Native American proverbs offer wisdom about life, relationships, and spirituality. Some key themes are: appreciating life's difficulties as sources of growth; seeking inner strength and peace over dominance; respecting all living things and their interconnectedness; listening with an open and understanding heart; and finding harmony within and with nature.
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Native american proverbs
The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears Minquass
Life is both giving and receiving. Mohawk
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - myself. Tribe
He who is present at a wrongdoing and does not lift a hand to prevent it is as guilty as the wrongdoers.
Give me knowledge, so I may have kindness for all. Plains Indian
Before eating, always take a little time to thank the food. Arapaho
Thoughts are like arrows: once released, they strike their mark. Guard them well or one day you may be
your own victim. Navajo
Respect the gift and the giver. Omaha
When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us. Arapaho
Ask question from the heart and you will be answered from the heart. Omaha
Judge not by the eye but by the heart. Cheyenne
No one else can represent your conscience. Anishinabe
The rain falls on the just and the unjust. Hopi
Let no one speak ill of the absent. Hopi
Those who have one foot in the canoe and one foot in the boat are going to fall into the river.
We will be know forever by the tracks we leave. Dakota
An angry word is like striking with a knife. Hopi
Do not judge your neighbour until you walk two moons in his moccasins. Northern Cheyenne
One foe is too many and a hundred friends too few. Hopi
The more you give, the more good things come to you. Crow
When a favor is shown to a white man, he feels it in his head and the tongue speaks out; when a
kindness is shown to an Indian, he feels it in his heart and the heart has no tongue. Shoshone
I have been to the end of the earth. I have been to the end of the waters. I have been to the end of the
sky. I have been to the end of the mountains. I have found none that are not my friends.
If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies in yourself. Minquass
There is no death, only a change of words. Duwamish
When an elder speaks, be silent and listen. Mohawk
Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Walk beside me that
we may be as one. Ute
There are no secrets. There is no mystery. There is only common sense. Onondaga
The greatest strength is gentleness. Iroquois
If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come. Arapaho
No answer is also an answer. Hopi
You must live your life from beginning to end; no one else can do it for you. Hopi
Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee
What is past and cannot be prevented should not be grieved for. Pawnee
Eating little and speaking little can hurt no man. Hopi
Misfortunes do not flourish on one path, they grow everywhere. Pawnee
A danger foreseen is half avoided. Cheyenne
Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past, wisdom is of the future. Lumbee
Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. Hopi
Our first teacher is our own heart. Cheyenne
It is no longer good enough to cry peace, we must act peace, live peace and live in peace.
To touch the earth is to have harmony with nature. Oglala sioux
We are made from Mother Earth and we go back to Mother Earth. Shenandoah
Listen to the voice of nature, for it holds treasures for you. Huron
They are not dead who live in the hearts they leave behind. Tuscarora
There can never be peace between nations until it is first known that true peace is within the souls of
men. Oglala Sioux
Love yourself; get outside yourself and take action. Focus on the solution; be at peace. Sioux
Be satisfied with needs instead of wants. Tenton Sioux
Deeds speak louder than words. Assiniboine
Inner peace and love are the greatest of God’s gifts. Tenton Sioux
There is no fear where there is faith. Kiowa
2. Everything has a beginning. Kiowa
It is good to tell one’s heart. Chippewa
Silence has so much meaning. Yurok
Do not allow anger to poison you. Hopi
Always look at your moccasin tracks first before you speak of another’s faults. Sauk
One has to face fear or forever run from it. Crow