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Narrative inquiry into K12 teachers
change in classroom practices
Beatriz de los Arcos
Photo: think hard CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 by Mutiara Karina

Photo: CC BY-NC-SA by David Lee King
Photo: Upside Down Roller Coaster CC BY 2.0 by Austin Kirk
OERRHub - Narrative inquiry into K12 teachers' change in classroom practices
How has your use of OER changed
the way you think about teaching?
Fundamentally its changed my role: Im not so
much the all-knowing Oz behind the curtain that we
grew up with teachers were the holders of all
knowledge and we were students, lucky to be in their
presence. My students are able to see the fact that
Im a learner alongside of them and we can learn from
each other () I by no means profess that Im the only
one that has this knowledge, Im the only one they
can learn from, the only one who knows the right
answers. This has changed the way my classroom
English teacher
It used to be that when I thought about preparing for
a lesson I would look at a book and see what they did
and then I would teach a lesson similar to it. But now I
can go online, watch a video or look at somebody
elses materials that they put out there, see what they
are doing and either modify what they are doing and
bring it into my classroom, or just get a totally
different perspective on it and allow my students to
get multiple perspectives on a topic () so I guess
searching whats out there online allows me to be a
better teacher
Math teacher
In most courses, teachers use a reference textbook combined with
their own material to teach. In some courses, teachers or teacher
teams develop their own materials instead of a textbook, but those
materials are usually private or unable to be shared openly due to
copyright restrictions connected to how they were made. This
course has been fully developed from scratch without such
restrictions and is released free on the web for any teacher or
student to use or remix. As a result, I do not treat this
curriculum as "mine" -- it belongs to the class and to the
world. This also means that I encourage and expect you to
contribute to its development and improvement.
I make my students do a course improvement
project; they have to make the course
better, so I actually give them edit access to my
website and have them changing things. My
kids are actually making the curriculum better
each year () I know *the course+ can be better
and I feel the same about other peoples
resources: if I know I cant modify as a starting
point to improve, its a waste of investment for
me to use those resources
Math teacher
OERRHub - Narrative inquiry into K12 teachers' change in classroom practices
I was on a teaching team: I taught all the Math
and one Social Studies, another teacher taught
all the Language Arts () From our view point VS
connected to all four subjects: because they had
to do some graphing, theres your Math; they
had to identify species, theres your Science; to
write field notes it was all Language Arts, and for
us Social Studies, its the five themes of
geography: location, movement, humanenvironment interaction, place and region
Math & Social Studies teacher
Vital Signs hasnt really changed the way I
think about teaching. Its made my
teaching that much richer

Math & Social Studies teacher
Photo CC BY-SA 2.0 by Michael Mandiberg
Twitter: @OER_Hub
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OERRHub - Narrative inquiry into K12 teachers' change in classroom practices

  • 1. Narrative inquiry into K12 teachers change in classroom practices Beatriz de los Arcos @celTatis http://oerresearchhub.org @OER_Hub
  • 2. Photo: think hard CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 by Mutiara Karina reflection
  • 3. Photo: CC BY-NC-SA by David Lee King
  • 4. flipped learning Photo: Upside Down Roller Coaster CC BY 2.0 by Austin Kirk
  • 6. How has your use of OER changed the way you think about teaching?
  • 7. Fundamentally its changed my role: Im not so much the all-knowing Oz behind the curtain that we grew up with teachers were the holders of all knowledge and we were students, lucky to be in their presence. My students are able to see the fact that Im a learner alongside of them and we can learn from each other () I by no means profess that Im the only one that has this knowledge, Im the only one they can learn from, the only one who knows the right answers. This has changed the way my classroom operates English teacher
  • 8. It used to be that when I thought about preparing for a lesson I would look at a book and see what they did and then I would teach a lesson similar to it. But now I can go online, watch a video or look at somebody elses materials that they put out there, see what they are doing and either modify what they are doing and bring it into my classroom, or just get a totally different perspective on it and allow my students to get multiple perspectives on a topic () so I guess searching whats out there online allows me to be a better teacher Math teacher
  • 9. In most courses, teachers use a reference textbook combined with their own material to teach. In some courses, teachers or teacher teams develop their own materials instead of a textbook, but those materials are usually private or unable to be shared openly due to copyright restrictions connected to how they were made. This course has been fully developed from scratch without such restrictions and is released free on the web for any teacher or student to use or remix. As a result, I do not treat this curriculum as "mine" -- it belongs to the class and to the world. This also means that I encourage and expect you to contribute to its development and improvement.
  • 10. I make my students do a course improvement project; they have to make the course better, so I actually give them edit access to my website and have them changing things. My kids are actually making the curriculum better each year () I know *the course+ can be better and I feel the same about other peoples resources: if I know I cant modify as a starting point to improve, its a waste of investment for me to use those resources Math teacher
  • 12. I was on a teaching team: I taught all the Math and one Social Studies, another teacher taught all the Language Arts () From our view point VS connected to all four subjects: because they had to do some graphing, theres your Math; they had to identify species, theres your Science; to write field notes it was all Language Arts, and for us Social Studies, its the five themes of geography: location, movement, humanenvironment interaction, place and region Math & Social Studies teacher
  • 13. Vital Signs hasnt really changed the way I think about teaching. Its made my teaching that much richer Math & Social Studies teacher
  • 14. Photo CC BY-SA 2.0 by Michael Mandiberg