This PowerPoint project is for a 1st grade class to learn about important community roles like firefighters, police officers, and emergency workers. The presentation will allow students to discover these roles and their importance through the PowerPoint. After viewing it, students will discuss why these jobs are important and get into groups to create a visual aid about one of the roles to show their understanding. The PowerPoint aims to introduce the topic in an engaging way and let students direct their own learning.
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1. Name:
Narrative for PowerPoint Project
State Standards Addressed
This standard is found in the 1st grade standards.
5.3.1.C: Identify the value of fire fighters, police officers and emergency workers in the
Who is your Audience?
My audience is a first grade class.
Where and what do you teach?
I teach in a large suburban school outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I teach first
grade, all subjects in a traditional classroom.
What will they have learned or should be able to do prior to this activity?
The students have been learning about a community. They have been driving the
discussion of community by choosing what roles they would like to learn more
about. They should be able to identify important roles in a community.
What will the students do and learn? (Smart Objectives)
The students will use the power point as a discovery tool. The students will work
through the power point and learn what they want about the different occupations.
After the power point I will hold a class discussion on why these roles are
important. Then they will divided into groups and create a visual aide for one of the
three professions.
What is the purpose of the PowerPoint?
The power point will allow for students to make the initial discovery of what they
enjoy or what is important to them.
Which part of the lesson will the PowerPoint anchor?
The Power Point will be the introduction and self discovery for the students. This
will allow them to direct where they want the lesson to go.
How will you know they meet your objectives?
Once they have articulated and then created a group visual aide about a profession, I
believe they will have a firm grasp on the subject and will have met my standards. .
What Risks did you take in the creation of this project?
With this project I jumped in head first to the discovery of Power Point. Personally I
took this as an opportunity to discover what Power Point can do, so I thought I
would focus my lesson that way too. I allowed for the Power Point to be a self
discovery for students.