NayaMed is a platform that aims to simplify healthcare through smart and integrated services including:
- Online eLearning programs for medical training anywhere, anytime.
- Remote technical support from experts for medical devices.
- A news and discussion forum to stay up to date with peers.
- A paperless online ordering system and inventory management using RFID.
- Customer support through FAQs, videos, live chat and phone.
The platform seeks to make managing healthcare technologies and daily work more efficient.
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Naya Med Commercialplatform Orderlow
1. Simply does it.
ayaMed. a new frontier of smart and simple healthcare
2. Smart Services 速
integrated in
one platform
NayaMed web-
platform support
helps you to improve
News and discussion
your experience of
forums make it possible Our Inventory System the Platform through
to stay in touch with simplifies inventory FAQs, online how-
trends and exchange management by allowing to videos, customer
opinions with colleagues you to scan when care and live chat
from across Europe products enter and leave
the hospital to give a real-
time inventory status
Online product
ordering provides
eLearning programmes Remote technical hospitals with a fast
allow you to develop skills support offers high-level and paperless
and knowledge more technical expertise when ordering and invoicing
conveniently than traditional you need it process, and
attendance based courses invoicing control
3. Contents
e-Learning, wherever,
whenever you want
Time-pressured physicians and technicians are looking for ways to reduce unnecessary travel
and interruptions to daily activities. So it makes sense to look at flexible web-based learning
instead of inflexible courses at an external education center.
NayaMeds training on our medical devices is related to implantation and programming of
fully online. This has been developed in the devices, plus effective follow-up of
partnership with a recognised medical faculty patients. And it comes with interactive tests to
and it helps develop skills and knowledge ensure solid understanding of all key aspects.
4. Contents
Flexible, technical expertise.
It is not always easy for a hospital to receive the Our support service takes the form of:
required technical support when it is most needed.
highly trained team of experts who know our
We want to change this.
pacemaker devices inside out;
Through NayaMed Remote Technical Support,
nline voice connection
our specialists are on-hand to answer your
questions, before, during and after an intervention. n option to share the programmer screen
The same high level of support is available to any
Smart technology allows us to provide fully-informed
physician, in any hospital, at almost any time
advice, without the need for long explanations over
during working hours.
the telephone, as and when you need it.
5. Contents
Connected to the
buzz across Europe
News feeds and discussion forums to stay in touch with your peers
New technologies help keeping communities in touch and updated. The challenge is that
often the web offers a source of information that can be just too much. For this reason we
decided to open a news channel on the NayaMed platform that selects and summarizes
the most meaningful information for you.
The application of new technologies to the medical field makes the exchange of
information so simple and powerful. This allows every hospital that uses the Nayamed
platform to share and participate in discussion forums with other European colleagues.
Connected Home
6. Contents
Ordering and Invoicing
We dont believe that hospitals As a result, administrators
should have to pay for sales and nurses can source our
representatives to call in person devices quickly and
to take orders for our medical conveniently, with a 24 hour
devices. Instead, we have set delivery. Our system also gives
up a highly efficient ordering you the possibility to set up
and invoicing process that is automatic reordering by setting
entirely web-based. desired standard stock levels.
7. Contents
You can get help from us through various channels:
AQ: if you encounter a problem, try and see
if the right answer is in the FAQ section of the
How-to videos: These are short, practical
and intuitive videos that explain how to
web-platform. This is updated regularly also perform the most important tasks.
via the input of other hospitals and NayaMed
ive chat: you also have the possibility to use
users. In this section, you can also flag an
our live chat with one of our web specialists
issue that is not addressed and help us
to get help.
improve our service.
ustomer care center: it is of course our
pleasure to talk to you so please dont
hesitate to call us!
8. Contents
On top of
your stock
Weve talked to many hospitals You can update the digital
who say that it is hard to have a inventory of our devices simply
snapshot of current inventory by waving them in front of RFID
and likely out-of-stocks. readers. Youll automatically
receive alerts when stock is low
So the NayaMed Information
or close to Use-By-Dates. The
System has moved beyond
system also offers options for
barcodes and instead makes
automatic re-ordering.
smart use of RFID tags.
9. Contents
About NayaMed
We make technology work smarter
so that your life can become simpler.
NayaMed is the new frontier of simple and smart approach to
healthcare. We aim at adressing the challenges of modern
healthcare rethinking the way of choosing, sourcing and buying
medical devices, making it quicker, straightforward and more
efficient quick, straightforward and efficient. We achieve this with a
sum of changes and improvements leveraging new technologies,
creating a unique and ground-breaking ultimately
make your daily work easier.