Maintained accounts payable/receivable
Created and maintained employee schedules
Provided back up for all employee positions as needed
Jennifer Dykstra, Inc.  Indianapolis, IN
Practice Manager, 1986  2000
Managed small consulting practice
Answered phone and scheduled appointments for clients; maintained schedule
Created self-improvement workshops for clients including organizing class, booking room,
selecting books to sell, and creating schedule for class topics
Maintained accounts receivable/payable, all bookkeeping for practice
Conducted crisis intervention with clients on phone and in person as needed

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  • 1. NANCY MARTINEZ, MS, MSW, LSW, CSAYC 3121 East 46th St., Indianapolis, IN, 46205 | 317-437-4579 | nancymartinezlsw@gmail.com EDUCATION Indiana University School of Social Work MSW 2012 Catie B Fellowship at Riley Hospital for Children; Children with special healthcare needs Internship, University Hospital Walden University MS in Psychology 2008 Thesis: Body Dissatisfaction in Young Girls: The Need for Improved Assessment Tools Butler University BA in Psychology 1993 Minor in Philosophy Research Assistant: Flashbulb Memory Sigma Chi Award for Scientific Research LICENCES/CERTIFICATIONS/specialized training IN Social Work License #33006429A Credentialed Sexually Abusive Youth Clinician (CSAYC) Trained in Functional Family Therapy Trained in TF-CBT and Trauma-informed care Trained as member of National Organization for Victims Assistance (NOVA)/Indianapolis Crisis Response Team(I-CART) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Member, NASW 2012 current Board Member, Indiana University School of Social Work May 2013 current Member, Golden Key Honor Society 2012 current PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Consulting Therapist Current The Leaves of Eden (Film, 2016)
  • 2. NANCY MARTINEZ, MS, MSW, LSW, CSAYC PAGE 2 Centerpointe community based services Indianapolis, IN Therapist 2013-Current Work as FFT/SOT outpatient therapist with children and families in the community Specialize in treatment of sexually maladaptive behaviors and Functional Family Therapy Work closely with DCS and juvenile justice system Provide therapeutic services for children and families impacted by trauma. Provide transitional support for children leaving residential treatment as they return to their homes or foster care Utilize CBT and Trauma-based therapy approach involving entire family WARNER TRANSITIONAL SERVICES Indianapolis, IN Behavior specialist 2012-2013 Created transitional behavior support plans prior to clients admission to facility Converted transitional behavior plans into behavior support plans 30 days after admission, including medicine reduction plan Updated behavior support plans as needed per medicine changes, behavioral support needs, environmental support needs, etc. Completed 1:1 therapy sessions and therapeutic groups daily with clients Met with interdisciplinary team for organizational decisions, client issues, etc. as needed Monitored physical restraints as needed Current Red Cross CPR certification Trained new staff as needed Taught mental health section at new employee orientation United States Department of Veterans affairs Indianapolis, IN Student trainee, System Redesign 2010 2011 Completed a grant-funded initiative at the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center which focused on improving the process and volume of advance directives completed by Veterans. Collected, analyzed, tracked, and reported data concerning the completion of advance directives within the medical center. Analyzed and redesigned patient and staff educational materials including patient brochure, elevator posters, educational video, and the completion of educational rounding by staff. For staff, completed new computer module, in-service presentations, presentation at Quorum, and computer system compliance upgrades. Trained staff on continuous one-to-one basis as needed to maintain compliance and worked directly with Veterans to maintain continuity of care. Met regularly with interdisciplinary team and reported to hospital ethics board, which was headed by our CEO. This assisted in facilitating discussions regarding advance directives, end of
  • 3. NANCY MARTINEZ, MS, MSW, LSW, CSAYC PAGE 3 life decision making/care, medical crises, and how we can best assist our Veterans and their families in preparing for these situations. Northpoint Pediatrics Indianapolis, IN Front Office Assistant 2008-2010 Performed various medical front office duties for large pediatric practice including appointment scheduling, routing calls, and sorting/distributing mail. Registered new patients and newborn babies coming into practice. Verified insurance coverage. Piloted new programs for office and trained incoming staff members. Community hospital north Indianapolis, IN Mental Health Clinician, 1998-2001; 2006 2008 Worked on inpatient units of psychiatric pavilion including psychiatric intensive care, substance abuse, chronic mental health, adolescent and child, and older adult. Performed daily unit-based tasks including obtaining vital signs of patients, assisting with meal times, crisis intervention including the use of chemical and physical restraints as needed, and running group therapy. Completed 1:1 sessions with patients Tracked patients on the milieu and intervened as needed to provide safe, therapeutic environment Assisted patients with daily living skills as needed Assisted patients with off-unit activities including physical exercise, art therapy, and other activities Domestic Bliss Home Services Indianapolis, IN Owner/Operator, 2001 2004 Co-owned and operated local residential repair and maintenance business Facilitated growth through contacting potential clients to discuss services, fee scales, and client needs Maintained bookkeeping, accounts payable/receivable and communicated with accountant Organized and maintained schedule for business including small and large scale projects from housecleaning to complete room tearouts/remodels Recetas Mexican Restaurant Indianapolis, IN Co-Owner, Manager, 2000 2001 Co-owned and operated local Mexican restaurant Remodeled building to meet health department codes prior to opening; created menu and all restaurant standards Supervised wait staff and kitchen employees Interviewed potential employees; maintained employee relationships and intervened as needed
  • 4. NANCY MARTINEZ, MS, MSW, LSW, CSAYC PAGE 4 Maintained accounts payable/receivable Created and maintained employee schedules Provided back up for all employee positions as needed Jennifer Dykstra, Inc. Indianapolis, IN Practice Manager, 1986 2000 Managed small consulting practice Answered phone and scheduled appointments for clients; maintained schedule Created self-improvement workshops for clients including organizing class, booking room, selecting books to sell, and creating schedule for class topics Maintained accounts receivable/payable, all bookkeeping for practice Conducted crisis intervention with clients on phone and in person as needed REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST