Ella is a legendary Malaysian rock star from the 1980s known as the "Queen of Rock". She is preparing to release a new, mellower album focusing on quality music and lyrics. Despite her success, Ella remains down-to-earth and grateful for her loyal fans. She has also recently launched her own health and beauty product line.
Dasha Logan is an up-and-coming jazz singer who had a surprise hit last year. Between gigs, recording her debut album, and traveling between London and Malaysia, Dasha is dedicated to her music career, especially jazz which she says is more challenging.
Bil Musa is a soft-spoken indie-folk singer who has been signed to Y
Dr. Marja Tuomela and her research team are developing more sustainable and eco-efficient methods for bioremediating contaminated soils using lignin-degrading fungi. Their key objectives are to create a method that destroys organic contaminants without forming toxic byproducts, and that is less expensive and energy-intensive than traditional approaches. Through field and laboratory experiments, they have identified fungal strains like Phanerochaete velutina that can effectively degrade recalcitrant pollutants like dioxins in soil. Scaling up treatment and evaluating eco-efficiency indicators could enable the widespread adoption of this fungal bioremediation technique by soil remediation industries.
This study conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of risk factors for agricultural injury. 31 studies were analyzed to determine pooled odds ratios for various risk factors. The risk factors found to significantly increase risk of injury were: male gender (OR 1.68), full-time farming (OR 2.17), farm owner/operator status (OR 1.64), regular medication use (OR 1.57), prior injury history (OR 1.75), stress or depression (OR 1.86), and hearing loss (OR 2.01). Having a health problem was not found to significantly increase risk (OR 1.21). Identifying significant risk factors can help target prevention efforts and control for potential confounding in intervention studies.
This document provides a weekly schedule for a third grade student for the week of May 16-20, 2016. It includes assignments for reading, math, language arts, and Wordly Wise each day. It reminds the student to bring a book to read daily and lists upcoming events including the last day for Reading Counts quizzes, presenting the Wordly Wise hat project, returning library books, an end of year pool party, and an early dismissal for Farmer's Day.
This document appears to be a menu for the Ranger 1 restaurant located at El Tovar, featuring appetizers, entrees, and desserts. Appetizer options include the AAAACK!!!! for $4.50 which comes with a choice of roll, and the Trash Can Fritter for $5.65 which includes a choice of sauce and side. Entree selections are the Pine-Water Wonder for $11.50 described as a protein shake, the Here Today, Gone Tomorrow for $10.99 which contains fossils, and the largest option the Ginormous Hole in the Ground for $19.95. Desserts listed are the Hungry Hiker's Hot Chocolate for $4.00
Samuel Taylor has over 15 years of experience in finance, accounting, and business administration. He has a strong background with SAP, Microsoft Office, and financial reporting. His most recent role was as a Finance Administrator at Milliken where he created reports, entered payroll time, and supported plant operations.
2014.03.11- INCLUSO E CIDADANIA - presidi叩rios de porto alegre fazem documen...CarMela Gr端ne
O documento descreve um projeto social no Pres鱈dio Central de Porto Alegre no qual presidi叩rios dependentes qu鱈micos em tratamento participam de oficinas culturais e produzem um curta-metragem sobre a vida no c叩rcere. O projeto visa ajudar os detentos na luta contra as drogas.
JPMA, Mill Coupling used in Suigar Industry.
Mill coupling is installed for torque transmission from the final speed reduction gear/ Planetary Gear to the mill top roller.
In spite of the numerous shortcomings of the tail bar system, it was universally used simply because there was no better alternative before the introduction of Rope coupling / JPMA Mill Coupling.
JPMA Mill coupling completely replaces the conventional tail bar and square coupling assembly.
The document provides a resume for Kalaiselvi Ravindran. It outlines her objective to find a job providing growth, excellence, and satisfaction. It details her education in pharmaceutical manufacturing and accounting. Her experience includes packaging roles for cosmetics and plastics companies utilizing skills in GMP, SOPs, and WHMIS. Additional experience includes data entry, customer service, and payroll clerk roles.
Resume Parth Trivedi B.E. Mechanical (2)PARTH TRIVEDI
Trivedi Parth V. is seeking a position that utilizes his skills and provides opportunities for professional and personal development. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from S.S.E.C, Sidsar, Bhavnagar with good academic performance. His areas of interest include engineering design, mechanics, and power plant engineering. He has work experience as a trainee assistant mechanical engineer and has completed training programs in casting, manufacturing, and steel production. Parth is looking to gain more experience and has the communication skills and willingness to learn required for the role.
Time Series data is proliferating with literally every step that we take, just think about things like Fit Bit bracelets that track your every move and financial trading data all of which is timestamped.
Time series data requires high performance reads and writes even with a huge number of data sources. Both speed and scale are integral to success, which makes for a unique challenge for your database.
