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Naresh Chirra
Email: nareshch30@gmail.com
Phone: +91-7097088578, 8466993963
 Having 3 years of IT experience in web-based application development using Java/J2EE
 Experienced in developing applications using Java SE, Java EE (Servlets, JSP), JDBC,
Hibernate & Spring(Spring Core, Spring MVC & Spring Web Flow)
 Good knowledge in Querying (SQL, Procedures), Database normalization concepts.
 Good working knowledge on AngularJs and Ionic.
 Experience in developing Web pages using Java script, Html, Jquery
 Good working knowledge on Build Tools like Maven, Ant.
 Good exposure in using tools such as My Eclipse, Eclipse, SVN.
 Team player with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. I am a quick learner
and with a hardworking nature.
 Strong Visualization and Creative Skills.
Academic Qualification:
 B.Tech in computer science and engineering from KU University.
Professional Experience:
Working as a Software Engineer with Metanoia Software Solutions Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad
Technical/FUNCTIONAL (Application) SKILLS:
Operating Systems  Windows 98/2000/XP/8
Programming Languages  Java, AngularJs
Web Technologies  Servlets, JSP
Core Technologies  Java SE, JDBC
Frame works  Spring, Ionic,Odoo
ORM Tools  Hibernate
Data Bases  Oracle, MySQL, IBMDB2, PostgreSQL
Servers  Tomcat, XAMP
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Certifications and rewards:
 Certified in Java SE 8 Programmer I 1Z0-808 Exam(OCJP 8)
 Certified in IBM DB2 Fundamentals.
Project Summary:
Project # 1
Project Title : QV2 Chrome extension For element extraction & smart
Client : zone24x7
Environment : Javascript, Jquery,Chorme ApI,Rest Services.
Database : Mysql
QV2 is premium automation tool for testers, QV2 offers a Complete Test Automation &
Management platform which is designed to overcome many challenges, QV2 provides total
automation through tools for web page object extraction. QV2 chrome extension provides
web page element extraction so that user can easily observe the web page elements on
extracted xpath values and user can save the extracted elements as components for
records.it is used to record and play back user interactions with the browser and it allows to
create simple scripts.
 Developed the application using Javascript, JQuery ,Chorme ApI,Rest Services and css.
 Involved in R&D, Bug fixing and testing of the application.
 Participated in all of the modules as a developer.
IDES  Eclipse, Webstorm
Tools  Maven, Ant, SVN
Web Essentials  HTML, JavaScript
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Project # 2
Project Title : ZHRPM (zone24x7-hr-process-management-system)
Client : zone24x7
Environment : Odoo framework, Python, JQuery and css
Database : PostgreSQL
The objective of this project is to provide application to support Zone24x7 HR Processes
 Developed the application using Odoo framework Python, JQuery and css.
 Involved in R&D, Bug fixing and testing of the application.
 Participated in all of the modules as a developer.
Project # 3
Project Title : PALS (Paperless Automotive Logistics System)
Client : Jack Cooper Transport, USA
Environment : Ionic Framework, AngularJs, Spring 3.x, Hibernate.
Database : MySQL
The scope of this project is to have solution developed that will encompass all requirements,
that is greater in design to the current manual process. User envisions a platform where in
all of their existing on field car hauling processes and activities are optimized and tracked
electronically and do away from paper processes. The platform would consists of a
consumer tablet along with an application which will enable end users to choose the load,
select route, select destination points and capture or record information electronically.
Presently most of the processes are heavily dependent on paper and involves hassle of
tracking and maintaining those documents. Furthermore the present paper processes are
inefficient in capturing all the details in cases of disputes with dealers. The Mobile App has
the following features.
 Record damages
 Determine blames and cases
 Digital Signature of driver and Inspector.
4 | P a g e
 Route description from one location to another location(Google Maps and Directions).
 Load Board and Trip details
 Pickup inspection and Delivery inspection.
 Delivery reports.
 Developed the application using Ionic Framework and AngularJS, Spring 3.x, Hibernate.
 Involved in Bug fixing and testing of the application.
 Participated in all of the modules as a developer.
Project # 4
Project Title : VIDBOX Mobile App
Client : VIDBOX, Mexico
Environment : Ionic Framework, AngularJS,Spring 3.x, Hibernate
Database : MySQL
Scope of VIDBOX mobile App is to enable user to browse the movies, locate the kiosks and
reserve the movies at desired kiosk. The Mobile App has the following features:
 Browse product catalogue
 Kiosk location search(using Google search)
 Shopping cart
 Developed the application using Ionic Framework and AngularJS.
