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                                                                                          Mar 2013 Vol.I / Issue1

                                       WE ARE NOW IN INDIRANAGAR, BANGALORE
                                       Gemstoneuniverse, the worlds largest retail store exclusively for planetary
                                       gemstones, has moved to the heart of Bangalore in Indiranagar. The
                                       exclusive boutique storeis spread over 3000 sq. ft. with dazzling interiors
                                       based on themes from the Zodiac, astrology, Astronomy and Vedic texts. The
 CARPE DIEM!                           retail store of 3000 sq ft is part of the Gemstoneuniverse centre of
 You are alive and you are well.       excellence.
 THAT is your biggest blessing
                                       The store offers customers an insight into the world of pure Jyotish quality
 today. You were born for a
                                       gemstones. Customers can consult with the team of GIA and PGA certified
 purpose. The Almighty is no
                                       consultants and get gemstone recommendations based on accurate analysis
 careless maker and each of his
                                       of their horoscopes. A wide range of designs available at the store will
 creation has a purpose. With the
 launch of Navras, I hope that the
                                       facilitate the customers to choose and place orders for their personalized
 rasa or essence of life reveals       jewelry pieces with the recommended gemstones.
 itself to you and helps you find
 your purpose. And not just thatI
 hope that you are able to savor the
                                       Gemstoneuniverse is a carefully planned project. I wish their
 rasa of each day, each
 experience. With Love and Light
                                          endeavor the very best as it really makes a far-reaching
                                        impact in spreading of our heritage and this scared science
 Guruji Shrii Arnav                                of Jyotisha and planetary gemology. 

                                                        HH, The Maharaja of Mysore

                                       His Highness, SrikantadattaNarasimharajaWadiyar, Maharaja of Mysore, did
                                       the honors of cutting the ribbon and lighting the lamp at the inauguration.

                                       Ms. VaniGanapathy, one of the citys noted celebrities also graced the
                                       occasion. Ms. Ganapathy is a trained Bharatnatyam dancer, an interior
                                       designer and runs her own dance institute in Bangalore.

                                       Your favorite destination for a truly great experience is closer now.


Old is gold but new is a point of view too. In keeping with the philosophy
of bringing you nothing but the best, Gemstoneuniverse website has
undergone an image makeover. The new website has been designed
and features organised to facilitate ease of navigability and better

- The new website has a format that allows for a flow of information in a
cogent easy to grasp manner.

- It has all the vital information that you would require available easily
without having to go through a maze searching for what you want.

- Effortless navigation has been the most crucial element as we value
time the most.

- The website is https secure. Your data is secure and you are
guaranteed a hassle free experience. Gemstoneuniverse is a

- Product page has been organised neatly with many sorting option
options, based on different parameters available. You can sort by weight,
Price per carat and total weight. In the lower left hand corner you have
the options to view the number of products as per price range.

- Colored Gemstones are all about color. View the natural Gemstones
in the grid view so that you can evaluate color differences at a glance.

- The latest game changing information and articles go to the PIPING
HOT section. Watch this section for contests, announcements and new
apps on Facebook etc.

- Experience new powerful search that lets you search more than 3000
resources on the Gemstoneuniverse website, blog, social media that
ensures you get all the information that you are looking for.

- There is the facility of online chat manned by certified Gemologists
from the top Gemology institutions, in case you are really stuck!

- The most prolific feature of the new site is the way social media has
been integrated into it. You can now log in to the site and place your
order through any one of the multiple options and do not have to create a
new account compulsorily for a purchase.

- There is a mobile ready version too and that allows you to browse the
catalogue really fast! Now isnt that COOL!

- There are over a 100 FAQs neatly categorised for your ease, you
have an answer to anything that crosses you mind about Planetary
Gemology,our products and services.

