The document describes a programming consultation service offered at a university library to provide guidance on coding, software development, and scripting. It outlines the types of assistance provided, such as recommending learning paths, code review/debugging, working with data formats and databases, and data visualization. It notes some topics outside the scope of the service, like completing assignments or writing entire programs. Examples of potential consultation topics are also listed.
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Need Help with Your Code? Providing a Programming Consultation Service at the Library
1. Providing a Programming Consultation
Service at the Library
Need Help with
Your Code?
Laura Wrubel
George Washington University
Access Conference, October 6, 2016
9. Guidance on coding/software development/scripting:
Recommending a learning path and coding tutorials
Advice on starting a new coding project
Code review/debugging
Tools selection
Assistance with:
Data markup/encoding (e.g., XML, JSON, CSV, RDF)
Retrieving data from websites/APIs
Data cleansing/manipulation
Databases (e.g., table design, querying, optimizing)
Fulltext searching
Data visualization
10. Out of scope
Computer Science (or similar) assignments
Writing entire programs or doing all work for
Filling function of TA for a class
12. View from the water by wplynn is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0
13. Topics
Using an API to gather data from a countrys
parliamentary website
Scraping resolutions from the United Nations
Troubleshooting a web application used in a
biology lab for quantifying the behavior of
Building an online health survey with custom logic
unavailable in current online poll sites
Interview preparation for software development