 Involved in Bug fixing and testing of the application.
 Participated in all of the modules as a developer
Project # 5
Project Title : SOPA (Social parenting)
Client : ZONE 24X7
Environment : Ionic Framework, AngularJS,Spring 3.x, Hibernate
Database : MySQL
5 | P a g e
SoPa is a social network for parents and teachers. It allows parents and teachers to interact
or organize events such as fundraiser campaigns or exchange information via chats. Both
parents and teachers will benefit from this network.
 Developed the application using Ionic Framework and AngularJS.
 Involved in Bug fixing and testing of the application.
Project # 6
Project Title : MIPET
Client : Metanoia Software Solutions
Environment : PHP, REST Services, Spring, Hibernate, HTML, CSS, Query.
Database : MySQL
IDE Tool : Eclipse.
This project best supports the company management to manage the employees and
projects running in the organization and project managers can plan the project activities
and can assign tasks to his subordinates.
 Designed, Analyze and finalize new/updated use cases for requirement.
 Involved in Development and Unit testing.
 Participated in Technical discussions with the team to resolve any technical issues.
Project # 7
Project Title : Mplanner
Client : Metanoia Software Solutions
Environment : Spring 3.x, Hibernate, HTML, and Ajax.
Database : MySQL
IDE Tool : Eclipse.
MPlanner is a Planning and tracking tool for agile methodology project planning. Team
following extreme Programming (XP) or Scrum. To summarize the XP planning process, the
customers pick the features to be added (user stories) to each development iteration
(typically, one to three weeks in duration). The developers estimate the effort to complete
6 | P a g e
the stories either at the story level or by decomposing the story into tasks and estimating
those. Information about team development velocity from the previous iteration is used to
estimate if the team can complete the stories proposed by the customer. If the team
appears to be over committed, the set of stories are renegotiated with the customer,
customized for LDAP authentication, calculate the effort variance and schedule variance and
display in reports for task level and project level.
 Involved analyzing the required list of services and the response format.
 Involved in the Customization development Phase
 Involved in implementation of sending reports to Employee and Manager.
 Developed the WBS Report.
 Involved in Bug fixing and testing of the application.
 Involved in writing the Unit test cases.
 Participated in all of the modules as a developer and as an analyzer.
I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Naresh Chirra
Place: Hyderabad Date:

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Naresh Chirra

  • 1. 1 | P a g e Naresh Chirra Email: nareshch30@gmail.com Phone: +91-7097088578, 8466993963 Summary: Having 3 years of IT experience in web-based application development using Java/J2EE Technologies. Experienced in developing applications using Java SE, Java EE (Servlets, JSP), JDBC, Hibernate & Spring(Spring Core, Spring MVC & Spring Web Flow) Good knowledge in Querying (SQL, Procedures), Database normalization concepts. Good working knowledge on AngularJs and Ionic. Experience in developing Web pages using Java script, Html, Jquery Good working knowledge on Build Tools like Maven, Ant. Good exposure in using tools such as My Eclipse, Eclipse, SVN. Team player with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. I am a quick learner and with a hardworking nature. Strong Visualization and Creative Skills. Academic Qualification: B.Tech in computer science and engineering from KU University. Professional Experience: Working as a Software Engineer with Metanoia Software Solutions Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad Technical/FUNCTIONAL (Application) SKILLS: Operating Systems Windows 98/2000/XP/8 Programming Languages Java, AngularJs Web Technologies Servlets, JSP Core Technologies Java SE, JDBC Frame works Spring, Ionic,Odoo ORM Tools Hibernate Data Bases Oracle, MySQL, IBMDB2, PostgreSQL Servers Tomcat, XAMP
  • 2. 2 | P a g e Certifications and rewards: Certified in Java SE 8 Programmer I 1Z0-808 Exam(OCJP 8) Certified in IBM DB2 Fundamentals. Project Summary: Project # 1 Project Title : QV2 Chrome extension For element extraction & smart Recording Client : zone24x7 Environment : Javascript, Jquery,Chorme ApI,Rest Services. Database : Mysql Description QV2 is premium automation tool for testers, QV2 offers a Complete Test Automation & Management platform which is designed to overcome many challenges, QV2 provides total automation through tools for web page object extraction. QV2 chrome extension provides web page element extraction so that user can easily observe the web page elements on extracted xpath values and user can save the extracted elements as components for records.it is used to record and play back user interactions with the browser and it allows to create simple scripts. Responsibilities Developed the application using Javascript, JQuery ,Chorme ApI,Rest Services and css. Involved in R&D, Bug fixing and testing of the application. Participated in all of the modules as a developer. IDES Eclipse, Webstorm Tools Maven, Ant, SVN Web Essentials HTML, JavaScript