                                                                            Value Add
The Gemstoneuniverse boutique offers a limited range of silver as well
as gold foil jewelry like the piece featured below. This jewelry comes in   Industry News
a very affordable range priced between INR3000-12000.
                                                                            RUBY STILL IN THE RED

                                                                            On November 26, 2012, Secretary of
                                                                            State Clinton eased the sanctions on
                                                                            Burma. This was in response to
                                                                            significant reforms that have recently
                                                                            taken place at a rapid pace. Burma also
                                                                            released hundreds of political
Also available are calibrated gem sets that can be customized to            prisoners, halted press censorship and
jewelry for the special occasions in your life. Take a look at these        enacted a labor law that allows unions.
classic heart shaped peridots that will make a stunning pendant set         They passed new foreign investment
complete with matching ear studs!                                           laws, established cease fire
                                                                            agreements with ten armed ethnic
                                                                            groups and have started a path to
                                                                            democracy with elections.

                                                                            However, they did not waive the Tom
                                                                            Lantos Burmese JADE Act of 2008,
                                                                            which banned new jade and ruby from
                                                                            being imported into the US. According
                                                                            to the state Department release, the
Bespoke precious gifts for your loved ones. And of course Bespoke
                                                                            removal of sanctions "does not affect
fortune, if you feel like pampering yourself!
                                                                            the existing prohibitions and restrictions
                                                                            on the importation of jadeite and rubies
                                                                            mined or extracted from Burma, and on
                                                                            articles of jewelry containing them.
At Gemstoneuniverse, there is a satsang/ a discourse/ a personal
development session by Guruji every week. It is a highly motivating         --------------------------------------------
and awakening session, where self-discovery, strength and evolution is
encouraged. We are looking at opening the session for general people
by limited numbers every month.

Please watch out for this space for the announcement if you are willing     Rihannas quirky style and
to be a part of this privileged gathering. Admission will be on a first     stunning gems make heads turn at
come first serve basis.                                                     the Grammys

                                                             Do you think you have the Gift? Are you
                                                             interested in learning Astrology/
Get this fantastic app from Gemstoneuniverse
and be your own Gemstone and Vaasthu
                                                             Planetary Gemology?
                                                                Do drop us a mail at xyz@pqr.com with a brief
                                                                            introduction and CV.

                                                              We will get back to you once the course details are

                                                                    Interested in Minerals and Gemstone
                                                                    photography. Would you like to intern
                                                                    with Gemstoneuniverse? Write in to us at
                                                                    xyz@pqr.comwith your detailed resume.


