The document discusses negative yes/no questions and tag questions in English. It provides examples of negative yes/no questions using "be", auxiliary verbs, and "do". It then covers tag questions, including their form, meaning, and examples. Exercises are included to practice negative yes/no questions and tag questions.
2. NNeeggaattiivvee YYeess//NNoo QQuueessttiioonnss
A. With Be as the main verb
e.g1. Arent you from Qatar? Meaning?
checking information
Yes, I am.
No, I m not.
e.g2. Isnt that nice? Meaning?
comment on a situation
B. With Auxiliary verbs ( except do)
e.g. Hasnt she been here before?
e.g. Cant you swim?
4. TTaagg QQuueessttiioonnss
A. Form
B. e.g.1 Youre not from Qatar, are you?
e.g.2 You are from Qatar, arent you?
e.g.3 You work on Fridays, dont you?
e.g.4 You dont work on Fridays, do you?
B. Meaning
e.g.1 Its getting warmer, isnt it?
To check information you believe is correct
e.g. 2 Youre not moving, are you?
6. EExxeerrcciisseess
A. Give the right tag question.
1. Youve seen that movie already, .?
2. Were leaving soon, .?
3. They dont live in Doha .?
B. Choose the right word.
1. You .. here a long time, didnt you ( moved,
havent you
arent we
do they
2. There .. a supermarket nearby, isnt there?
( is, was )
couldnt draw
3. Im not sure. You .. a map, could you?
( couldnt draw, could draw, can draw)
7. EExxeerrcciisseess
Find the error in each of the following.
1. You havent seen Bob since yesterday, did you?
2. This is a nice town, isnt this
3. It rains a lot here, isnt it?
4. Sarah couldnt use a computer this well last year, have
5. He knows where we live, does he know?