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No. 4 Navajo Missions Internship Michael Hogan
Kayenta, AZ
(501) 242-1888 PO Box 1040
mhogan2@harding.edu Kayenta, AZ 86033
Well, Im back home and a few weeks before my senior year starts at Harding University! Its
been an amazing summer filled with both physical and spiritual learning. And not only that,
its helped me to better figure out what I desire to do after graduation. But before I share any
off-topic details about my future I would like to share the last things I witnessed in Kayenta.
While the last three weeks (and the whole summer really) have seem to have flown by, our
last days were booked. Weve had an evangelism seminar from a professor at Bear Valley, an-
other baptism, one last high school group with two VBSs, and two movie nights for the
youth group followed by our departure.
To start out, a Bear Valley professor came by for a three-day evangelism seminar and it was
amazing; but not because of what he did or how he presented. It was how God worked
through it. Not only did he awaken the eyes of the members to volunteer to come all three
days and keep them attentive, but he used it to save a soul.
Remember the laundry outreach I mentioned about before? Well one person there, her name
was Gloria, wanted to make the city a little happier (that was her daily goal). So although she
refused to look for religion, she sought after volunteer work. So the 2nd day we had the
seminar a small group of us made lunches and invited her to go with us to distribute them to
the homeless. She came immediately and was willing and ready to work. She then came with
us to distribute lunches and saw how we sat down and prayed, not just drop off the lunch.
She then asked the professors wife (who was with us) why we acted this way; to which she
responded that were Christians. She then invited Gloria to come to the seminar that night,
and Gloria agreed.
Gloria came in later that night and by the time we stopped for a dinner break, she asked the
professor about the points of the lesson. This quickly led to baptism and the one church that
Christ died for and she immediately decided to be baptized and
to be saved. This quickly became a joyous occasion as we filled
the baptistery and the women helped her get ready for the bap-
tism. Since then she has been eternally grateful (pun not intend-
ed) to all those in the church and now takes her daughter to
worship service (who while young, is gung-ho to be a part of it).
Navajo Missions Internship
Michael Hogan Page 2
As discussed before, in addition to
that we built a new fire pit for the
youth group and members, and a
high school group came all the way
from Ohio for a one-day VBS after
church Sunday and then went on to
have a longer VBS at Ft. Defiance, AZ
the next weekend. Before and after
that we had two movie nights for the
The one prior to it was for the teens of the church. We played the film War Room, a movie
on prayer, and ended up getting at least 3 times the size of our youth group in attendance.
The next movie night was for the kiddos and we watched Kung Fu Panda 3. For this event
we had around 7 more in attendance. Overall everyone involved felt it was great fun as well
as good outreach for the youth.
So over all the summer my expectations were originally blown out of water. I did not have a
culture-shock as some perceive, but instead a culture-realization. It was a great experience
and I hope to one day return to the area to either help part-time or visit as the goal is for the
Church in Kayenta to stand firmly without need of a missionary.
For anymore information, you know where to contact me!
Thanks and shalom!
Michael Hogan

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Navajo Newsletter No.4

  • 1. No. 4 Navajo Missions Internship Michael Hogan Kayenta, AZ (501) 242-1888 PO Box 1040 mhogan2@harding.edu Kayenta, AZ 86033 Well, Im back home and a few weeks before my senior year starts at Harding University! Its been an amazing summer filled with both physical and spiritual learning. And not only that, its helped me to better figure out what I desire to do after graduation. But before I share any off-topic details about my future I would like to share the last things I witnessed in Kayenta. While the last three weeks (and the whole summer really) have seem to have flown by, our last days were booked. Weve had an evangelism seminar from a professor at Bear Valley, an- other baptism, one last high school group with two VBSs, and two movie nights for the youth group followed by our departure. To start out, a Bear Valley professor came by for a three-day evangelism seminar and it was amazing; but not because of what he did or how he presented. It was how God worked through it. Not only did he awaken the eyes of the members to volunteer to come all three days and keep them attentive, but he used it to save a soul. Remember the laundry outreach I mentioned about before? Well one person there, her name was Gloria, wanted to make the city a little happier (that was her daily goal). So although she refused to look for religion, she sought after volunteer work. So the 2nd day we had the seminar a small group of us made lunches and invited her to go with us to distribute them to the homeless. She came immediately and was willing and ready to work. She then came with us to distribute lunches and saw how we sat down and prayed, not just drop off the lunch. She then asked the professors wife (who was with us) why we acted this way; to which she responded that were Christians. She then invited Gloria to come to the seminar that night, and Gloria agreed. Gloria came in later that night and by the time we stopped for a dinner break, she asked the professor about the points of the lesson. This quickly led to baptism and the one church that Christ died for and she immediately decided to be baptized and to be saved. This quickly became a joyous occasion as we filled the baptistery and the women helped her get ready for the bap- tism. Since then she has been eternally grateful (pun not intend- ed) to all those in the church and now takes her daughter to worship service (who while young, is gung-ho to be a part of it).
  • 2. Navajo Missions Internship Michael Hogan Page 2 As discussed before, in addition to that we built a new fire pit for the youth group and members, and a high school group came all the way from Ohio for a one-day VBS after church Sunday and then went on to have a longer VBS at Ft. Defiance, AZ the next weekend. Before and after that we had two movie nights for the youth. The one prior to it was for the teens of the church. We played the film War Room, a movie on prayer, and ended up getting at least 3 times the size of our youth group in attendance. The next movie night was for the kiddos and we watched Kung Fu Panda 3. For this event we had around 7 more in attendance. Overall everyone involved felt it was great fun as well as good outreach for the youth. So over all the summer my expectations were originally blown out of water. I did not have a culture-shock as some perceive, but instead a culture-realization. It was a great experience and I hope to one day return to the area to either help part-time or visit as the goal is for the Church in Kayenta to stand firmly without need of a missionary. For anymore information, you know where to contact me! Thanks and shalom! Michael Hogan