1. Harini Bambang Wahono dan Abdul Kodir adalah dua aktivis lingkungan hidup di Jakarta yang berjuang untuk menghijaukan kembali kampung mereka, Banjarsari dan Balekambang, dengan membuat taman-taman kecil dan melestarikan hutan di sepanjang Sungai Ciliwung.
What Can I Do To Correct Bad Reviews Written By Customers?
No doubt you've seen examples of unsatisfied customers and business owners going at one another tooth and nail online. If you haven't here's a perfect example of how to damage your own reputation! Having the haters focus on you is no picnic, but burning your or your brand's reputation due to your response is a bit like a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Totally unnecessary.
Sometimes they have a point, sometimes they're as wrong as wrong can be, but your response ought to be consistent. It serves no purpose to take part in a flaming war, or in any manner respond in the negative. Preferably instead, use these tips to help limit the damage to your brand!
- Don't delay in responding - This is important. Don't wait till you've put together the perfect response. Dive in, and show the world that you care enough to get right on it! Responses that are delayed for days or (God forbid!) weeks show the world an entirely different picture: one of indifference, incompetence and stupidity.
- Never, never, NEVER reply in kind! - Whatever you do, don't get into it with them! You will not win, even when you're dead right. It will cast you as the unpleasant business owner and it will grow like a wildfire right before your eyes. Don't be that guy!
- Go offline if at all possible - Try to respond once, and then take the conversation to email, IM or phone.
- If you're too fiery to do this, staff it out! - If you've got the type of personality that loves to mix things up with your critics, then you'd be smart to assign this task to a person on staff who is a bit more reserved.
- Don't delete negative comments - At least initially. If you determine later, that it is not true, and you've responded to the initial complaint well, then maybe. Each case is different. Instead, your handling of the matter should elicit enough positive response to drive the comment down or out of view.
- Personalize it - Always respond with your name, no matter who on your staff is dealing with the customer. Also insist on using their name. (Not your version of it!) It will help in making the conversation more personable and less threatening.
The document outlines the key elements of an action-drama film including genre elements, characters, narrative structure, and opening scene. It describes an opening scene that begins with a fast-paced chase between the hero Lucas Wood and villain Dale Carter, culminating in the death of Lucas's friend Phil which causes him great emotional turmoil. The rest of the film will follow Lucas's decline into revenge-seeking and anti-heroism over the murder, as well as his complex relationship with Carter who is less villainous than first assumed.
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The Howard County Public School System Responsible Use Policy outlines the responsibilities of all individuals when using HCPSS technology and participating in HCPSS sanctioned activities online. All elementary students and their parents must sign the PALS Responsible Use Agreement, wherein students agree to protect equipment and their identity, use appropriate language and actions, act legally when downloading content, and be safe and responsible technology users. More details on the policy can be found by downloading the full 8080 policy from the HCPSS website.
Here is an Infographic explaining why Responsive Design is a must for most organizations, entrepreneurs, and companies. Learn more about Responsive Design website development and the benefits of Responsive Design.
The document discusses plans for an action thriller film. It will follow a 16-year-old girl who wakes up one morning to find everyone has disappeared. She eventually meets a group of other teenagers who were part of a secret government experiment as children and now have matching marks. They work together to try to overthrow the powerful government they believe is responsible for the disappearances. The setting will be an empty London city. The film aims to keep audiences entertained with tension, mystery, and suspense as the characters face dangers from the government.
Neal, Zach, and Brent attend a cooking competition at the mall food court using a new vegetable chopper product. Brent sees his boss Mrs. Armenta in the crowd and tries to avoid her. However, she insists Brent join her team for the competition. Brent has been uncomfortable at work after Mrs. Armenta started calling him by the wrong name, "Grent". During the competition, the teams' dynamics become strained, and Brent stands up to Mrs. Armenta, asserting his real name. Though he wins the chopper, Mrs. Armenta still expects Brent to take on extra coffee duties at work.
Skin care and beauty industry marketing facts. Trends and statistics about the beauty industry, consumer behavior, and marketing. Skin care marketing facts. What works and what does not.
The document discusses AIESEC's official expansion at Prasetiya Mulya Business School. It includes greetings from the Travelism Account Manager, the Local Committee President, and Advisor of AIESEC at the business school. The Student Engagement Manager of the undergraduate business school acknowledges the correspondence.
O documento relata a visita do m辿dium Divaldo Franco cidade de Santa Maria no Rio Grande do Sul. Ele deu uma palestra sobre transtornos psiqui叩tricos e obsessivos para um p炭blico de aproximadamente 4.500 pessoas. O documento tamb辿m menciona projetos de divulga巽達o da doutrina esp鱈rita como outdoors e eventos em centros esp鱈ritas locais.
