Neotool is a command line utility that ships with Py2neo and provides facilities for Cypher execution, Geoff imports and XML to Geoff conversion. These slides are from a Neo4j lightning talk on 29 Aug 2013 and are based on the upcoming Py2neo 1.6 release.
2. Usage
$ neotool <options> <command> <args>
$ python -m py2neo.tool <options> <command> <args>
clear Clear all nodes and relationships
cypher <query> Execute Cypher query and output as text
cypher-csv <query> Execute Cypher query and output as CSV
cypher-geoff <query> Execute Cypher query and output as Geoff
cypher-json <query> Execute Cypher query and output as JSON
cypher-tsv <query> Execute Cypher query and output as tab separated values
geoff-insert <file> Insert Geoff data
geoff-merge <file> Merge Geoff data
xml-geoff <file> Convert XML data to Geoff data
py2neo 1.6 @technige