West Virginia University conducted an analysis of its summer trend data from 2000 to 2008. Some key findings were that 84-87% of summer students were WVU students, total summer enrollment increased 1% from 2007 to 2008 with on-campus enrollment decreasing 5.2% while online enrollment increased 5.4%. The document also reviewed course offerings, enrollment by level and location, and considerations for the future like maintaining on-campus facilities use and addressing non-resident student bleed to other colleges.
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1. Catch a Falling Star 2000-2008 Summer Trend Data Analysis NCCSS Chicago, March 5, 2009
2. West Virginia University Public, land-grant Doc-High Research 28,500 Enrollment - 55% resident 14 Colleges & Schools w/ 180 bachelor, master, doctorate and professional degrees 84-87% Summer Students are WVU students Summer SCH 2008 = 64,638 w/ 11,251 headcount On-campus separate model from online, but managed & marketed by same office
3. 2008 Enrollment Headcount was 11,252 students Enrollment for Summer Session was 22,424 students Total Enrollment from 2007 increased 1% Since 2007, On-Campus enrollment decreased 5.2%, while E-Learn has increased 5.4% and Both has also increased by 24.7%
4. Total Headcount 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Years # of Students On Campus Off Campus Total
13. Course Attributes 1,558 total courses offered in the 2008 summer session 956 on-campus courses offered in 2008 (Davis, Eberly, B&E, CCA, CEMR, HR&E, SOJ, PASS and NSG) Of these, 535 courses were undergraduate courses
21. Future Considerations On-campus F2F enrollment has been flat with evidence of some decline (Summer Fair in Colleges) Freshmen and sophomore potential Online growth & both category increase (Course Pairings and new online options) Economic impact on Summer attendance (Student Employment Center, Financial Aid, 4 day week) Maintain on-campus use of facilities and institutional tax base (Incentive for College participation) Non-Resident bleed to local community colleges/colleges (Data Tracking) Incentive Options : parking options, scholarships communications, packaging courses, metro option
22. Sue Day-Perroots, Ed.D. Dean of Extended Learning and Summer Session [email_address] West Virginia University Extended Learning