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Nathan J. Vaughan (617) 651-1653
Data-Driven Strategy Consultant nathan@navon.us
Resource Development Consultant www.navon.us
Jewish Experiential Educator Somerville, MA
Jewish professional from small-town Kentucky with a background in education, research
design, data analysis, program evaluation, communications, and resource-development.
Research & JDataCohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies 2015present
Data Analysis Community Partnerships ManagerResearch Associate
Manage relationships with local community partners to facilitate data collection
Write cross-sectional, longitudinal, and original content reports
Support strategic development of JData as a convener of thought leadership
Heller School for Social Policy and Management 2014
Graduate Teaching Assistant, HS 332A: Research Methods & Evaluation
Assisted professor with all aspects of teaching graduate-level MPP required course
URJ Camp Joseph and Betty Harlam 2014
Program Evaluator
Managed program assessment project targeting campers, staff, and parents
Development Identify Initiative Fund 2014
Board Member and Grant Officer
Grant-making foundation funded by Sillerman Center for Advancement of Philanthropy
Managed RFP, awarded Asian American Resource Workshop $10,000 grant
Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Boston 20112013
Development Associate
Collaborated to raise $1.5 million operating budget, stewarded major donors
Managed Pick of the Month program budget, including donor and Board reporting
Marketing & Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program 2014-2015
Communications Graduate Student AssistantMarketing and Alumni Engagement
Managed Hornstein social media presence and marketing strategy
Researched Hornstein alumni and collaborated to manage alumni database
URJ 6 Points Sports Academy 2010
Communications Specialist
Managed communications strategy during inaugural summer
Generated marketable media for future camp promotions
Jewish Education Temple Beth David 20132015
Youth Director & Religious School Teacher
Developed experiential education opportunities for teens in the Temple community
Taught an experiential Prophets curriculum, teen Israel course, and Eco-Judaism
URJ Camp Joseph and Betty Harlam 2013, 2014
Leadership Team Member & Teva Supervisor
Supervised departmental staff and developed Teva program curriculum
Collaborated with 30+ persons Leadership Team to manage all camp programming
American Hebrew Academy 20092011
Teaching Fellow and Media Specialist
Mentored for high school students in residential environment as House Fellow
TA for three Jewish Studies classes & Hebrew Language Lab
Media specialist for Admissions and Institutional Advancement Departments
Nathan J. Vaughan (617) 651-1653
Data-Driven Strategy Consultant nathan@navon.us
Resource Development Consultant www.navon.us
Jewish Experiential Educator Somerville, MA
EDUCATION Brandeis University 2015
Masters of Arts, Jewish Professional Leadership
Masters of Public Policy
University of Louisville 2009
Bachelors of Arts, Middle Eastern Affairs
Minor in Jewish Studies
TECHNICAL SKILLS Presentation Applications: Microsoft Office, Adobe CC, Prezi, Constant Contact
Database Applications: Excel, STATA, SPSS, Filemaker
CRM Systems: Raisers Edge, Kintera Sphere, Highrise, Salesforce
Survey Systems: Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey
PRESENTATIONS & Brandeis University: Panelist 2015
PUBLICATIONS The Future of the Jews Roundtable Q&A
eJewishPhilanthropy.com: Blog Contributor 2015
Strategic Directions Response
Network for Research in Jewish Education Conference: Panelist 2015
Cultivating a Sense of Belonging, the Role of Childhood Jewish Education
Network for Research in Jewish Education Conference: Consultation 2015
Dont You Want to Live Here Too? A Plan to Study Small American Jewish Communities
HONORS & Moishe House Shabbat Innovations: Learning Retreat Participant 2016
ACTIVITIES URJ Kesher: Birthright Israel Staff Member 2015
JDC Entwine: Inside Jewish Cuba Mission Participant 2015
Birthright Israel: Birthright Fellow 2015
Hebrew College: Jewish Emerging Educators Fellow 2015
BGIHornstein FSU Seminar in Belarus: Graduate Student Participant 2015
Myra Kraft Seminar in Israel: Graduate Student Participant 2014, 2015
International Red Cross: Wilderness First Aid Certified 20132016
Schusterman Foundation: Retreatology Connection Point Participant 2014
Eser: Young Adult Learning Series: Committee Member & Leader 2012-2014
Keshet: Certified Hineini Course Facilitator 2013
Jewish Vocational Services: REACHOUT! Volunteer GED Tutor 2013
Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters: Big Brother 20112013
Junior Leadership Training Camp: Senior Patrol Leader 2004
Boy Scouts of America: Eagle Scout Award Recipient 2001

