This document discusses environmental issues related to electricity demand response in New England. It covers pollutants of concern like ozone and particulate matter. It discusses health impacts and progress made in reducing emissions. Remaining challenges include implementing new ozone and particulate matter standards. Distributed generation is growing but relies heavily on diesel engines, which are high polluters. Regulations need to adapt to changes in electricity generation and encourage cleaner distributed generation.
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Nedri enviro presentation-15jul02
1. Environmental Issues in
Electricity Demand Response
New England Demand Response Initiative
July 17, 2002, Holyoke, MA
Nancy L. Seidman
Massachusetts Dept of Environmental Protection
Bill White
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1
Ken Colburn
Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
2. Topics to Cover
Pollutants of concern and their impacts
Progress to date
Remaining Environmental Challenges
Regulatory outlook and timeline
Regulatory framework: state and federal
Distributed generation
EconomyEnvironment Convergence?
3. Pollutant of Concern and
Regulatory Standards
7 federal (US-EPA) public health standards
four important for power generation
SO2, NOx, CO and PM2.5
Ozone and PM2.5
levels and trends
next steps in federal programs
next steps in state programs
CO2 and Hg - emerging issues
4. Health Effects of
Exposure to Ozone
Nose, and throat irritation
Chest pain
Reduced lung function
Increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses
Aggravation of asthma
Children and people with chronic lung diseases
are particularly at risk
5. Health Effects of Exposure
to Fine Particles
Premature death
Respiratory related hospital admissions and emergency
room visits for cardiac and other conditions
Aggravated asthma
Acute respiratory symptoms
Chronic bronchitis
Decreased lung function (shortness of breath)
People with existing heart and lung disease, as well as
the elderly and children, are particularly at risk
6. Fine particles, or haze, impairs
health and visibility
Hourly conc. of
The Boston
fine particles in
skyline on a
the 9-11 袖g/m3
clear day
(Jan. 12, 2001) range
The Boston Hourly conc. of
skyline on a fine particles
hazy day 55.4 袖g/m3
(March 8, 2001)
7. CO2 emissions contribute to global climate change
which is projected to have serious and wide-ranging
impacts on human health and the environment
8. Mercury poses serious risks to human
health and the environment
Mercury bioaccumulates concentrates in fish and
animals that eat them including humans
41 states now have mercury-based health advisories for fresh-
water fish, including all New England states
High dose exposures can cause serious neurological and
developmental effects:
Mental retardation, limb deformities
Blindness, cerebral palsey, seizures
Low dose exposures can cause:
Adverse developmental effects on attention, fine-motor functions,
visual-spatial abilities and verbal memory
Other possible effects: carcinogen, heart disease, adult
immune system, and reproductive system
9. Air Programs Have
Made Great Progress
Automobile tailpipe, inspection & maintenance,
and cleaner gasoline programs
VOC & NOx control requirements for industry
Power plant control strategies:
Acid rain program: SO2 and NOx
NOx RACT in 1995
OTCs NOx budget program -- 1999 and 2003 caps
Section 126 petitions and NOx - - SIP call reductions in 2004
State multi-pollutant power plant programs MA, CT and NH
11. SO2 Emissions From New
England Power Plants
45 0000
35 0000
2 5 0000
2 00000
1 5 0000
1 00000
5 0000
1 980 1 990 1 995 2 000
Y ear s
12. NOX Emissions From
New England Power Plants
1 60000
1 40000
1 2 0000
1 00000
2 0000
1 990 1 995 2 000
Y ears
13. Improvement in U.S. New Car Emission Standards,
1965 - 2005
Composite Relative Emissions
of a New Light-Duty Vehicle
1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
14. Outlook: Environmental
Challenges yet to be Addressed
Implementation of eight-hour ozone
national ambient air quality standard
Implementation of fine particulate standard
and regional haze program
Acid rain
Mercury from coal burning
Greenhouse gas emissions
15. Fine Particles are a Significant
Problem in California and in the East
1999-2001 Annual Mean PM 2.5
Preliminary Estimates Without Consideration of Data Completeness
(Data from AQS - 4/5/02)
Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico
well above the level of the standard
at or above the level of the standard
approaching the level of the standard
Terence FitzSimons
well above the level of the standard
16. Areas Recommended by the States as
Not Meeting EPAs Ozone Standard
Based on 1997-1999 ozone data
17. Timeline for Implementing
New Ozone and PM Standards
2003 EPA finalizes implementation guidance
2003-4 States recommend nonattainment designation
and boundaries
2004-5 EPA finalizes nonattainment designations and
2007-8 States submit control strategy SIPs
Mercury MACT requirements take effect?
2009-15 Attainment deadlines for ozone and PM
2015?-18? Requirements for CO2, and additional
reductions in NOx and SOx?
測 ISO NE projects peak electricity demand to increase
by 13-20+% in 2009-2015
18. Prognosis for Clear Skies / 4-P?
Key Issues:
Carbon in or out?
Levels and timetables; re-opener
Allocation approaches (input, output, permanence, etc.)
Trading constraints?
Theres a deal here
Compared to 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments?
President: Much less committed...
Industry & Enviros: Much more committed...