The document provides instructions for staff at Elkridge ES to access and navigate the school's Hub site. It instructs users to login to the Hub with their username and password, select the Elkridge ES Community, and choose "Discussions" and "Individual Emails" from the dropdown menus in two discussion areas. It also notes that users will receive 7 calendar invites to add from a computer, that computer labs can be checked out from the Exchange Email calendar, and that the staff calendar and updates from Admin should be viewed on the Hub rather than public folders due to a 30 minute delay.
The document discusses plans for an action thriller film. It will follow a 16-year-old girl who wakes up one morning to find everyone has disappeared. She eventually meets a group of other teenagers who were part of a secret government experiment as children and now have matching marks. They work together to try to overthrow the powerful government they believe is responsible for the disappearances. The setting will be an empty London city. The film aims to keep audiences entertained with tension, mystery, and suspense as the characters face dangers from the government.
Neal, Zach, and Brent attend a cooking competition at the mall food court using a new vegetable chopper product. Brent sees his boss Mrs. Armenta in the crowd and tries to avoid her. However, she insists Brent join her team for the competition. Brent has been uncomfortable at work after Mrs. Armenta started calling him by the wrong name, "Grent". During the competition, the teams' dynamics become strained, and Brent stands up to Mrs. Armenta, asserting his real name. Though he wins the chopper, Mrs. Armenta still expects Brent to take on extra coffee duties at work.
Skin care and beauty industry marketing facts. Trends and statistics about the beauty industry, consumer behavior, and marketing. Skin care marketing facts. What works and what does not.
The document discusses AIESEC's official expansion at Prasetiya Mulya Business School. It includes greetings from the Travelism Account Manager, the Local Committee President, and Advisor of AIESEC at the business school. The Student Engagement Manager of the undergraduate business school acknowledges the correspondence.
O documento relata a visita do m辿dium Divaldo Franco cidade de Santa Maria no Rio Grande do Sul. Ele deu uma palestra sobre transtornos psiqui叩tricos e obsessivos para um p炭blico de aproximadamente 4.500 pessoas. O documento tamb辿m menciona projetos de divulga巽達o da doutrina esp鱈rita como outdoors e eventos em centros esp鱈ritas locais.
The document provides instructions for staff at Elkridge ES to access and navigate the school's Hub site. It instructs users to login to the Hub with their username and password, select the Elkridge ES Community, and choose "Discussions" and "Individual Emails" from the dropdown menus in two discussion areas. It also notes that users will receive 7 calendar invites to add from a computer, that computer labs can be checked out from the Exchange Email calendar, and that the staff calendar and updates from Admin should be viewed on the Hub rather than public folders due to a 30 minute delay.
18. jula 1918. godine u jednom selu u blizini Umtate, Transkei na svet je do邸ao Nelson
Rolihlahla Mandela. Roen je u kraljevskoj porodici, koja je pripadalA plemenu Tembu.
Njegov otac, Henry Mandela, kao podpoglavar bio je lan Transkei vea i predsednik
Skup邸tine vea glavnog poglavara Tembua. Nakon smrti njegovog oca brigu o njemu
preuzeo je poglavar Tembua, njegov ujak, koji ga je zapravo odredio za naslednika. Ipak,
on je bio zadivljen sudskim procesima plemena i u njemu se javila 転elja da postane
advokat. Prie starih pripadnika plemena o ratovima u kojima su branili svoju otad転binu,
podstakle su ga da sanja o tome kako e i on dati doprinos u borbi za slobodu svoga
I邸ao je u Clarkebury Training College, a
kasnije je maturu pripremao na metodski
usmerenoj Vi邸oj 邸koli Healdtown. Kratko
nakon toga Mandela je dospeo do Fort Hare
College u Aliceu u istonoj Kap provinciji,
gde se pokazao kao voa studenata, jer je
organizovao bojkot predavanja. 1940.
godine oti邸ao je u Johannesburg, odakle je
zavr邸io koled転 kao vanredni student, te
poeo sa studijama pravnih nauka. 1944.
godine prikljuio se ANC-u.
