Mohannad Barakat Is Involved In Various Exciting ActivitiesMariaBaring
Mohannad Barakat is a well trained, professional Trauma and Orthopedic surgeon who is practicing both trauma and elective surgeries from the past 10 years. He is a holder of distinctions in Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology and Pathology.
this use full for CLASS X STUDENTS for their studies this can be used as a study or help materials to students. this also gave a EXTRA KNOWLEDGE about this particular chapter.
Native trails bathroom products are famous for unique designs and world class look. Home Living Style is well known for offering their products at great prices that anyone can afford.
This document contains results from the November/December 2011 supplementary examinations for the first year of the BTech program at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in Anantapur, India. It lists the subject codes, subject names, internal marks, external marks, total marks, results and credits earned for each student. The results show whether students passed (P) or failed (F) each subject. A total of 27 pages of student results are presented.
Mohannad Barakat Is Involved In Various Exciting ActivitiesMariaBaring
Mohannad Barakat is a well trained, professional Trauma and Orthopedic surgeon who is practicing both trauma and elective surgeries from the past 10 years. He is a holder of distinctions in Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology and Pathology.
this use full for CLASS X STUDENTS for their studies this can be used as a study or help materials to students. this also gave a EXTRA KNOWLEDGE about this particular chapter.
Native trails bathroom products are famous for unique designs and world class look. Home Living Style is well known for offering their products at great prices that anyone can afford.
This document contains results from the November/December 2011 supplementary examinations for the first year of the BTech program at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in Anantapur, India. It lists the subject codes, subject names, internal marks, external marks, total marks, results and credits earned for each student. The results show whether students passed (P) or failed (F) each subject. A total of 27 pages of student results are presented.
Skype: valter.kings
Twitter: @valterkings
140 Characters, Not Flying Cars: Maybe We Got Just What We Needed After All- ...Code for America
140 Characters, Not Flying Cars: Maybe We Got Just What We Needed After All
John Lilly, former CEO of Mozilla, gives a keynote addressing how technology is changing the relationships we have with each other, and what this means for how we think about the division between government and citizens.
This document contains results from the November/December 2011 supplementary examinations for the first year of the B Tech program at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in Anantapur, India. It lists students' marks and results for various subjects like Engineering Drawing, Mathematics, Physics, and others. Some students passed certain subjects and failed others based on their internal marks (I.M.) and external marks (E.M.). The document is signed by the Controller of Examinations.
The document provides a lecture plan on the topic of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). It discusses key concepts in CSS including style sheets, selectors, properties, cascading and inheritance. The document covers the core syntax of CSS including rule sets, at-rules, properties and values. It also covers CSS features such as selectors, style sheets and HTML linking, and the modularized specification of CSS3.
The document provides the course structure and syllabus for the Bachelor of Technology program in Computer Science and Engineering at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur.
It outlines the courses offered in each year and semester of the 4-year program, including course codes, titles, credit hours, and brief descriptions. In the first year, courses include Communicative English, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Mathematics, Problem Solving and Computer Programming, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and labs. Subsequent years cover more advanced topics in computer science, programming, data structures, algorithms, operating systems, networks, and electives. The document concludes with contact information for the university.
Rethinking and Reshaping Broken Systems - New Profit Gathering of LeadersCode for America
At the 2015 New Profit Gathering of Leaders (#NPGathering15), Code for America Founder and Executive Director Jennifer Pahlka, Black Girls CODE Founder & Executive Director Kimberly Bryant, and Pigeonly CEO Frederick Hutson talked about the importance of rethinking and reshaping broken systems. Through the lens of technology, they discussed how problems that get solved have everything to do with whos doing the solving: their experience, perspective, and insights into whom theyre solving problems for.
This is Jennifer Pahlka's deck from the talk. For more details about the event, visit:
The document discusses the periodic table of elements, including that it classifies elements regularly, uses symbols to represent each element, and can be used to find details about elements like their state of matter. It notes some common gaseous and liquid elements and identifies Dmitri Mendeleev as the father of the modern periodic table.
The Intel Science Talent Search (Intel STS) is the nation's oldest and most prestigious pre-college science competition for high school seniors. It began in 1942 as the Westinghouse Science Talent Search and was sponsored by Westinghouse Electric Corporation until 1998 when Intel became the sponsor. Over the years, 21,000 finalists and semi-finalists have received $13.8 million in awards through the program. It aims to honor exceptional students for their scientific research and potential as future science leaders.
