This presentation covers large scale Suicide Prevention programs in the Netherlands; their ambition, tactics and elements and process. Takeaway: prevention is about the hearts and minds. And bringing persons, systems and society beyond the tipping point that keep them from doing the right thing. Things can change if we work together. What used to be the Berlin Wall now is an art gallery.
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National Suicide Prevention Approaches in the Netherlands. World Psychiatric Association. Berlin 2018
1. National suicide prevention
approaches in
the Netherlands
Jan Mokkenstorm, MD
VU University, GGZinGeest Amsterdam
113 Suicide Prevention, Amsterdam
2. The Netherlands
Pop. 17 mln
many living below sea-level (blue)
Well established health care
Suicide rate 11/100.000
3. 1953 Zeeland Flood 1836 people died in the water
2016 the Netherlands 1894 people died by suicide
6. What are the national approaches in the Netherlands?
2008: 24/7 Online/Telephone helplines & e-health interventions
acces to care, overcoming (self) stigma, improving resilience& adaptive coping
2013: National Suicide Prevention Strategy
Public Health: gatekeepers, access to care, reduction access to means
Healthcare: Active/monitored guideline implementation, acces to/continuity of care
Media: Campaigns, Responsible reporting
2015: SUPRANET Program: Suicide Prevention Action Networks
Community: EAAD OSPI applied in 6 pilot regions
Care: Confidential network of large MHC providers sharing benchmark (big) data
8. Modern implementation: age-old principles of collaboration.
Co-creation, contextualisation, storytelling.
AND (big) data feedback to build the narrative.
9. Key implementation tactics
Overcoming cultural barriers and changing the mindset
FROM Mourning & reflection TO Learning & Action
Every life counts. All suicides are preventable until the last moment.
No one should die alone and in despair by suicide.
Engaging networks & leaders using change agents and media
Prevention is a shared responsibility.
Together we can save many more lives than we do now.
Evaluation aimed at continual & agile improvement.
10. Effects:
Suicide rate stable
Suicide Prevention prominent on political agenda.
Media compliant with reporting guidelines. More Papageno stories.
Health care adopts suicide prevention as a core responsibility.
Suicide prevention in school and university policies
Suicidology in healthcare profession curricula.
CORDESPRIT Corporate Depression and Suicide Prevention Initiative