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Natural selection and the peppered moths

I.   Enter to the following website and read all the slides containing information about the
     peppered moths:

 1. Play the animation of A bird卒s eye view of natural selection in dark forest and light
    forest. Record the percentage of moths (dark and light) in each type of forest in the
    following table at the end of the animation.

                                  % Dark moths                     % Light moths
 Light forest                     36                               64
 Dark forest                      53                               47

 2. Explain how the color of the moth increases or decreases its chances of survival depending
    on the color of the trees.
     In the dark forest is easier to a predator to eat the light moths because
     the trees are dark and the light moths are easier to see.
     In the light forest is easier to a predator to eat the dark moths because
     the trees are light and the dark moths are easier to see.

 3. Explain the concept of natural selection using moths as an example.
     A moth had a mutation in his DNA and he pass it to his offspring, sothey start
     turning darker than they were and the dark moths take advantage in the dark forests.

 4. Imagine there were no predators in the forest. Would the colors of the moths change over
    time? Support your answer
     No, because there卒s no need to change of color if there is not

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Natural selection and the peppered moths

  • 1. Natural selection and the peppered moths I. Enter to the following website and read all the slides containing information about the peppered moths: http://www.techapps.net/interactives/pepperMoths.swf 1. Play the animation of A bird卒s eye view of natural selection in dark forest and light forest. Record the percentage of moths (dark and light) in each type of forest in the following table at the end of the animation. % Dark moths % Light moths Light forest 36 64 Dark forest 53 47 2. Explain how the color of the moth increases or decreases its chances of survival depending on the color of the trees. In the dark forest is easier to a predator to eat the light moths because the trees are dark and the light moths are easier to see. In the light forest is easier to a predator to eat the dark moths because the trees are light and the dark moths are easier to see. 3. Explain the concept of natural selection using moths as an example. A moth had a mutation in his DNA and he pass it to his offspring, sothey start turning darker than they were and the dark moths take advantage in the dark forests. 4. Imagine there were no predators in the forest. Would the colors of the moths change over time? Support your answer No, because there卒s no need to change of color if there is not predators.