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Navigating Project
Jalal Uddin Akbar
Shayan Wazir
Usman Zafar BBA(HONS)  D , 4th Semester, OMT II
Using the Ribbon
 made up of several tabs
 Each tab contains several groups of buttons, separated by vertical gray lines and
labeled in gray text at the bottom of the tab.
Using the Timeline
 displayed between the ribbon and the main viewing area
 helpful in communicating your project data with others.
 The timeline can be turned on or off at any time.
 click the View tab and then select or clear the Timeline box in the Split View
group to turn the timeline on or off.
Share the Timeline with Others
1. On the Format tab, in the Copy group, click Copy Timeline.
2. Choose whether you want to copy the Timeline For E-mail, For Presentation, or
Full Size. The timeline is copied to your clipboard.
3. Paste the Timeline in another application, such as Outlook, Word, or
PowerPoint, for sharing with others.
Views Available in Project 2010
Project 2010 provides several different default views, each designed for a unique
purpose. The following sections go over each default view:
 Bar Rollup
 Descriptive Network Diagram
Bar Rollup
 The Bar Rollup view is used to display subtasks overlapping summary tasks on
the Gantt Chart.
1. In the Bar Rollup view, double-click a subtask to display the Task Information
dialog box.
2. On the General tab, select the Rollup check box
3. Click OK. The subtask bar now appears overlapped on its summary task bar on
the Gantt chart.
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
 displays your projects tasks as overlays in a standard calendar format.
 enables you to jump between viewing a month, a week, or a custom span of
weeks or dates.
 Click Month, Week, or Custom, above the calendar, to change what dates the
Calendar view displays.
Set a Custom Calendar Period:
1. In the Calendar view, click Custom, above the calendar.
2. On the Zoom dialog box, choose whether you want to display a certain number of
weeks, or a specific date range, using the options.
3. Click OK. The calendar is updated to display the period you specified.
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Descriptive Network Diagram
 Descriptive Network Diagram view displays boxes for each task in your project
 boxes are connected using arrows
 arrows show dependencies between the tasks
 Tasks on the critical path are highlighted in red
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Detail Gantt
 helps to highlight how much a task can be delayed before other task dates are
 shows the critical path using red bars on the Gantt chart.
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Gantt Chart
 probably the most-used view in Project 2010
 It lists the projects tasks on the left portion of the view
 Displays coordinating bars across a timeline on the right portion of the view
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Gantt with Timeline
 The Gantt with Timeline view is a split view
 displays the Timeline view in the top pane and the Gantt Chart view in the
bottom pane
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Leveling Gantt
 shows how the tasks in your project will be affected if you use the resource-
leveling feature in Project 2010
Milestone Data Rollup
 to view your projects summary tasks on the Gantt chart, with labels for
milestones and dates.
 will only display milestones and dates on the summary task Gantt bar if the
subtasks are set to roll up to the summary task
 Refer to the section, Roll Up a Subtask, for information on how to roll subtasks
up to the summary task level
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Milestone Rollup
 to view your projects summary tasks on the Gantt chart, with labels for
 The Milestone Rollup view will only display milestones on the summary task
Gantt bar if the subtasks are set to roll up to the summary task
 Refer to the section, Roll Up a Subtask, for information on how to roll subtasks
up to the summary task level
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Multiple Baselines Gantt
 displays the dates saved as Baseline, Baseline 1, and Baseline 2, using different
colored Gantt bars on the right portion of the view.
Network Diagram
 displays boxes for each task in your project
 the boxes are connected using arrows that show dependencies between the tasks
 Tasks on the critical path are highlighted in red
 This view may come in handy when you need an illustrated look at how tasks in
your project are connected
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Resource Allocation
 displaying the Resource Usage view in the top pane and the Leveling Gantt view
in the bottom pane.
Resource Form
 enables you to view or enter detailed information about each of your projects
resources individually.
Resource Graph
 displays a bar graph for each resource assigned to at least one task in your
 The bar graph illustrates allocation, availability, cost, and work details
throughout the projects life cycle.
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Resource Name Form
 enables you to view or enter basic information about each of your projects
resources individually
Resource Usage
 displays task assignments for each resource on the left portion of the view
 the work or cost information about the task assignments over time in the right
portion of the view
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Task Details Form
 enables you to view or enter detailed information about each of your projects
tasks individually
Task Entry
 displaying the Gantt Chart view in the top pane and the Task Form view in the
bottom pane
Task Form
 enables you to view or enter basic information about each of your projects tasks
Task Name Form
 to view or enter a single tasks assigned resources, predecessors, and successors.
Task Sheet
 enables you to view or enter task information without simultaneously viewing
the Gantt chart.
Task Usage
 displays assigned resources for each task on the left portion of the view
 the work or cost information about the resource assignments over time in the
right portion of the view
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Team Planner
 provides a visual representation of what the resources in your project are
working on, throughout your projects life cycle
 You can drag task assignments between resources to adjust for over allocation or
free up some of a resources time to make room for other work
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
 illustrates your projects tasks and dates using a traditional timeline format.
 It can be customized to display certain tasks as callouts on the timeline, and it can
be printed or copied into other applications.
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Tracking Gantt
 displays Gantt bars for the baseline dates and the current schedule for each of
your projects tasks.