  • 3. 3 | P a g e Project # 2 Project Title : ZHRPM (zone24x7-hr-process-management-system) Client : zone24x7 Environment : Odoo framework, Python, JQuery and css Database : PostgreSQL Description The objective of this project is to provide application to support Zone24x7 HR Processes Recruitment Leaves Timesheet Attendances Responsibilities Developed the application using Odoo framework Python, JQuery and css. Involved in R&D, Bug fixing and testing of the application. Participated in all of the modules as a developer. Project # 3 Project Title : PALS (Paperless Automotive Logistics System) Client : Jack Cooper Transport, USA Environment : Ionic Framework, AngularJs, Spring 3.x, Hibernate. Database : MySQL Description The scope of this project is to have solution developed that will encompass all requirements, that is greater in design to the current manual process. User envisions a platform where in all of their existing on field car hauling processes and activities are optimized and tracked electronically and do away from paper processes. The platform would consists of a consumer tablet along with an application which will enable end users to choose the load, select route, select destination points and capture or record information electronically. Presently most of the processes are heavily dependent on paper and involves hassle of tracking and maintaining those documents. Furthermore the present paper processes are inefficient in capturing all the details in cases of disputes with dealers. The Mobile App has the following features. Record damages Determine blames and cases Digital Signature of driver and Inspector.
  • 4. 4 | P a g e Route description from one location to another location(Google Maps and Directions). Load Board and Trip details Pickup inspection and Delivery inspection. Delivery reports. Responsibilities Developed the application using Ionic Framework and AngularJS, Spring 3.x, Hibernate. Involved in Bug fixing and testing of the application. Participated in all of the modules as a developer. Project # 4 Project Title : VIDBOX Mobile App Client : VIDBOX, Mexico Environment : Ionic Framework, AngularJS,Spring 3.x, Hibernate Database : MySQL Description Scope of VIDBOX mobile App is to enable user to browse the movies, locate the kiosks and reserve the movies at desired kiosk. The Mobile App has the following features: Login Browse product catalogue Kiosk location search(using Google search) Shopping cart Checkout Responsibilities Developed the application using Ionic Framework and AngularJS. Involved in Bug fixing and testing of the application. Participated in all of the modules as a developer Project # 5 Project Title : SOPA (Social parenting) Client : ZONE 24X7 Environment : Ionic Framework, AngularJS,Spring 3.x, Hibernate Database : MySQL
  • 5. 5 | P a g e Description SoPa is a social network for parents and teachers. It allows parents and teachers to interact or organize events such as fundraiser campaigns or exchange information via chats. Both parents and teachers will benefit from this network. Responsibilities Developed the application using Ionic Framework and AngularJS. Involved in Bug fixing and testing of the application. Project # 6 Project Title : MIPET Client : Metanoia Software Solutions Environment : PHP, REST Services, Spring, Hibernate, HTML, CSS, Query. Database : MySQL IDE Tool : Eclipse. Description This project best supports the company management to manage the employees and projects running in the organization and project managers can plan the project activities and can assign tasks to his subordinates. Responsibilities Designed, Analyze and finalize new/updated use cases for requirement. Involved in Development and Unit testing. Participated in Technical discussions with the team to resolve any technical issues. Project # 7 Project Title : Mplanner Client : Metanoia Software Solutions Environment : Spring 3.x, Hibernate, HTML, and Ajax. Database : MySQL IDE Tool : Eclipse. Description MPlanner is a Planning and tracking tool for agile methodology project planning. Team following extreme Programming (XP) or Scrum. To summarize the XP planning process, the customers pick the features to be added (user stories) to each development iteration (typically, one to three weeks in duration). The developers estimate the effort to complete
  • 6. 6 | P a g e the stories either at the story level or by decomposing the story into tasks and estimating those. Information about team development velocity from the previous iteration is used to estimate if the team can complete the stories proposed by the customer. If the team appears to be over committed, the set of stories are renegotiated with the customer, customized for LDAP authentication, calculate the effort variance and schedule variance and display in reports for task level and project level. Responsibilities Involved analyzing the required list of services and the response format. Involved in the Customization development Phase Involved in implementation of sending reports to Employee and Manager. Developed the WBS Report. Involved in Bug fixing and testing of the application. Involved in writing the Unit test cases. Participated in all of the modules as a developer and as an analyzer. DECLARATION: I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Naresh Chirra Place: Hyderabad Date: