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Waste Management
for Small Town
in Indonesia
All Landfill Site is open
The initiatives that have
been taken are unlikely to
meet future landfill
Soon, the landfill will reach
its maximum capacity
Current practice poses
health risks
Land availability is very
limited and hard to get
 Hundreds of tons of waste
are sent to the landfill
every day
 Finding land for a new
landfill site is very
difficult, nobody want it
 The volume of waste
continues to increase due
to population growth
 Health risk to the
surrounding community
Leachate (liquid waste)
treatment facilities
Reducing the amount
of waste at the landfill
Provision of waste
processing facilities
with the latest
Conversion of waste
into valuable products
Landfill must use the latest
Will fulfill the purpose of
the City of the Future
This city will be able to
help the surrounding
regencies if they need
waste processing
Clean processing practices
without any health risks
No more worrying about
the increasingly limited
availability of land
So with this solution ...
sellable sellable
Only trash that is
not wanted by
Project Flow
MSW-RDF technological description:
Process: mechanical thermal from mixed municipal waste:
1. Waste input with initial identification of problematic materials,
2. Problem sorting checks,
3. Pouch opener,
4. Supervision during the recycling and collection of secondary
materials (e.g., glass, paper-cardboard),
5. Ferrous metal separation 1,
6. 0-60 [mm] fraction filter,
7. 0-30 [mm] fraction filter,
8. Supervision during the recycling and collection of secondary
materials (eg PET, glass, paperboard, etc.),
9. Ferrous metal separation 2,
10.Heavy fraction pneumatic separation,
11.Shredding / Grinder,
12.Ferrous metal separation,
13.Pyrolysis gasification dryer,
14.Secondary material presses in horizontal balers,
15.Transport trucks / containers,
Parameter MSW-RDF 40.000 t/tahun
or 100 t/hari (1 shift)
Annual capacity 40,000 tons per year
Work system 1 shift per day
Effective uptime 7 hours per day
Annual work deadline 287 days per year
Capacity (per 1 shift) ca. 140.0 tons per 1 shift
Installed El.Power 714.0 kW
Staff (total) 29-39 per shift
Charger operator 1
Sorting operator 30
Press operator 1
Dryer operator 1
Logistic operator 2
Supervisor 2
Outputs of BSF Larvae
FEED namely animal feed (cows, goats, buffalo, rabbits), poultry (chickens, ducks, wild duck,
geese, pigeon), freshwater aquaculture fish feed (ornamental fish and consumption fish).
Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae can be used as insect-based municipal organic waste recycling technology as bio-
processor of organic waste to produce nutritious larval biomass. Larvae feed as experimental treatment
consisting of restaurant organic waste mixed with cow blood waste showed the fastest growth of larvae.
The total time for metamorphic development from egg to
imago was 35 days; consists of as
Larva 13 days
Prepupa 6 days
Pupa 6 days
Imago 15 days
Proximate analysis showed that BSF larvae had a protein
content of 33.31 to 33.88%, and a fat content of 30.07 to
34.39%. The final solid residue of the three treatments ranged
from 90.3-90.6% after 10-11 days of bio-processing.
This professional recycling technology will produce:
 All biodegradable components - complete separation on one groove
 All non-combustible components (minerals) - complete separation in one channel
(inert components for landfill, not sand)
 Secondary materials (eg PET bottles, glass bottles) for recycling
 Ferrous and non-ferrous metals - automatic separation (for recycling)
 Heavy components (eg stone) - automatic separation
 Flammable components - processed into RDF
Outputs of RDF Production Plant
Total Investment less than USD 1,500,000
In the Waste Management Business, we believe in
collaborative efforts. We are always looking for
sustainable solutions, as we partner with
communities to turn landfills into productive ones.
For the surrounding community
Visits from various local governments and
universities will occur every day.
When the pile of garbage is lost, it means that
the landfill area can be used as: Magot
Factory (FEED), Compost Factory (FERTILIZER),
Plastic Ore Factory, Plantation & Animal
Husbandry (FOOD), etc.
It is our hope that this partnership shows that working
together to find innovative solutions is the most viable way
and there will be many alternative ideas to meet future needs.
is a technology integrator offering a wide range of environmentally friendly
technology and Internet of Things services.
Reinforced by an outstanding track record with a developed portfolio, we are
always proud of our pragmatic and efficient designs that produce quality projects.
Every project is met with the highest standards of quality, attention to detail, and
qualified engineering judgment.
MORE INFO +62 811-879781
Bisnis.com - The waste problem occurs in almost all regions in
Indonesia, the amount of waste is often not comparable to the capacity
of the final disposal site (TPA).
The incident occurred again in Pekalongan, Central Java, to be precise
at TPA Degayu,
According to the local Environment Agency, the pile of garbage in the
TPA has exceeded the capacity limit with the height of the garbage pile
reaching about 17 meters, exceeding the standard limit set, which is
under 10 meters with an average waste production of 125 tons per day.

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Neditel msw english

  • 2. All Landfill Site is open dumping The initiatives that have been taken are unlikely to meet future landfill objectives Soon, the landfill will reach its maximum capacity Current practice poses health risks Land availability is very limited and hard to get Currently...
  • 3. Solution Hundreds of tons of waste are sent to the landfill every day Finding land for a new landfill site is very difficult, nobody want it The volume of waste continues to increase due to population growth Health risk to the surrounding community Leachate (liquid waste) treatment facilities Reducing the amount of waste at the landfill Provision of waste processing facilities with the latest technology Conversion of waste into valuable products Technology $
  • 4. Landfill must use the latest technology Will fulfill the purpose of the City of the Future This city will be able to help the surrounding regencies if they need waste processing Clean processing practices without any health risks No more worrying about the increasingly limited availability of land So with this solution ...
  • 6. MSW-RDF technological description: Process: mechanical thermal from mixed municipal waste: 1. Waste input with initial identification of problematic materials, 2. Problem sorting checks, 3. Pouch opener, 4. Supervision during the recycling and collection of secondary materials (e.g., glass, paper-cardboard), 5. Ferrous metal separation 1, 6. 0-60 [mm] fraction filter, 7. 0-30 [mm] fraction filter, 8. Supervision during the recycling and collection of secondary materials (eg PET, glass, paperboard, etc.), 9. Ferrous metal separation 2, 10.Heavy fraction pneumatic separation, 11.Shredding / Grinder, 12.Ferrous metal separation, 13.Pyrolysis gasification dryer, 14.Secondary material presses in horizontal balers, 15.Transport trucks / containers, Parameter MSW-RDF 40.000 t/tahun or 100 t/hari (1 shift) Annual capacity 40,000 tons per year Work system 1 shift per day Effective uptime 7 hours per day Annual work deadline 287 days per year Capacity (per 1 shift) ca. 140.0 tons per 1 shift Installed El.Power 714.0 kW Staff (total) 29-39 per shift Charger operator 1 Sorting operator 30 Press operator 1 Dryer operator 1 Logistic operator 2 Supervisor 2
  • 7. Outputs of BSF Larvae FEED namely animal feed (cows, goats, buffalo, rabbits), poultry (chickens, ducks, wild duck, geese, pigeon), freshwater aquaculture fish feed (ornamental fish and consumption fish). Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae can be used as insect-based municipal organic waste recycling technology as bio- processor of organic waste to produce nutritious larval biomass. Larvae feed as experimental treatment consisting of restaurant organic waste mixed with cow blood waste showed the fastest growth of larvae. The total time for metamorphic development from egg to imago was 35 days; consists of as Larva 13 days Prepupa 6 days Pupa 6 days Imago 15 days Proximate analysis showed that BSF larvae had a protein content of 33.31 to 33.88%, and a fat content of 30.07 to 34.39%. The final solid residue of the three treatments ranged from 90.3-90.6% after 10-11 days of bio-processing.
  • 8. This professional recycling technology will produce: All biodegradable components - complete separation on one groove All non-combustible components (minerals) - complete separation in one channel (inert components for landfill, not sand) Secondary materials (eg PET bottles, glass bottles) for recycling Ferrous and non-ferrous metals - automatic separation (for recycling) Heavy components (eg stone) - automatic separation Flammable components - processed into RDF Outputs of RDF Production Plant Total Investment less than USD 1,500,000
  • 9. In the Waste Management Business, we believe in collaborative efforts. We are always looking for sustainable solutions, as we partner with communities to turn landfills into productive ones. For the surrounding community Visits from various local governments and universities will occur every day. When the pile of garbage is lost, it means that the landfill area can be used as: Magot Factory (FEED), Compost Factory (FERTILIZER), Plastic Ore Factory, Plantation & Animal Husbandry (FOOD), etc. It is our hope that this partnership shows that working together to find innovative solutions is the most viable way and there will be many alternative ideas to meet future needs.
  • 10. is a technology integrator offering a wide range of environmentally friendly technology and Internet of Things services. Reinforced by an outstanding track record with a developed portfolio, we are always proud of our pragmatic and efficient designs that produce quality projects. Every project is met with the highest standards of quality, attention to detail, and qualified engineering judgment. MORE INFO +62 811-879781
  • 11. Bisnis.com - The waste problem occurs in almost all regions in Indonesia, the amount of waste is often not comparable to the capacity of the final disposal site (TPA). The incident occurred again in Pekalongan, Central Java, to be precise at TPA Degayu, According to the local Environment Agency, the pile of garbage in the TPA has exceeded the capacity limit with the height of the garbage pile reaching about 17 meters, exceeding the standard limit set, which is under 10 meters with an average waste production of 125 tons per day.