1. The document provides a lesson plan for teaching 8th grade chemistry students about the electrolysis of water.
2. The lesson uses lecture, group discussion, and questioning to develop students' knowledge, attitudes, and process skills regarding electrolysis and the separation of water into hydrogen and oxygen gases.
3. The lesson plan outlines three phases: an introduction, presentation of the electrolysis process, and review through student questioning.
This document discusses the structure of atoms. It explains that atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons are positively charged and have a mass of 1. Neutrons are neutral with a mass of 1. Electrons are negatively charged with nearly no mass. The number of protons determines the element, while the number of neutrons varies between isotopes of the same element. Examples of hydrogen, helium, lithium, and beryllium atoms are given with their proton, neutron, and electron composition.
The Nuffield Science Teaching Project sought to modernize science education for students ages 5 to 18 through new courses in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and junior science. It emphasized hands-on practical work and teaching science as an inquiry process. The Science-A Process Approach (SAPA) program similarly focused on developing students' understanding of science processes over memorization of facts. An evaluation of SAPA found it improved students' skills in cognitive science processes and teachers' understanding of science processes, though had no impact on students' content knowledge.
Work is defined as the force applied to an object multiplied by the displacement of the object. The amount of work depends on both the force acting on an object and how far the object is displaced by that force. Work can be calculated using the formula W=F*s, where W is work, F is force, and s is displacement.
The document summarizes the thermal structure and composition of Earth's atmosphere. It describes that Earth's atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), with smaller amounts of gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor. It also outlines the main layers of the atmosphere - the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere - defining their varying temperature profiles and roles in weather, protection from UV radiation, and absorption of solar energy. Atmospheric pressure is also addressed, noting that standard atmospheric pressure at sea level is approximately 1013 hPa.
The document discusses the periodic table of elements, including that it classifies elements regularly in a table, uses symbols to represent each element, and can be used to find details about elements like their state of matter at room temperature. It notes some elements that are liquids, gases, and solids at room temperature, and identifies Dmitri Mendeleev as the father of the modern periodic table. The questions ask what the picture indicates, what the letters represent, how many total elements there are, and which elements are familiar.
The document discusses the periodic table of elements, including that it classifies elements regularly in a table, uses symbols to represent each element, and can be used to find details about elements like their state of matter at room temperature. It notes some elements that are liquids, gases, and solids at room temperature, and identifies Dmitri Mendeleev as the father of the modern periodic table.
1. The document provides a summary of the story "At則ho束nte臓v" including character details of the main character CStcn and a brief plot summary.
2. It then lists questions that could be asked to students about the story to check their understanding and analyze themes around the difficulties faced by the elderly in society.
3. The teacher leads a discussion with the students about the story and asks further questions to engage them in thinking critically about how society treats the elderly and what can be improved.
The presentation discusses various topics including: (1) Types of communication, (2) Visual communication, (3) Body language. It then lists PowerPoint examples from 2008-2013 including presentations by Arun Sharma, Kapil Dev, Dr. John, Dr. S.N. Subramaniam, and Dr. K.P. Isaac. The document provides an outline of the topics and examples to be covered in the PowerPoint presentation.
The document lists various regional cuisines from around the world including Italian, Indian, American, and others. It mentions foods from Kerala, Rajasthan, Rome, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Haryana without providing details about specific dishes. The high level categories indicate it is a listing of different cultural food traditions.
The document discusses different types of simulations used in education. It describes simulations as very beneficial for students in education by making learning more engaging, practical and relevant. It explains that educational simulations can effectively demonstrate concepts, explore ideas and perspectives, and provide students more time for learning. The document then provides examples of different types of simulations like virtual simulations, augmented reality simulations, and situational simulations. It concludes by stating that simulations are very useful for students in education by making learning more effective and helping students better understand various concepts.
This document summarizes a story titled "The Troubles of the Tribal People" by writer S.H. Kelkar. It discusses how the story explores the author's tribal community and their way of life. The story is being analyzed by anthropologist N.G. Chaudhari. It provides background on both the writer and the anthropologist, and examines key themes in the story such as the tribal people's connection to nature and different aspects of their lives.
Pollution from industries and vehicles releases harmful chemicals and gases into waterways and the air, negatively impacting human health and ecosystems. Factories discharge toxic wastes into rivers, poisoning aquatic life and spreading disease. Emissions from industries and vehicles pollute the air with toxic gases, weakening the ozone layer and increasing global warming. Acid rain caused by these emissions damages buildings, kills fish, and harms forests. Noise pollution from vehicles and loud speakers stresses humans and disrupts their ability to rest and study. Rising pollution levels are depleting groundwater supplies and causing water scarcity.
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