This document outlines details of various projects and initiatives for an organization including customer experience metrics, knowledge sharing activities, international recruitment numbers, project development details, and nonprofit sales. Key information provided includes NPS survey results, an online project wiki, international recruitment percentages for different programs, examples of project websites and financial information, orientation documents, and recruitment and host family details for several projects. More details are available in an attached Google Doc file.
3. 1) CEM
? NPS: 37
? Cases closed/cases opened: 5/0
? Response rate: 72 %
? % promoter: 47,94%
? No of comments: 59
? Innovation to improve quality
4. 1) CEM
? Innovation to improve quality
Include NPS survey in the JD and the promotion package
Include NPS survey in the First Email Template
Mention NPS survey during the end of the interview
Train buddy to be influential on interns
Educate interns about NPS in Orientation Day
Create "NPS tracking tool" in LC level
? Quality Manager track NPS weekly and update NPS situation in OCP
meeting to remind non-response cases, detractor cases, open cases...
? Add responsibility of reminding EP to fill in NPS survey in buddy's JD
? Analyze self-select issues to know what we need focus on for better
experience of interns:
5. 1) CEM
a) Matched:
? Cross-cultural understanding & awareness:
? Send FAQ and Intern’s Guide for interns after matched (attached file)
? Ask buddy to read FAQ file carefully to instruct interns about visa,
transportation, accommodation
? Personal development: personal development plan & personal goal setting
Ask EP Manager in home LC make personal development plan & personal goal
setting for EP and send to TN manager.
? Opportunity to create positive societal impact: Visible impact of the
project/organization & Visible impact of the Job Description
? TN manager explain impact of project in JD
? OC Matching must be passionate about project’s impact, OCP deliver trainings
for OC matching about the WHY of project => OC Matching will communicate
with interns about impact of project during the interview
6. 1) CEM
b) Realized:
? Integration by the hosting entity: Integration into the local culture & Integration into
the local chapter
Vietnamese class
Buddy take care interns on first days in Vietnam, especially instruct interns how
to take the bus
? Logistical support: Pick-up, Accommodation, Introduction to the organisation/project
Buddy confirm to pick interns up at the airport and introduce host one week
before arrival
Buddy picks interns up at the airport and takes them to their host safely
Organize Orientation day
? Cultural preparation: Resource/contact sharing for cultural preparation & Cultural
preparation meeting or event
Buddy takes interns around the city, hang out with them
Organize Vietnamese class for all projects
Invite all interns from all projects for bonding after OC Meeting of project
7. 1) CEM
c) Completed:
? Cross-cultural understanding & awareness: Awareness about local culture,
Living diverse cultures and having a multi-cultural experience & Crosscultural working experience
? Personal development: Personal development plan & Personal goal setting
? Opportunity to create positive societal impact: Visible impact of the
project/organization & Visible impact of the Job Description
? Evaluation forms after each event and show the reports to interns
? Sugar cube session for all event attendees => interns can read and
see the impact of the event
? Record video clips, photos about the event and post in Internal Group,
? AIESEC’ support during the experience
8. 1) CEM
Passive & Detractor
a) Matched:
? Visa documents and information: Visa documents processing time & Information
about the exchange conditions
Instruct interns about visa online
Put all information about visa in Intern's guide
Information provided about the GCDP programme: Exchange participant
responsibilities & programme policies (XPP), Programme benefits explanation
& Objectives of the programme => OGX side
b) Realized:
? Job-description clarity and alignment: Job-description aligned with the TN form &
Job-description clarity
Send project update by newsletter 1 week before RE
? Integration by the hosting entity: Integration into the local culture & Integration into
the local chapter
Encourage interns join OGX activities, trainings of LC
? Logistical support: Accommodation & Introduction to the organization/project
9. 1) CEM
Passive & Detractor
c) Completed:
? Cross-cultural understanding & awareness: Awareness about local culture,
Living diverse cultures and having a multi-cultural experience & Cross-cultural
working experience
? Personal development: Personal development plan & Personal goal setting
? Opportunity to create positive societal impact: Visible impact of the
project/organization & Visible impact of the Job Description
? Evaluation forms after each event and show the reports to interns
? Sugar cube session for all event attendees => interns can read and see the
impact of the event
? Record video clips, photos about the event and post in Internal Group,
? AIESEC’ support during the experience
10. 2) Bank of Knowledge
Project Wiki
11. 3) IR
? % RE with LC2LC partners/ All RE: 6.5% (5/77)
? % RE with CY2CY partners/ All RE: 55.84% (43/77)
? % of all planed TNs RE in peak (Nov, Dec, Feb,
June, July)/ all project: 91% (70/77)
? % of plan realized (RE): 96% (77/80)
? % of projects that has TNs 100% completed: 55.55
% (5/9)
12. 4) Project Development
? Projects showcasing impact on local website
? IVP:
? Hope for Children:
? Fundraising site:
? Project’s blog for updating:
? Global Passport:
? iChange:
? Vietnam 3D:
13. 4) Project Development
Financial Sustainability
+ Total income: 34.440.000
+ Expenses: 2.107.000
+ Profits: 32.333.000
+ Sources of income: contract value
Vietnam 3D
+ Total income: 586,000VND (fund raising booths)
+ Expenses: 4,022,000 VND
+ Losses: 3,436,000 VND
+ Total income: 132,300,000 VND
+ Expenses : 41,155, 000 VND
+ Profits (if any): 91,145,000 VND
Hope For Children
+ Total income: 11,698,000 VND
+ Expenses: 6,500,000 VND
+ Profits : 5,198,000 VND
+ Sources of income of your project
- Sponsorship: 6,000,000 VND
- Fundraising: 5,698,000 VND
Global Passport
+ Total income: 41,300,000 VND
+ Expenses: 19,365,000 VND
+ Profits: 21,935,000 VND
+ Sources of income of your project: course fee.
14. 4) Project Development
Marketing synergy
Vietnam 3D
+ Planned Project participants:
- Contestants for project: 6 teams (2 – 3 members/
- Attendances for special event: 500 -1000 people
+ Actual project participants:
- 6 teams (3 members/ team)
- Attendances for special event: 300 people
+ Percentage of participant actual vs planned:
+ Number of planed project participants: 30
+ Number of actual project participants: 27
+ Percentage of participant actual vs planned: 90%
Hope For Children
+ Number of planed project participants: 400
+ Number of actual project participants: 345 (180
participants for events + 150 students involved + 15
+ Percentage of participant actual vs planned:
Global Passport
+ Number of planed project participants: 63
+ Number of actual project participants: 40
+ Percentage of participant actual vs planned: 63.5%
Number of planed and actual project participants: 0
16. 4) Project Development
TMP Synergy
OGX Synergy
Vietnam 3D
Number of participants from
OGX recruitment: 01
Hope For Children
Number of participants from
TMP Recruitment: 12
Global Passport
Number of participants from
TMP Recruitment: 3 newbies
17. 4) Project Development
Host families
Vietnam 3D
+ Planned: 15
+ Actual Realized: 13
+ Percentage of host families from TMP, project
participants, OGX: 0%
Hope For Children
+ Planned: 11
+ Actual Re: 9
+ Percentage of host families from TMP
(newbies, candidates), project participants,
OGX (EPs, candidates): 0%
Global Passport
+ Planned: 4
+ Actual Re: 4
+ Percentage of host families from TMP
(newbies, candidates), project participants,
OGX (EPs, candidates): 25%