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Well Need a Bigger Boat
                      Modeling the HSPD 24 Enterprise

                                          2010 NDIA Biometrics Conference

息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
HSPD-24 Challenges:
                   Unanticipated Consequences
   Issue: Given EPICs continuing mission since 1974, what
   will be the impact of Homeland Security Presidential
   Directive 24 (HSPD-24) for biometric and biographic data
   from the Federal resources to the borders and civil law
   enforcement jurisdictions?

           Prognosis: Dynamic quantitative computer topography
           Shows that the HSPD-24 will create a network of networks
           overwhelming current and future computer and
           communications systems, especially at EPIC.

息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
USG Biometric Physical
     Dept of State                   DoD
            220 consulates             5,321 DoD Installations
                                         world wide
                                        6 geographic COCOMs
              115 airports
              14 seaports              2 CONUS land borders
              150 land ports           2 CONUS sea borders
              EPIC                     Combat operations
     FBI field agencies                Humanitarian operations
            56 field offices
            400 resident agencies

息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
Biometric Security Growth

                           HSPD-24   Metcalfe Law: n(n  1)/2
息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
Biometric Security Growth
                                     And that is just

                                            190 Links

息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
                                                    Metcalfe Law: n(n  1)/2
Modeling System of Systems: Why?

                                                   Agency                    Installations           Links
             This                                  DoD                                     5321            14,153,860
                                                   DoS                                       220              24,090
                                                   DHS                                     327*               38,781

                                  Turns Into..

                                                                    Lets Expand this outshall we?

                                              *In 2008 CBP..
                                              Processed 1.09 Million People/day  392.4 Million People/year

                                              Processed 25.4 Million Truck, Rail, and Sea Containers

                                              Executed 1 Million Arrests for Illegal Entry  2,800/day

                                              Executed 26,280 Arrests of Criminals at Sea Ports  76/day

   * Data obtained from CBP.gov
息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
Modeling System of Systems: Why?

  We all know the problem is Big, but..

                                  What happens when.

                                  Biometric Data


   * Data obtained from CBP.gov
息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
Modeling System of Systems: Why?

  We all know the problem is Big, but..

                                             We Get This!

                                                     Empty space in the Queue

       DoD                            Database
                                      Portal      Information flow to Databases

                                              Information level rising
                                              in the queue

 Biometric and Biographic Data

   * Data obtained from CBP.gov
息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
Modeling Systems of Systems: How
                   ViaSim Model Structure   Potential Agency CONOPS   Comm. Link Structure


 or Agency


 Point of

息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
Modeling Systems of Systems: How
                   ViaSim Model Structure   Potential Agency CONOPS

                                                                                   190 Links
                                                                                   between top
                                                                                   level agencies

 or Agency
                                                                      528 Links between
                                                                      defense agencies,
                                                                      Services, and COCOMS

                                                                      14.1M Links between
                                                                      installations (5321 Installations)
 Point of
 Entry                                                                            (MANY)

                                                                        (MORE THAN MANY)
息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
Modeling Systems of Systems: Looking at the Layers
                                          within Dimensions












Pt. of Entry

息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
Modeling Systems of Systems: Looking at the Layers


                                                                                These Layers
                                                                                Reside within
                                                                                the Parent Icon

息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
The Need for Modeling the Biometrics Enterprise Exists Now.

   "We have to establish an enterprise architecture," said Bill
   Zimmerman, the capabilities integration division chief on the
   Biometrics Task Force, adding an effort is underway to "engage the
   biometrics industry [in the] development of a biometrics data
   model" for storing, sharing, matching and management.

                                                        -- From Computerworld.com 09.23.09

息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
The Need for Modeling the Biometrics Enterprise Exists Now.

  Opportunities to reduce gaps in our security through
  comprehensive data sharing may be lost unless remaining
  needs for biometrics data are appropriately filledpotential
  harm could come to U.S. interests from those individuals
  DHS and DOS could have prevented from entering the
  United Statesit is important that DOD, the FBI, DHS, and
  DOS work together to determine the biometrics data needed
  and to share these data

                                      GAO-09-49 DOD Biometrics Collection and Sharing
                                      October 2008

息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
A Prescriptive and Descriptive Solution
        Prescriptive (Planning)                                     Descriptive (Operating)
 Define system wide acquisition                              Identify Informational and Physical
  strategy                                                     backlogs

 Set performance benchmarks                                  Quickly define growth strategy

 Flexible and scalable to the needs                          Predict system crashes and plan
  of the installation / enterprise                             responses (What-if)

