Every year Asphyxia kills 8,11,000 babies. These babies can be saved by simple resuscitation followed by suction.
Neobreathe’s single person resuscitation care has in built resuscitation + mechanical suction. Its remarkably convenient & user friendly design helps in complete infant care.
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Neobreathe ( world’s first foot operated resuscitation care )
1. Phoenix Medical Systems (P) Ltd, INDIA
We Work towards reducing child mortality rates and to improve maternal health
2. More than 80% of newborns suffering from
birth asphyxia can be saved through the
lifesaving procedure of resuscitation.
Traditionally bag & mask is used to
resuscitate the baby.
4. Neobreathe makes resuscitation easier and comfortable to use.
• Neobreathe is a fully mechanical device.
• It provides positive pressure ventilation & airway
suction to infants up to 5 kg’s.
• The device consists of a foot pedal module, a circuit &
airway interface (re-useable masks).
5. Even age old bag & mask has its own drawbacks
Self - inflating Bag mask
► Single handed mask holding. One hand occupied with
► High leakage chances without proper training.
► No pressure monitoring
► Pressure often overshoots.
► Assistant required.
►Uncontrolled oxygen delivery
6. Need of separate suction unit
Electric suction
Needs Electricity
Foot suction Mouth sucker
7. 09/04/18
1. Single hand operation - CPR can be given by single person.
2. No assistance required.
3. Efficient multi tasking.
4. Both hands are free for better seal & leakage
5. Pressure can be monitored in manometer
6. PEEP - positive pressure can be controlled.
7. Parallel suction can be performed in a single device.
Neobreathe fills the gaps in age old traditional method
8. Efficacy
1.Both hands occupied
2.Need for assistance
3.Inferior pressure control
4.No pressure monitoring
6.No FiO2 Regulation
1.Cannot work without O2
2.Requires compressed
air for FiO2 Regulation
3.Expensive disposable circuits
4.No integrated suction
1.Easy to use, convenient
2.Frees one hand
3.No need for assistance
4.Superior pressure Safety
5.Pressure monitoring
7.FiO2 Regulation without Compressed air
8.Reusable circuits
9.Integrated Suction
10.Works manually
Comparison between Neobreathe, bag & mask & Infant resuscitator.
Compact, mechanically foot operated device. Unit
is completely autoclavable.
Quick treatment to infant with ease of use &
Single handed operation Gives extra care - CPR, compressions, auscultations.
Resuscitation + suction in a single care device Complete care for baby
PEEP can be delivered.
PEEP can be set between 2.5 to 10.
Consistent PEEP helps in functional residual capacity
in infants.
Very affordable for clinicians. Enhanced treatment
Neobreathe benefits
10. NeoBreathe received the BIRAC National Award from the Honorable President of India on
National Technology Day
Invented at R&D Partners Supported by & IP owned by Commercial Launch Partner
12. Johannesberg, SA
Pholosong Hospital
Lagos, Nigeria
Bamako, Mali
Gabriel Tourre Hospital
Kenya, (many cities)
MH Group HospitalsPeru
Ivory coast Rwanda
Spread across India and global
13. Dr. Surender Bisht, MD
“NeoBreathe is our residents’ preferred device in the labor room and OT. They
describe benefits in the same words as the product literature – without having seen
Senior Specialist, Pediatrics,
Swami Dayanand Hospital, Shahdara, Delhi
• We have been using NeoBreathe in both our
Labor room and OT at Swami Dayanand
Hospital regularly
• Residents seem to take a natural preference
towards NeoBreathe
• They say the freed hand allows them to feel
in control
• Foot operation causes lesser fatigue
Customer testimonial
14. Dr. Somashekhar Nimbalkar,
“Freeing one hand, NeoBreathe allows better control over resuscitation. It also allows
us to manage pressure – these are the biggest advantages ”
Prof. and Head, Pediatrics,
PS Medical College and SK Hospital, Anand, Gujarat
• We have been using NeoBreathe at Shree
Krishna Hospital for 1.5 years
• At 4 to 5 resuscitations per month, we must
have used it for over 80 babies by now.
• We have also done some comparative
studies, broadly the results point toward
_equivalence to routine bag and mask.
Customer testimonial
15. Thank you
Phoenix drives to work towards a future where every Newborn has access to
high - quality Medical care