4. ANC
Liga mladih ANC-a pod vodstvom Anton Lembedea postala je skuplja
kritika zbog formi i politikih sadr転aja nacionalnog pokreta. Pored Nelsona
Mandele ostali lanovi Lige bili su, izmeu ostalog, William Nkomo, Walter
Sisulu, Oliver Tambo i Ashby Mda. Liga mladih postavila je sebi zadatak, da
ANC uini masovnim pokretom, koji bi trebao zastupati radnike, seljake i
zaposlene. Mandela je lagao svoje drugove, zadivio disciplinovanim radom i
predanim naporima, te je 1947. godine izabran za generalnog sekretara Lige
mladih. Predanim radom, kampanjama u samoj osnovi, te izrekom Inyaniso
(Istina) liga mladih mogla se nadmetati i za vodei nivo samog ANC-a
Podstaknuta pobedom nacionalne
partije 1948. godine, do koje je
do邸lo zbog apartheida u samoj
osnovici dru邸tva, Liga mladih
inspirisala je akcijsko delovanje
koje je bojkot, 邸trajk,
neposlu邸nost graana i
nesaradnju oznailo svojim
oru転jem, 邸to je prihvaeno kao
zvanini program ANC-a
Ovaj program akcije razradili su David
Bopape, Ashby Mda, Nelson Mandela,
James Njongwe, Walter Sisulu i Oliver
Tambo. Zbog implementacije istog
stare snage u vodstvu bile su
zamenjene mladima, te je Walter Sisulu
preuzeo funkciju generalnog sekretara.
Konzervativni dr. A.B. Xuma izgubio
je svoju predsedniku poziciju u korist
dr. J.S. Moroka, koji je va転io kao
izrazito militantan.
Program Lige mladih ciljao je, pre
svega, na potpuno odr転anje
dr転avljanstva, te na recipronu
parlamentarnu zastupljenost svih
graana Ju転ne Afrike. Pri tom se
poseban akcenat polagao na podelu
zamlje, pravo na sindikate, kao i na
obrazovanje i kulturu. Obavezno
osnovno obrazovanje trebalo je biti
uvedeno za svu decu, kao i masovno
usavr邸avanje odraslih.
6. Krajem 1951. godine ANC je usvojio plan akcija za kampanju nepo邸tovanja
zakona apartheida. Zvanini poetak odreen je za 26. juni 1952. godine. 6.
aprila 1952. godine ANC je pozvao na masovni protest zbog proslave 300godi邸njice dolaska prvih evropskih doseljenika u Kap. Mandela je putovao kroz
celu zemlju da bi organizovao ove proteste. Zbog svog rada u toku ove
kampanje izveden je pred sud, osuen na devet meseci zatvora i prisilnog rada.
Osim toga dobio je i zabranu uestvovanja na bilo kakvoj javnoj manifestaciji u
trajanju od 邸est meseci nakon izdr転avanja kazne, i njegova dozvola boravka
ograniena je samo na Johannesburg.
Upravo u ovo vreme on je zavr邸avao studij, te je dobio zvanje advokata. Zajedno sa prijateljem
Oliver Tamboom otvorio je advokatsku kancelariju u Johannesburgu. Zbog njegovih zasluga u
toku Defiance kampanje imenovan je za predsednika Lige mladih i ANC-a u regionu Transvaal, a
krajem 1952. godine za zamjenika predsednika ANC-a.
O svojim iskustvima u advokatskoj kancelariji Oliver Tambo je aprila 1993. godine, kratko pre
svoje smrti, napisao:
"To reach our desks each morning Nelson and I ran the gauntlet of patient queues of people
overflowing from the chairs in the waiting room into the corridors (...). To be landless (in South
Africa) can be a crime, and weekly we interviewed the delegations of peasants who came to tell us
how many generations their families had worked a little piece of land from which they were now
being ejected (...). To live in the wrong area can be a crime (...). Our buff office files carried
thousands of these stories and if, when we started our law partnership, we had not been rebels
against apartheid, our experiences in our offices would have remedied the deficiency. We had risen
to professional status in our community,
but every case in court,
every visit to the prisons
to interview clients,
reminded us of the humiliation
and suffering burning into our people."
Vlada je poku邸ala da Mandeli oduzme advokatsku dozvolu na osnovu optu転bi koje
su protiv njega podignute. Ipak, Vrhovni sud je odluio da je on asno slu転io svojim
crnim sugraanima, te da nije uinio ni邸ta zbog ega bi mu se oduzela licenca da radi
kao advokat.
Mandela je svoj politiki rad u to vreme koncentrisao na razradu plana koji je trebao
organizatorski uvrstiti ANC zbog zao邸travanja uslova borbe. Plan je po njemu dobio
ime "M-plan". 50-tih godina on je igrao veliku ulogu u borbi protiv Bantu - odgoja i
u popularizaciji Freedom Charter. U drugoj polovini 50-tih godina okrenuo se borbi
protiv iskori邸tavanja rada, Zakona o paso邸ima i segregacije "otvorenih" Univerziteta.
Ve rano on je otkrio da Bantustan - politika zapravo predstavlja privredni apsurd.