Best Guess:
Clear Skies and S.556 (Jeffords) are DOA in the Senate
Development of a 3rd Way is underway
2003 Session or Someday
19. How Does Permitting Work Today?
State and Federal permitting roles
Federal rules (large new sources New Source
Review/Prevention of Significant Deterioration)
State delegation other sources
Federal Air Quality Standards link to permit
For large power plants dispersion modeling used to
determine ground level impact
Differences among states in how small sources are
20. SIP State Implementation Plan:
Links federal and state efforts
SIP state implementation plan
EPA designates areas that dont meet health
SIP = state regulations and programs to bring
areas into compliance with federal standards
Some measures are required, others are
optional, i.e. up to each state
Approved by EPA
22. Whats in a SIP
Letters and Attestations
Administrative Documentation
Technical Support and Background
23. Considering Control Strategies
Review Emission Inventory
Review available Control Technologies
Provide costs (for regulated community,
for state)
Determine Effectiveness of Controls and
24. What is distributed generation
and why is it growing?
Distributed Generation (DG) is electric generation
on site
< 1 MW and up to 10 MW
DG is growing because:
Need for greater reliability and power quality- tiny
outages can cost millions of dollars
Load/demand response programs pay customers to
shed load - often switching to on-site generators
High electricity prices mean on-site options more
25. DG has the potential to create
environmental benefits by . . .
Achieving efficiencies of 80% and higher
through Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
Increasing the contribution of low to zero
emissions technologies to power generation
Reducing the need to run older, dirtier
reserve generating plants
Reducing line losses
26. But, current DG trends present an
environmental challenge
Diesel internal combustion (IC) engines
make up more than 90% of existing DG and
a similarly large share of new sales
Diesel IC engines pollute at much higher
rates than new electric generating plants
Even a few hours of operation can have big
impacts on air quality
Regulations need to catch up with market
changes and new technologies
27. Diesel IC engines are far worse
polluters than new gas plants
3 SO2 NOx CO2 Mercury
(10 lbs/ MWh) (10 lbs/ MWh) (tons/ MWh) (0.0000001 lbs/ MWh)
Conventional Coal Diesel Engine Modern Gas Plant
28. Even low levels of DG use can
have big impacts on air quality
Potential Emissions Impact in Connecticut
(NOx tons on a given ozone season day)
40 tons/day
200MW x 200MW x 450 MW x 900 MW x OTC Budget
2 hrs 24 hrs 12 hrs 12 hrs
Source: Chris James, CT DEP
(post-contingency) (price-driven) (price-driven)
(capacity shortfall)
29. Some evidence that use of and
emissions from DG are rising
New Hampshire 1996 - 1999
Share of electric generation ozone season NOx
emissions grew from 3.8% to 14% - nearly a four
fold increase
Total NOx emissions from small diesel IC engines
doubled - from 278 tons to 576 tons - even as total
NOx emissions from all electric generators were
nearly halved, from 7314 tons to 3986 tons
Source: Andy Bodnarik, NH DEP
30. Regulations did not anticipate
todays DG trends
Most on-site generators are emergency
generators exempted from emissions requirements
Emergency exemption assumed narrowly defined
circumstances for use - emergencies - not load
response or peak shaving
Modification in CA, EPA has no plans to broadly
expand guidance for these units
Many new units fall outside existing state and
federal permitting requirements
31. Permitting Requirements - MA
No permit required < 3 MMBtu/hr fuel
input - 300 kw
> 3 MMBtu/hr fuel input - best available
control technology (BACT)
Emergency engine limits
See 310 CMR 7.02, 7.03
32. Permitting Requirements - CT
General permit language for emergency
engines - valid until 12/03
units > 500 hp
Annual tons per year limits - 5 tpy NOx,
SOx, 3 tpy PM
Ultra low sulfur fuel required
SW CT - 52 towns can participate in load
33. States and EPA are taking steps
to meet the DG challenge
Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) Model
Rule lowers applicability thresholds for DG
EPA and NESCAUM developing inventory
of installed on-site capacity in the Northeast
Connecticut General Permit for Distributed
Generation issued earlier this year
RAP model regulation
34. Bottom line: DG can be good for
the air, as long as its clean
Update regulations to capture diesel IC engines
generating electricity
Dont increase use of emergency backup
Level the playing field for clean, efficient DG by
removing regulatory and market barriers and
creating incentives
Clean DG can help add capacity while reducing
35. How Will EPA and States Meet
New Air Quality Challenges?
Upcoming emission reduction programs:
2004 automobile tailpipe and clean fuel stds
2007 heavy duty diesel standards
Local emission reduction measures
E.g., diesel retrofit and low sulfur diesel fuel
Reduction of regional transport from power
plant emissions: Clear Skies Initiative
36. Simultaneous Economic Growth and
Environmental Improvement
Sources: 1970 - 1999 emissions data is from the National Air Pollutant Emissions Trend Report, (EPA, March 2000).
Projections for SO2 and NOx are derived from the Integrated Planning Model (IPM). GDP data through 2000 is from
the Bureau of Economic Analysis, GDP projections follow EIAs assumptions in AEO 2001 of 3% growth per year.
Editor's Notes
#8: The climate is currently changing, and larger changes are expected. Temperatures and sea level are rising, and precipitation patterns are changing. The US National Assessment of the Consequences of Climate Change for the United States determined that climate change will result in significant impacts on health, agriculture, forests, water resources, coastal areas, species and natural habitats. Impacts in each of these sectors have implications for EPA water programs.
#16: This map is based on monitors operated since the first quarter of 2000 and meet 1-year (2000) completeness goals.
#19: NH = 2 nd in High Tech Employment NH is the only state among the Top 10 fastest growing that is not in the South or West. (NHPR, 12-20-01) Intel example: Bash Climate => Bash Intel