The document provides feedback on a new user experience for a restaurant recommendation app. It summarizes the following key points in 3 sentences:
The new home page immediately shows recommendations from friends but still shows places already reviewed; it is suggested to not show places a user has already reviewed. The order of information on restaurant pages is liked with reviews first to get an overall view but some restaurant names appear behind the home button and some buttons seem redundant. Various scenarios are analyzed including receiving recommendations, reviewing restaurants, adding to a wishlist, suggesting to friends, and filtering restaurant lists.
2. New Home PageFriends - Recommended. Good list to start.Now the user gets the recommendations immediately.But If I already went to that restaurant (I reviewed it) it still appears as a suggestion. Recommendation: Do not show places already reviewed.
3. New order in Restaurant information.I like to see the reviews first, because I can get a general view about the place.And after all, NewGoTos is about sharing recommendations.
6. General Impressions Icons need more workDefine a css to the information pageSome restaurants names stay behind the home button.Write a review looks redundant, in Create and ReviewLog out button does not have the same category than the others.
8. Scenario: Using Lists The new home screen is really useful to receive immediately the recommendations from people that really care, your friends.Adding the header to the list is really helpful, but I am not sure if adding the rest of the filters ($-$$-$$$) is improving the experience.A list (friends, wish list or even All+$) are filters to a list of restaurants, Using 2 separate buttons to filter looks inefficient.
10. Scenario: Rate/Review Restaurant With the new navigation, cloud be more difficult to rate a restaurant if:The restaurant the user wants to review was not been recommended by friends.The restaurant is not in the DB (same problem in old configuration)Review a restaurant recommended by friends: 3 clicksReview a restaurant in other list: search + 3 clicks.
11. Scenario: Add a restaurant to wishlistReally intuitiveCould it be an icon by itself?