 This enables you to quickly see how well your project is tracking to your baseline
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)
Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)

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Navigating Project 2010 (OMT II)

  • 1. Navigating Project 2010 By: Jalal Uddin Akbar Shayan Wazir Usman Zafar BBA(HONS) D , 4th Semester, OMT II
  • 2. Using the Ribbon made up of several tabs Each tab contains several groups of buttons, separated by vertical gray lines and labeled in gray text at the bottom of the tab.
  • 3. Using the Timeline displayed between the ribbon and the main viewing area helpful in communicating your project data with others. The timeline can be turned on or off at any time. click the View tab and then select or clear the Timeline box in the Split View group to turn the timeline on or off.
  • 4. Share the Timeline with Others 1. On the Format tab, in the Copy group, click Copy Timeline. 2. Choose whether you want to copy the Timeline For E-mail, For Presentation, or Full Size. The timeline is copied to your clipboard. 3. Paste the Timeline in another application, such as Outlook, Word, or PowerPoint, for sharing with others.
  • 5. Views Available in Project 2010 Project 2010 provides several different default views, each designed for a unique purpose. The following sections go over each default view: Bar Rollup Calendar Descriptive Network Diagram
  • 6. Bar Rollup The Bar Rollup view is used to display subtasks overlapping summary tasks on the Gantt Chart. 1. In the Bar Rollup view, double-click a subtask to display the Task Information dialog box. 2. On the General tab, select the Rollup check box 3. Click OK. The subtask bar now appears overlapped on its summary task bar on the Gantt chart.
  • 9. Calendar displays your projects tasks as overlays in a standard calendar format. enables you to jump between viewing a month, a week, or a custom span of weeks or dates. Click Month, Week, or Custom, above the calendar, to change what dates the Calendar view displays. Set a Custom Calendar Period: 1. In the Calendar view, click Custom, above the calendar. 2. On the Zoom dialog box, choose whether you want to display a certain number of weeks, or a specific date range, using the options. 3. Click OK. The calendar is updated to display the period you specified.
  • 12. Descriptive Network Diagram Descriptive Network Diagram view displays boxes for each task in your project boxes are connected using arrows arrows show dependencies between the tasks Tasks on the critical path are highlighted in red
  • 14. Detail Gantt helps to highlight how much a task can be delayed before other task dates are impacted shows the critical path using red bars on the Gantt chart.
  • 16. Gantt Chart probably the most-used view in Project 2010 It lists the projects tasks on the left portion of the view Displays coordinating bars across a timeline on the right portion of the view
  • 18. Gantt with Timeline The Gantt with Timeline view is a split view displays the Timeline view in the top pane and the Gantt Chart view in the bottom pane
  • 20. Leveling Gantt shows how the tasks in your project will be affected if you use the resource- leveling feature in Project 2010
  • 21. Milestone Data Rollup to view your projects summary tasks on the Gantt chart, with labels for milestones and dates. will only display milestones and dates on the summary task Gantt bar if the subtasks are set to roll up to the summary task Refer to the section, Roll Up a Subtask, for information on how to roll subtasks up to the summary task level
  • 23. Milestone Rollup to view your projects summary tasks on the Gantt chart, with labels for milestones. The Milestone Rollup view will only display milestones on the summary task Gantt bar if the subtasks are set to roll up to the summary task Refer to the section, Roll Up a Subtask, for information on how to roll subtasks up to the summary task level
  • 25. Multiple Baselines Gantt displays the dates saved as Baseline, Baseline 1, and Baseline 2, using different colored Gantt bars on the right portion of the view.
  • 26. Network Diagram displays boxes for each task in your project the boxes are connected using arrows that show dependencies between the tasks Tasks on the critical path are highlighted in red This view may come in handy when you need an illustrated look at how tasks in your project are connected
  • 28. Resource Allocation displaying the Resource Usage view in the top pane and the Leveling Gantt view in the bottom pane.
  • 29. Resource Form enables you to view or enter detailed information about each of your projects resources individually.
  • 30. Resource Graph displays a bar graph for each resource assigned to at least one task in your project The bar graph illustrates allocation, availability, cost, and work details throughout the projects life cycle.
  • 32. Resource Name Form enables you to view or enter basic information about each of your projects resources individually
  • 33. Resource Usage displays task assignments for each resource on the left portion of the view the work or cost information about the task assignments over time in the right portion of the view
  • 35. Task Details Form enables you to view or enter detailed information about each of your projects tasks individually
  • 36. Task Entry displaying the Gantt Chart view in the top pane and the Task Form view in the bottom pane
  • 37. Task Form enables you to view or enter basic information about each of your projects tasks individually.
  • 38. Task Name Form to view or enter a single tasks assigned resources, predecessors, and successors.
  • 39. Task Sheet enables you to view or enter task information without simultaneously viewing the Gantt chart.
  • 40. Task Usage displays assigned resources for each task on the left portion of the view the work or cost information about the resource assignments over time in the right portion of the view
  • 42. Team Planner provides a visual representation of what the resources in your project are working on, throughout your projects life cycle You can drag task assignments between resources to adjust for over allocation or free up some of a resources time to make room for other work
  • 44. Timeline illustrates your projects tasks and dates using a traditional timeline format. It can be customized to display certain tasks as callouts on the timeline, and it can be printed or copied into other applications.
  • 46. Tracking Gantt displays Gantt bars for the baseline dates and the current schedule for each of your projects tasks. This enables you to quickly see how well your project is tracking to your baseline dates.