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Solution Title Team Name
Team Member’ name & College/Company name
Problem Statement and time frame:
- What is the problem which you want to solve?
- Why this problem is happening?
- Define process and time frame
Brief Summary of your solution
Approach & tech
- How will you solve it? Solution by technology?
- How do you use NEC & SSS’ technology in solution idea?
Which NEC’s technology will you use? Which SSS technology will you use?
Overview with diagram
- Please share your solutions/prototype mock image
Market Size & Business Model
- What would be the market size of your solution?
- How can your solution generates the profit?
 Please kindly share how are stakeholders related in the whole cash flow
** Visualization with a pictogram is recommended (Example is below)
Current After
• How the current situation is
affecting people’s life in India
• Please specify the audience e.g. the
geography, demography, etc?
• How your solution will help
improving the current situation in
• Please provide the fact and figures,
e.g. Current crime rate XX%, but
this solution can help in reducing it
to YY%
How can your solution help improving the current situation?
** If you could explain this by using a pictogram, that would be helpful for clear evaluation.

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  • 1. Solution Title Team Name Team Member’ name & College/Company name Theme Problem Statement and time frame: - What is the problem which you want to solve? - Why this problem is happening? - Define process and time frame Brief Summary of your solution Approach & tech - How will you solve it? Solution by technology? - How do you use NEC & SSS’ technology in solution idea? Which NEC’s technology will you use? Which SSS technology will you use?
  • 2. Overview with diagram - Please share your solutions/prototype mock image Market Size & Business Model - What would be the market size of your solution? - How can your solution generates the profit?  Please kindly share how are stakeholders related in the whole cash flow ** Visualization with a pictogram is recommended (Example is below) $ ZZ XX YY YY
  • 3. Current After • How the current situation is affecting people’s life in India • Please specify the audience e.g. the geography, demography, etc? • How your solution will help improving the current situation in India • Please provide the fact and figures, e.g. Current crime rate XX%, but this solution can help in reducing it to YY% How can your solution help improving the current situation? ** If you could explain this by using a pictogram, that would be helpful for clear evaluation.