Njemu je bilo sasvim jasno da e vrlo brzo doi vreme masovnih ogranienja,
politikih progona i policijskog terora.
50-tih godina Mandela je bio 転rtva razliitih formi pritiska i tlaenja. Bio je
hap邸en i zatvaran. Nakon Sharpeville masakra 1960. godine ANC je zabranjen, a
Mandela pod optu転bom da je poinio veleizdaju biva zatvoren. Mandela i jo邸 150
drugih uesnika demonstracija su bili okrivljeni da su u ime internacionalnog
komunizma planirali pu i svrgavanje vlasti ju転noafrike dr転ave. Tome je
odgovarala smrtna kazna. Sudski proces zbog veleizdaje zavr邸en je 1961. godine,
kada je Ju転na Afrika bila na putu da postane Republika i svi optu転eni pu邸teni su
uz kauciju.
Po邸to je ANC sada bio ilegalna organizacija, moralo se raditi u tajnosti. U martu 1961.
godine 1400 delegata sastali su se na All-In African Conference pod vodstvom ANC-a. U
revnosnom govoru Mandela je pozvao apartheid-re転im da sazove Skup邸tinu koja e
predstavljati sve graane Ju転ne Afrike, te da razradi Ustav koji e poivati na
demokratskim principima. Ukoliko ne doe do ispunjenja ovog zahteva, upozorio je,
veina stanovni邸tva (dakle, crnci) e sveanost progla邸enja Republike doekati masovnim
邸trajkom.Mandela se odmah nakon toga dao na posao da u tajnosti organizuje borbu. Iako
je uspeo mobilizisati manje ljudi nego 邸to je oekivao, ipak je nai邸ao na znaajnu podr邸ku
邸irom zemlje. Vlada je odgovorila najveom vojnom mobilizacijom od rata pa na ovamo,
a Republika Ju転na Afrika roena je u atmosferi straha i strepnje.
Mandela je morao 転ivjeti odvojeno od svoje porodice, te je stalno menjao mesto boravka
da ga vladini 邸pijuni i svugde prisutni informanti ne bi otkrili. Nekad je bio odeven kao
radnik, nekad kao 邸ofer. U to vreme sa ostalim vodstvom ANC-a on je osnovao jedan
drugi militarni ogranak ANC-a Umkhonto we Sizwe, koji se pripremao za nasilno
re邸avanje stvari. U procesu koji se odigrao ne邸to kasnije Mandela obja邸njava:
"At the beginning of June 1961, after long and anxious assessment of the South African
situation, I and some colleagues came to the conclusion that as violence in this country
was inevitable, it would be wrong and unrealistic for African leaders to continue preaching
peace and non-violence at a time when the government met our peaceful demands with
force. It was only when all else had failed, when all channels of peaceful protest had been
barred to us, that the decision was made to embark on violent forms of political struggle,
and to form Umkhonto we Sizwe (...). The Government had left us no other choice."
11. februara 1990. godine osloboen, Mandela je odmah poeo sa radom da bi
postigao ciljeve koje je sebi zacrtao pre etiri decenije.1991. godine na prvoj
Godi邸njoj konferenciji ANC-a, nakon 邸to je on to 1990. godine odobrio, Mandela
je imenovan za predsednika.
Nelson Mandela se nikada nije dvoumio po pitanju demokratije i jednakosti.
Uprkos provokacijama, on nikada na rasizam nije odgovorio rasizmom. Njegov
転ivot je inspiracija za sve one u Ju転noj Africi i u celom svijetu, za sve one koji
転ive potlaeni ili kao graani drugog reda, za sve one koji 転ele to da pobede.
1993. godine Nelson Mandela je dobio Nobelovu nagradu za mir, a 1994. godine
nakon prvih op邸tih izbora u Ju転noj Africi postao je predsednikom Ju転ne Afrike.
1999. godine on se povukao iz politikog 転ivota
5. Decembra 2013. Nelson
Mandela je preminuo u 95.
godini 転ivota okru転en porodicom
i prijateljima.
15. Kada voda pone kljuati glupo je gasiti 邸poret.
Dobra glava i dobro srce su uvek jaka kombinacija.
Shvatio sam da hrabrost nije odsustvo straha, ve trijumf nad njim. Hrabar
ovek nije neko ko ne osea strah, ve neko ko ga pobedi.
Ako pria邸 s ovekom na jeziku koji on razume, to odlazi u njegovu glavu.
Ako pria邸 s ovekom na njegovom jeziku, to odlazi u njegovo srce.
Nakon penjanja na veliko brdo, ovek otkrije da ima jo邸 mnogo brda na
koja se treba popeti.
16. Obrazovanje je najmonije oru転je koje
mo転ete upotrebiti da promenite svet!