The document discusses how schools can achieve outstanding ratings from Ofsted inspections by focusing on career education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). Key points include:
- Ofsted will focus on how well schools prepare students for work and link to local businesses.
- Schools should have clear leadership and management of CEIAG, with a program of activities and ability to evaluate outcomes.
- Programs should address the needs of all students through curriculum links, guidance, employer encounters and more.
- Achieving the Quality in Careers standard validates a school's high-quality CEIAG provision.
2. New Year – What’s on the horizon
• New statutory guidance due out spring
• Careers & Enterprise Co
• Mentoring programme for possible NEETS
• Job Centre Plus in schools
• Gatsby self assessment tool being launched in April
• Karen Adriaanse has left Ofsted
• A new lead inspector will be appointed
3. From Ofsted report 2015 Next Steps
• Inspectors have sharpened their focus from September
2015 on the extent to which schools prepare pupils for the
world of work and make effective links with local
businesses. In a thematic report to be published next year,
Ofsted will identify how well schools help pupils to develop
crucial employability and enterprise skills through both
academic and vocational routes.
5. What do Ofsted Want? The bottom line
• To see the SLT who line manages CEIAG
• To see the day to day manager
• To see a programme of activities with clear outcomes
• To be able to speak to pupils who are clear what
CEIAG they have access to & its effect.
• To see that continuous evaluation & monitoring is
informing your programme & it’s responsive to student
7. Putting together a framework
– have expected outcomes and evaluation
– Be differentiated
– Include ALL routes for ALL pupils
The only way to fit this all in is to
make careers a whole school focus
with all curriculum areas contributing
10. Quality in Careers Standard
• Developmental tool – not something you ‘go for’ when you’ve got
your provision where you want it
• Seen by Ofsted as a sign that your CEIAG is top quality
• Recommended by Statutory Guidance
• Only award that validates your careers education programme as
well as advice and guidance
Editor's Notes
Sam Gyimah mentioned twice in Nov Careers England and Westminister Forum
Menu of actiities
Announceunder CEC
At invitation of head – targeted at NEETS
This is being reported as normal under the common inspectin framework
Outlined in CIF
Both CEC & Ofsted rate Gatsby benchmarks
This the headline that most heads and SLT hear
Ofsted want to see this, even in short inspections
But most of all they want to see this
So this needs to be your priority Can no longer fit into pshe – it has to be cross curricular
Go to the CDI website – in the search box put in audit
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