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Nathan J Vaughan Resume

  • 1. Nathan J. Vaughan (617) 651-1653 Data-Driven Strategy Consultant nathan@navon.us Resource Development Consultant www.navon.us Jewish Experiential Educator Somerville, MA Jewish professional from small-town Kentucky with a background in education, research design, data analysis, program evaluation, communications, and resource-development. WORK HISTORY Research & JDataCohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies 2015present Data Analysis Community Partnerships ManagerResearch Associate Manage relationships with local community partners to facilitate data collection Write cross-sectional, longitudinal, and original content reports Support strategic development of JData as a convener of thought leadership Heller School for Social Policy and Management 2014 Graduate Teaching Assistant, HS 332A: Research Methods & Evaluation Assisted professor with all aspects of teaching graduate-level MPP required course URJ Camp Joseph and Betty Harlam 2014 Program Evaluator Managed program assessment project targeting campers, staff, and parents Development Identify Initiative Fund 2014 Board Member and Grant Officer Grant-making foundation funded by Sillerman Center for Advancement of Philanthropy Managed RFP, awarded Asian American Resource Workshop $10,000 grant Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Boston 20112013 Development Associate Collaborated to raise $1.5 million operating budget, stewarded major donors Managed Pick of the Month program budget, including donor and Board reporting Marketing & Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program 2014-2015 Communications Graduate Student AssistantMarketing and Alumni Engagement Managed Hornstein social media presence and marketing strategy Researched Hornstein alumni and collaborated to manage alumni database URJ 6 Points Sports Academy 2010 Communications Specialist Managed communications strategy during inaugural summer Generated marketable media for future camp promotions Jewish Education Temple Beth David 20132015 Youth Director & Religious School Teacher Developed experiential education opportunities for teens in the Temple community Taught an experiential Prophets curriculum, teen Israel course, and Eco-Judaism URJ Camp Joseph and Betty Harlam 2013, 2014 Leadership Team Member & Teva Supervisor Supervised departmental staff and developed Teva program curriculum Collaborated with 30+ persons Leadership Team to manage all camp programming American Hebrew Academy 20092011 Teaching Fellow and Media Specialist Mentored for high school students in residential environment as House Fellow TA for three Jewish Studies classes & Hebrew Language Lab Media specialist for Admissions and Institutional Advancement Departments
  • 2. Nathan J. Vaughan (617) 651-1653 Data-Driven Strategy Consultant nathan@navon.us Resource Development Consultant www.navon.us Jewish Experiential Educator Somerville, MA EDUCATION Brandeis University 2015 Masters of Arts, Jewish Professional Leadership Masters of Public Policy University of Louisville 2009 Bachelors of Arts, Middle Eastern Affairs Minor in Jewish Studies TECHNICAL SKILLS Presentation Applications: Microsoft Office, Adobe CC, Prezi, Constant Contact Database Applications: Excel, STATA, SPSS, Filemaker CRM Systems: Raisers Edge, Kintera Sphere, Highrise, Salesforce Survey Systems: Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey PRESENTATIONS & Brandeis University: Panelist 2015 PUBLICATIONS The Future of the Jews Roundtable Q&A eJewishPhilanthropy.com: Blog Contributor 2015 Strategic Directions Response Network for Research in Jewish Education Conference: Panelist 2015 Cultivating a Sense of Belonging, the Role of Childhood Jewish Education Network for Research in Jewish Education Conference: Consultation 2015 Dont You Want to Live Here Too? A Plan to Study Small American Jewish Communities HONORS & Moishe House Shabbat Innovations: Learning Retreat Participant 2016 ACTIVITIES URJ Kesher: Birthright Israel Staff Member 2015 JDC Entwine: Inside Jewish Cuba Mission Participant 2015 Birthright Israel: Birthright Fellow 2015 Hebrew College: Jewish Emerging Educators Fellow 2015 BGIHornstein FSU Seminar in Belarus: Graduate Student Participant 2015 Myra Kraft Seminar in Israel: Graduate Student Participant 2014, 2015 International Red Cross: Wilderness First Aid Certified 20132016 Schusterman Foundation: Retreatology Connection Point Participant 2014 Eser: Young Adult Learning Series: Committee Member & Leader 2012-2014 Keshet: Certified Hineini Course Facilitator 2013 Jewish Vocational Services: REACHOUT! Volunteer GED Tutor 2013 Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters: Big Brother 20112013 Junior Leadership Training Camp: Senior Patrol Leader 2004 Boy Scouts of America: Eagle Scout Award Recipient 2001