                                               The Gold Standard in Planetary Gemology


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Nav ras march

  • 1. NAVRAS THE ESSENCE OF LIFE Mar 2013 Vol.I / Issue1 WE ARE NOW IN INDIRANAGAR, BANGALORE Gemstoneuniverse, the worlds largest retail store exclusively for planetary gemstones, has moved to the heart of Bangalore in Indiranagar. The exclusive boutique storeis spread over 3000 sq. ft. with dazzling interiors based on themes from the Zodiac, astrology, Astronomy and Vedic texts. The CARPE DIEM! retail store of 3000 sq ft is part of the Gemstoneuniverse centre of You are alive and you are well. excellence. THAT is your biggest blessing The store offers customers an insight into the world of pure Jyotish quality today. You were born for a gemstones. Customers can consult with the team of GIA and PGA certified purpose. The Almighty is no consultants and get gemstone recommendations based on accurate analysis careless maker and each of his of their horoscopes. A wide range of designs available at the store will creation has a purpose. With the launch of Navras, I hope that the facilitate the customers to choose and place orders for their personalized rasa or essence of life reveals jewelry pieces with the recommended gemstones. itself to you and helps you find your purpose. And not just thatI hope that you are able to savor the Gemstoneuniverse is a carefully planned project. I wish their rasa of each day, each experience. With Love and Light endeavor the very best as it really makes a far-reaching impact in spreading of our heritage and this scared science Guruji Shrii Arnav of Jyotisha and planetary gemology. HH, The Maharaja of Mysore His Highness, SrikantadattaNarasimharajaWadiyar, Maharaja of Mysore, did the honors of cutting the ribbon and lighting the lamp at the inauguration. Ms. VaniGanapathy, one of the citys noted celebrities also graced the occasion. Ms. Ganapathy is a trained Bharatnatyam dancer, an interior designer and runs her own dance institute in Bangalore. Your favorite destination for a truly great experience is closer now. 1
  • 2. RIDE THE WAVE EXPERIENCE THE NEW GEMSTONEUNIVERSE INTERFACE Old is gold but new is a point of view too. In keeping with the philosophy of bringing you nothing but the best, Gemstoneuniverse website has undergone an image makeover. The new website has been designed and features organised to facilitate ease of navigability and better experience. - The new website has a format that allows for a flow of information in a cogent easy to grasp manner. - It has all the vital information that you would require available easily without having to go through a maze searching for what you want. - Effortless navigation has been the most crucial element as we value time the most. - The website is https secure. Your data is secure and you are guaranteed a hassle free experience. Gemstoneuniverse is a CERTIFIED MCAFEE SECURE SITE - Product page has been organised neatly with many sorting option options, based on different parameters available. You can sort by weight, Price per carat and total weight. In the lower left hand corner you have the options to view the number of products as per price range. - Colored Gemstones are all about color. View the natural Gemstones in the grid view so that you can evaluate color differences at a glance. - The latest game changing information and articles go to the PIPING HOT section. Watch this section for contests, announcements and new apps on Facebook etc. - Experience new powerful search that lets you search more than 3000 resources on the Gemstoneuniverse website, blog, social media that ensures you get all the information that you are looking for. - There is the facility of online chat manned by certified Gemologists from the top Gemology institutions, in case you are really stuck! - The most prolific feature of the new site is the way social media has been integrated into it. You can now log in to the site and place your order through any one of the multiple options and do not have to create a new account compulsorily for a purchase. - There is a mobile ready version too and that allows you to browse the catalogue really fast! Now isnt that COOL! - There are over a 100 FAQs neatly categorised for your ease, you have an answer to anything that crosses you mind about Planetary Gemology,our products and services. 2
  • 3. DO MORE AT GEMSTONEUNIVERSE Value Add The Gemstoneuniverse boutique offers a limited range of silver as well as gold foil jewelry like the piece featured below. This jewelry comes in Industry News a very affordable range priced between INR3000-12000. RUBY STILL IN THE RED On November 26, 2012, Secretary of State Clinton eased the sanctions on Burma. This was in response to significant reforms that have recently taken place at a rapid pace. Burma also released hundreds of political Also available are calibrated gem sets that can be customized to prisoners, halted press censorship and jewelry for the special occasions in your life. Take a look at these enacted a labor law that allows unions. classic heart shaped peridots that will make a stunning pendant set They passed new foreign investment complete with matching ear studs! laws, established cease fire agreements with ten armed ethnic groups and have started a path to democracy with elections. However, they did not waive the Tom Lantos Burmese JADE Act of 2008, which banned new jade and ruby from being imported into the US. According to the state Department release, the Bespoke precious gifts for your loved ones. And of course Bespoke removal of sanctions "does not affect fortune, if you feel like pampering yourself! the existing prohibitions and restrictions on the importation of jadeite and rubies IN THE PIPELINE mined or extracted from Burma, and on articles of jewelry containing them. At Gemstoneuniverse, there is a satsang/ a discourse/ a personal development session by Guruji every week. It is a highly motivating -------------------------------------------- and awakening session, where self-discovery, strength and evolution is encouraged. We are looking at opening the session for general people by limited numbers every month. Please watch out for this space for the announcement if you are willing Rihannas quirky style and to be a part of this privileged gathering. Admission will be on a first stunning gems make heads turn at come first serve basis. the Grammys 3
  • 4. DOWNLOAD THIS APP Do you think you have the Gift? Are you interested in learning Astrology/ Get this fantastic app from Gemstoneuniverse and be your own Gemstone and Vaasthu Planetary Gemology? consultant Do drop us a mail at xyz@pqr.com with a brief introduction and CV. We will get back to you once the course details are finalized. Interested in Minerals and Gemstone photography. Would you like to intern with Gemstoneuniverse? Write in to us at xyz@pqr.comwith your detailed resume. YOUR GEM STORY GEMSTONEUNIVERSE The Gold Standard in Planetary Gemology 4