A time series NoSQL data model requires flexibility to support unstructured, and semi-structured data as well as the ability to write range queries to analyze your time series data. So how can you tackle speed, scale and flexibility all at once?
Join Professional Services Architect Drew Kerrigan and Developer Advocate Matt Brender for a discussion of:
Examples of time series data sets, from IoT to Finance to jet engines
What makes time series queries different from other database queries
How to model your dataset to answer the right questions about your data
How to store, query and analyze a set of time series data points
Learn how a NoSQL database model and Riak TS can help you address the unique challenges of time series data.
Apache Cassandra and Python for Analyzing Streaming Big Data prajods
This presentation was made at the Open Source India Conference Nov 2015. It explains how Apache Spark, pySpark, Cassandra, Node.js and D3.js can be used for creating a platform for visualizing and analyzing streaming big data
El documento resume la historia del desarrollo del computador desde sus inicios en el siglo XIX hasta la era moderna. Joseph Marie Jacquard dise単坦 el primer telar autom叩tico usando placas perforadas para controlar patrones, mientras que Herman Hollerith us坦 tarjetas perforadas para procesar datos censales en 1890. M叩s tarde, Charles Babbage y Ada Lovelace elaboraron los principios de la computadora digital moderna con m叩quinas como la m叩quina anal鱈tica. En la actualidad, los circuitos integrados permiten miles de transistores en un solo sustrato de
Samuel Taylor has over 15 years of experience in finance, accounting, and business administration. He has a strong background with SAP, Microsoft Office, and financial reporting. His most recent role was as a Finance Administrator at Milliken where he created reports, entered payroll time, and supported plant operations.
2014.03.11- INCLUSO E CIDADANIA - presidi叩rios de porto alegre fazem documen...CarMela Gr端ne
O documento descreve um projeto social no Pres鱈dio Central de Porto Alegre no qual presidi叩rios dependentes qu鱈micos em tratamento participam de oficinas culturais e produzem um curta-metragem sobre a vida no c叩rcere. O projeto visa ajudar os detentos na luta contra as drogas.
JPMA, Mill Coupling used in Suigar Industry.
Mill coupling is installed for torque transmission from the final speed reduction gear/ Planetary Gear to the mill top roller.
In spite of the numerous shortcomings of the tail bar system, it was universally used simply because there was no better alternative before the introduction of Rope coupling / JPMA Mill Coupling.
JPMA Mill coupling completely replaces the conventional tail bar and square coupling assembly.
The document provides a resume for Kalaiselvi Ravindran. It outlines her objective to find a job providing growth, excellence, and satisfaction. It details her education in pharmaceutical manufacturing and accounting. Her experience includes packaging roles for cosmetics and plastics companies utilizing skills in GMP, SOPs, and WHMIS. Additional experience includes data entry, customer service, and payroll clerk roles.
Resume Parth Trivedi B.E. Mechanical (2)PARTH TRIVEDI
Trivedi Parth V. is seeking a position that utilizes his skills and provides opportunities for professional and personal development. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from S.S.E.C, Sidsar, Bhavnagar with good academic performance. His areas of interest include engineering design, mechanics, and power plant engineering. He has work experience as a trainee assistant mechanical engineer and has completed training programs in casting, manufacturing, and steel production. Parth is looking to gain more experience and has the communication skills and willingness to learn required for the role.
Time Series data is proliferating with literally every step that we take, just think about things like Fit Bit bracelets that track your every move and financial trading data all of which is timestamped.
Time series data requires high performance reads and writes even with a huge number of data sources. Both speed and scale are integral to success, which makes for a unique challenge for your database.
A time series NoSQL data model requires flexibility to support unstructured, and semi-structured data as well as the ability to write range queries to analyze your time series data. So how can you tackle speed, scale and flexibility all at once?
Join Professional Services Architect Drew Kerrigan and Developer Advocate Matt Brender for a discussion of:
Examples of time series data sets, from IoT to Finance to jet engines
What makes time series queries different from other database queries
How to model your dataset to answer the right questions about your data
How to store, query and analyze a set of time series data points
Learn how a NoSQL database model and Riak TS can help you address the unique challenges of time series data.
Apache Cassandra and Python for Analyzing Streaming Big Data prajods
This presentation was made at the Open Source India Conference Nov 2015. It explains how Apache Spark, pySpark, Cassandra, Node.js and D3.js can be used for creating a platform for visualizing and analyzing streaming big data
El documento resume la historia del desarrollo del computador desde sus inicios en el siglo XIX hasta la era moderna. Joseph Marie Jacquard dise単坦 el primer telar autom叩tico usando placas perforadas para controlar patrones, mientras que Herman Hollerith us坦 tarjetas perforadas para procesar datos censales en 1890. M叩s tarde, Charles Babbage y Ada Lovelace elaboraron los principios de la computadora digital moderna con m叩quinas como la m叩quina anal鱈tica. En la actualidad, los circuitos integrados permiten miles de transistores en un solo sustrato de
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