This document discusses the need for strategic planning around natural resource management in Austin, Texas. It notes that the city's departments and organizations involved in natural resources currently have a fragmented approach. It proposes developing an interdisciplinary, ecosystem-based strategic plan to better align efforts and ensure the sustainable management of land, air, water, wildlife, energy, and waste. This would involve creating a natural resources strategic working group across relevant city departments and organizations to holistically manage resources and habitats for both people and wildlife. The document outlines focus areas and goals for different natural elements to guide more coordinated stewardship of Austin's environment.
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Natural Areas Strategic Planrev1
1. Natural Resources
Strategic Planning
Louis Rene’ Barrera,
Environmental Conservation Information Specialist
Natural Resources Division
Austin Nature Preserves System
Parks and Recreation Department
City of Austin, Texas
2. We live, work and recreate in a
“dynamic” natural world
How well do we manage natures inherent, functional values or
ecosystem services?
How well do we sustain habitat for a full range of native plant and
wildlife communities?
How well do we identify, establish, maintain and restore biological
diversity, ecologically viable natural areas, conservation easements
and or green infrastructure?
Do we share a common strategy when managing our natural
3. We consider the impact on the
environment in everything that we
do. (City of Austin’s Green Vision)
4. Sustainable community
“ Long-range growth plans that support Council's
priority of building a sustainable community are
managed primarily by Economic Growth and
Redevelopment Services, the Neighborhood Planning
and Zoning Department and the Watershed Protection
Department. The City's utility companies also
contribute to this priority through the development
and implementation of long-range strategic plans that
emphasize conservation and environmental
protection.” COA council priority
5. Living Systems
We all share responsibility as natural
resources stewards and recognize that
air, land and water are interconnected
in sustaining all life, in protecting
public health and in achieving healthy,
biologically diverse ecosystems and
the sustainable economies that depend
on these ecosystems. *
11. Ecosystems do not
Jurisdictions, watershed boundaries,
agencies, departments, zoning, or
individual species…
12. “ For many years the management and
conservation of wildlife species has focused on
the individual animal or population of interest.
In recent years, wildlife biologist have begun
to de-emphasize this ‘single-species’
approach.” –Texas Wildlife Action Plan, TPWD, 2006
14. Organizational Alignment
Let’s develop an organizational structure
that helps our staff, individual
departments, independent organizations
and citizens fulfill Austin’s “Green”
15. Interdisciplinary Approach
Ecosystem Strategy
Facilitates the enhancement and restoration of biological
Utilizes sustainable land management performance
guidelines and measures.
Fosters ecological stewardship and intergenerational
Focuses on “Ecosystem- based” management principles.
18. Sustainability based performance
Core vs. semi core… that is the question!
Focus on measurable goals that specify
future processes and outcomes necessary to
maintain sustainable environments.
Restores and conserve structural complexity
which strengthen ecosystems from natural
disturbance and produces genetic resources
necessary to adapt to long term change.
Focus on intergenerational sustainability
19. “The goal of Ecosystem-based
management is to maintain the health of
the whole as well as the parts.”
-Pew oceans report 2003
20. Land
Conserve and restore representative examples of
Central Texas ecosystems and enhance native biological
Protect natural ecological processes, community
structure and natural functional values.
Serve as sanctuary for resident and migratory wildlife.
Protect rare threatened and endangered species and
preserve their communities structural requirements.
Enhance opportunities for natural resource based
recreation, education and stewardship.
21. Air
Develop and implement programs that reduce the impact
of human activities on regional air quality;
Promote air quality education and outreach to citizens
and local businesses
Work with regional partners to promote healthy air in
Central Texas.
Increasing the capacity of natural areas and green
infrastructure to sequester carbon.
Enhance opportunities for natural resources based
recreation, education/ research and stewardship.
22. Water
Conserve and sustain representative examples of
aquatic communities, and their representative
Protect water quality and quantity, including seeps,
springs, corridors, ground water recharge zones and
aquifer levels.
Protect rare threatened and endangered aquatic species
and their habitats
Enhance opportunities for natural resource based
recreation, education/ research and stewardship.
23. Wildlife
Help sustain viable populations of native and migratory
species that are representative of our region.
Maintain integral species processes, pollinators, seed
dispersal, herbivorery
Provide opportunities with minimal disturbance and or
human influences.
Protect rare threatened and endangered species and
their habitats.
Enhance opportunities for natural resource based
recreation, education/ research and stewardship.
24. Energy
A commitment to prudently explore solar and other
emerging energy technologies
Advances the development of a local clean energy
Continues to restore urban forestry to mitigate affects of
Heat Island
Increase the capacity of natural areas and green
infrastructure to sequester carbon.
Enhance opportunities for natural resource based
recreation, education/ research and stewardship.
25. Waste
Develop and implements programs that reduce the
impact of human activities on the environment.
A commitment to prudently explore solar and other
emerging energy technologies
Provide environmentally safe removal of hazardous
materials from waste stream.
Provide disposal and waste diversion services in order to
protect the environment and conserve resources.
Provides R & D in order to maximize waste diversion.
27. Natural Resources Strategic
Working Group
Austin Energy
Austin Water Utility
Parks and Recreation
Solid Waste
Watershed Protection
Any others?
28. Natural Resources Strategic
Working Group
Austin Energy Austin Water Utility
? Clean Air Force Water, Wastewater Management and
? Forestry/ line management Conservation
Wildlands urban interface Balcones Canyonlands
? 6000 trees planted ? Endangered species unit
? Community funding sponsorships Wildlands Conservation Division
? Undetermined Land holdings Center for Environmental Excellence -
Hornsby Bend Environmental
Wildlands urban interface
Land holdings 28,000 acres
Parks and Recreation Solid Waste
Austin Nature Preserves System ? Waste diversion
Environmental education ? Garbage collection; Recycling
Endangered spp. and Karst cave ? Landfill operations,
ecosystems. ? Litter abatement, Keep Austin Beautiful
Forestry Services ? Code compliance
Wildlands urban interface ? Research and Development
? Undetermined land holdings
Land holdings 16,682 acres
Watershed Protection and Development Review
? Master planning
? Creek restoration
? Water Quality
? Erosion and flood control
? Salamander Research
Grow Green/ Invasive spp. *Edwards Aquifer conservation
*Undetermined land holdings Green Classroom (education)
30. What are the next steps?
31. “Treat the Earth Well: It was not given to you
by your parents. It was loaned to you by your
children. We do not inherit the earth from our
Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.”
—Ancient Indian Proverb