The Norwegian Digital Learning Arena (NDLA) provides free digital learning resources to upper secondary students in Norway. It is a partnership between 18 county councils and involves teachers developing open source content. Over 90% of Norwegian teachers are aware of NDLA and over 60% use its resources regularly in teaching. NDLA aims to replace and supplement traditional textbooks with up-to-date, flexible digital content that can be reused and shared. Its long term goal is to participate in an international network to increase global learning benefits.
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Presentation of Norwegian Digital Learning Arena at kickoff of NordicOER project September 2013 - by Øivind Høines
2. Nasjonal digital læringsarena Norwegian Digital Learning Arena
• Population – 5 million
• Official languages
– Norsk
– Nynorsk
• Administrative Diversion
– 19 Counties
– 430 Municipals
• County responsibility
– Upper secondary school
– 200 000 pupils/apprentices
– Free learning resources
3. ndla.noNasjonal digital læringsarena Norwegian digital learning arena
Free and open digital learning resources to all pupils in
Norway at upper secondary level
4. ndla.noNasjonal digital læringsarena Norwegian digital learning arena
NDLA's long-term goal regarding international work, is to be
part of an international network of related initiatives working
- and thereby to increase global learning benefit
5. ndla.noNasjonal digital læringsarena Norwegian digital learning arena
– an ambitious initiative
o Joint partnership and co-ownership between 18 (out of 19) county councils
o Virtual organisation. No main office. Teachers work as local editors and
editorial staff
o Numerous users throughout Norwegian schools with increasing traffic
o Open source content and open infrastructure
o Buying, developing, and distributing digital learning materials
o Replacing and supplementing traditional learning resources
o Costs: 55 EUR pr student (20% of total funding for learning recourses), 1,3 EUR
pr student/subject
6. 6
Pedagogical Ambitions
Flexibility and freedom to choose instructional
Right to (re)use and share the learning resources !
Up to date learning resources in dialogue with the
Open Standards, Service oriented approach
High level of granularity
Web 2.0 / SoMe technology
Dynamic development of the repository
7. 7
2 level user model
• Editorial staff makes and uses
– Quality assessed learning resources
• Learners
– Shares their own work
– Makes new relations and contexts
11. Key results
• Over 90 % of all teachers know about NDLA
• Over 60 % use NDLA in their teaching
• Over 50 % use NDLA often
• The teachers that use NDLA give high scores for value
and quality
• High level of private and public cooperation
– Suppliers from all levels are involved
– Above 60 % of budgets are spent in the open market
ndla.noNasjonal digital læringsarena Norwegian digital learning arena
16. Dolorae natis voloratio
Ne debit et parunt fuga. Ihitaectae
ipsandeles verum atias eum eicitin
ctecabo. Ut officiunt, isimus.
Nasjonal digital læringsarena Norwegian Digital Learning Arena
17. ndla.noNasjonal digital læringsarena Norwegian digital learning arena
How could this happen in Norway?
Too rich
Too few
Strong unions
Powerful publisher
Plenty of good textbooks
Lack of political goals
18. ndla.noNasjonal digital læringsarena Norwegian digital learning arena
Some preconditions
Structural shift
• Legislation
• Economy
• Technology
• Ideology
20. Keys factors for
ndla.noNasjonal digital læringsarena Norwegian digital learning arena
• Secure a public commitment with substantial and long-term
financial backing
• The involvement of teachers is essential in the whole prosess
• Releasing teachers competence through new challenges
• Open licensing, meta data and open formats is key
• Don’t make something new - integrate with the best
21. An invitation to cooperate with
ndla.noNasjonal digital læringsarena Norwegian digital learning arena
NDLA has no Headquarter, but 18 counties
A visit to NDLA will give a chance to meet all levels and stakeholders involved in
the initiative
• Web sites
• County councils:
Rogaland Nord-Trøndelag Hordaland E.g.
22. Nasjonal digital læringsarena Norwegian Digital Learning Arena
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