                              System                                                   Assess

              Implement                                                                               Model the
                                                 System               Implement

                                       Replan/                                                  Replan/
                     Model                                                    Model
                     Replan            Address                                Replan            Address
                                        Risk                                                     Risk

 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions                             Time

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NDIA Biometrics Conference 2010 Final

  • 1. Well Need a Bigger Boat Modeling the HSPD 24 Enterprise 2010 NDIA Biometrics Conference 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 2. HSPD-24 Challenges: Unanticipated Consequences Issue: Given EPICs continuing mission since 1974, what will be the impact of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 24 (HSPD-24) for biometric and biographic data from the Federal resources to the borders and civil law enforcement jurisdictions? Prognosis: Dynamic quantitative computer topography Shows that the HSPD-24 will create a network of networks overwhelming current and future computer and communications systems, especially at EPIC. 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 3. USG Biometric Physical Presence Dept of State DoD 220 consulates 5,321 DoD Installations world wide DHS 6 geographic COCOMs 115 airports 14 seaports 2 CONUS land borders 150 land ports 2 CONUS sea borders EPIC Combat operations FBI field agencies Humanitarian operations 56 field offices 400 resident agencies 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 4. Biometric Security Growth HSPD-24 Metcalfe Law: n(n 1)/2 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 5. Biometric Security Growth And that is just between agencies!!!! 190 Links HSPD-24 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions Metcalfe Law: n(n 1)/2
  • 6. Modeling System of Systems: Why? Agency Installations Links This DoD 5321 14,153,860 DoS 220 24,090 DHS 327* 38,781 Turns Into.. Lets Expand this outshall we? *In 2008 CBP.. Processed 1.09 Million People/day 392.4 Million People/year Processed 25.4 Million Truck, Rail, and Sea Containers Executed 1 Million Arrests for Illegal Entry 2,800/day Executed 26,280 Arrests of Criminals at Sea Ports 76/day * Data obtained from CBP.gov 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 7. Modeling System of Systems: Why? We all know the problem is Big, but.. What happens when. Biometric Data DoD Database Portal * Data obtained from CBP.gov 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 8. Modeling System of Systems: Why? We all know the problem is Big, but.. We Get This! Empty space in the Queue DoD Database Portal Information flow to Databases Information level rising in the queue Biometric and Biographic Data * Data obtained from CBP.gov 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 9. Modeling Systems of Systems: How ViaSim Model Structure Potential Agency CONOPS Comm. Link Structure Enterprise Regional or Agency Installation Point of Entry Capture Devices 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 10. Modeling Systems of Systems: How ViaSim Model Structure Potential Agency CONOPS 190 Links Enterprise between top level agencies Regional or Agency 528 Links between defense agencies, Services, and COCOMS Installation 14.1M Links between installations (5321 Installations) Point of Entry (MANY) Capture (MORE THAN MANY) Devices 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 11. Modeling Systems of Systems: Looking at the Layers within Dimensions Agency Agency Agency DHS DOJ DoD DOS Standards Requirements Technology c Strategy c Policy c Enterprise c c National Regional Installation Pt. of Entry 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 12. Modeling Systems of Systems: Looking at the Layers The SimBLOX Modeling Framework These Layers Reside within the Parent Icon 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 13. The Need for Modeling the Biometrics Enterprise Exists Now. "We have to establish an enterprise architecture," said Bill Zimmerman, the capabilities integration division chief on the Biometrics Task Force, adding an effort is underway to "engage the biometrics industry [in the] development of a biometrics data model" for storing, sharing, matching and management. -- From Computerworld.com 09.23.09 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 14. The Need for Modeling the Biometrics Enterprise Exists Now. Opportunities to reduce gaps in our security through comprehensive data sharing may be lost unless remaining needs for biometrics data are appropriately filledpotential harm could come to U.S. interests from those individuals DHS and DOS could have prevented from entering the United Statesit is important that DOD, the FBI, DHS, and DOS work together to determine the biometrics data needed and to share these data GAO-09-49 DOD Biometrics Collection and Sharing October 2008 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions
  • 15. A Prescriptive and Descriptive Solution Prescriptive (Planning) Descriptive (Operating) Define system wide acquisition Identify Informational and Physical strategy backlogs Set performance benchmarks Quickly define growth strategy Flexible and scalable to the needs Predict system crashes and plan of the installation / enterprise responses (What-if) Plan System Assess Issue Model Implement Model the System Implement Response Replan/ Replan/ Model Model Replan Address Replan Address Risk Risk 息 2010. ViaSim Solutions Time